If you use Terrier during the course of your research, please cite:
Craig Macdonald, Richard McCreadie, Rodrygo Santos and Iadh Ounis. From Puppy to Maturity: Experiences in Developing Terrier. In Proceedings of the SIGIR 2012 Workshop in Open Source Information Retrieval. [PDF] [BibTex] (Preferred)
Iadh Ounis, Christina Lioma, Craig Macdonald, and Vassilis Plachouras. Research Directions in Terrier: a Search Engine for Advanced Retrieval on the Web. In Novatica/UPGRADE Special Issue on Next Generation Web Search, 8(1):49–56, 2007. [PDF] [BibTex]
Iadh Ounis, Gianni Amati, Vassilis Plachouras, Ben He, Craig Macdonald, and Christina Lioma. Terrier: A High Performance and Scalable Information Retrieval Platform. In Proceedings of ACM SIGIR’06 Workshop on Open Source Information Retrieval (OSIR 2006). 10th August, 2006. Seattle, Washington, USA. [PDF] [BibTeX]
Iadh Ounis, Gianni Amati, Vassilis Plachouras, Ben He, Craig Macdonald and Douglas Johnson. Terrier Information Retrieval Platform. In Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 05). [PDF] [BibTeX]
In addition, if you are developing upon one or more of the following Terrier packages then please cite the associated paper as well:
org.terrier.learning: Craig Macdonald, Rodrygo L.T. Santos, Iadh Ounis and Ben He. About Learning Models with Multiple Query Dependent Features. Transactions on Information Systems. 31(3):1-39. 2013. [PDF] [Bibtex]
org.terrier.compression.bit and org.terrier.compression.integer: Matteo Catena, Craig Macdonald, Iadh Ounis: On Inverted Index Compression for Search Engine Efficiency. In: Proc. ECIR ’14 (2014) [PDF] [Bibtex]
And link to the Terrier Website from your homepage!
The TerrierTeam Publications page has more references about the deployment of Terrier in Information Retrieval research.
Webpage: http://terrier.org
Contact: School of Computing Science
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