Each step, I have (void-function \(setf\ gdb-table-right-align\))
error. When I enable debug on error, I get this trace:
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function \(setf\ gdb-table-right-align\))
\(setf\ gdb-table-right-align\)(t #s(gdb-table :column-sizes (1 5 24 0) :rows (("A" "Type" "Where/On" nil) (#("n" 0 1 (font-lock-face font-lock-doc-face)) "Excep" "Raised Exceptions" nil) (#("y" 0 1 (font-lock-face font-lock-warning-face)) "Excep" "Uncaught Exceptions" nil) (#("n" 0 1 (font-lock-face font-lock-doc-face)) "Excep" "User Uncaught Exceptions" nil)) :row-properties (nil (dape--info-exception (:filter "raised" :label "Raised Exceptions" :default :json-false :description "Break whenever any exception is raised." :enabled nil) mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (13 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (57 . digit-argument) (56 . digit-argument) (55 . digit-argument) (54 . digit-argument) (53 . digit-argument) (52 . digit-argument) (51 . digit-argument) (50 . digit-argument) (49 . digit-argument) (48 . digit-argument) (45 . negative-argument) (remap keymap (self-insert-command . undefined))) help-echo "mouse-2, RET: toggle exception") (dape--info-exception (:filter "uncaught" :label "Uncaught Exceptions" :default t :description "Break when the process is exiting due to unhandled exception." :enabled t) mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (13 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (57 . digit-argument) (56 . digit-argument) (55 . digit-argument) (54 . digit-argument) (53 . digit-argument) (52 . digit-argument) (51 . digit-argument) (50 . digit-argument) (49 . digit-argument) (48 . digit-argument) (45 . negative-argument) (remap keymap (self-insert-command . undefined))) help-echo "mouse-2, RET: toggle exception") (dape--info-exception (:filter "userUnhandled" :label "User Uncaught Exceptions" :default :json-false :description "Break when exception escapes into library code." :enabled nil) mouse-face highlight keymap (keymap (follow-link . mouse-face) (mouse-2 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (13 . dape-info-exceptions-toggle) (57 . digit-argument) (56 . digit-argument) (55 . digit-argument) (54 . digit-argument) (53 . digit-argument) (52 . digit-argument) (51 . digit-argument) (50 . digit-argument) (49 . digit-argument) (48 . digit-argument) (45 . negative-argument) (remap keymap (self-insert-command . undefined))) help-echo "mouse-2, RET: toggle exception")) :right-align nil))
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0x191fd00f3d0c0d25>)()
dape--info-call-update-with(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode -0x191fd00f3d0c0d25>))
#f(compiled-function (&optional ignore-auto noconfirm preserve-modes) "Revert buffer function for MAJOR-MODE `dape-info-breakpoints-mode'." #<bytecode 0x1e6e2357ffe879a9>)(nil nil)
apply(#f(compiled-function (&optional ignore-auto noconfirm preserve-modes) "Revert buffer function for MAJOR-MODE `dape-info-breakpoints-mode'." #<bytecode 0x1e6e2357ffe879a9>) (nil nil))
#f(compiled-function (&rest args) #<bytecode -0x85895202cf02382>)()
#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x10f74238ef7556f>)()
apply(#f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x10f74238ef7556f>) nil)
timer-event-handler([t 26286 20352 122755 nil #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0x10f74238ef7556f>) nil nil 634000 nil])
I noticed when I get this error, the "Locals" and "Globals" sections of the dape-info window aren't visible.
It seems that this issue happens when dape-buffer-window-arrangement
is set to gud
No labels