- ## Hi there 👋 - 🔭 I Used to be a Android Developer and I am now a iOS developer,and have a little UI Design Skill - 😄 I'm on my way to becoming an indie developer! 23333 ^ V ^ - 😊 I desperately hope to be able to convey some of my ideas through the design and code in my app. - 📫 Contract with me with Email: [email protected] - 👋 My Blog Site : http://tbfungeek.github.io/ **May world peace and Fuck COVID-19** - ## My Apps - [叮咚熊](https://apps.apple.com/app/id1574272868) - [Top Tags](https://apps.apple.com/app/top-tags/id1589642043) - [BeatMap](https://apps.apple.com/app/id6446179017)