- Input: a path to your evernote files in html format
- Output: a network visualization of your notes over time based on auto-generated tags
- demo: http://evernoteviz.com
- python 2.x
- java
- maven
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- Export as HTML all of your evernote notes to a folder using the desktop client
python run.py <path to directory of notes>
This will...
- Autogenerate tags for each of your notes using Wikipedia Miner (N.B. this entails sending the text of your notes to the wikipedia miner toolkit over http as the service isn't available over https! Only use with non-sensitive data)
- Computes pairwise similarity between each set of notes according to their tags
- Outputs a graph in .gexf format based on these nodes and edges.
- Driver for layout and modularity calculation which utilizes gephi toolkit
To build fat jar execute:
- mvn clean compile assembly:single
To layout the graph using the ForceAtlas2 algorithm and color nodes according to communities output from modularity algorithm run:
- java -jar target/LayoutPlugin-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar <inputFilePath> <outputFilePath>
- Copy network.gexf and accTags.json files to the public subfolder of web and load index.html in a (modern) web browser