# Execute JavaScript from Go
This is a fork of https://github.com/tommie/v8go, which is a fork of
https://github.com/rogchap/v8go at v0.9.0.
The purpose of this fork is to add support for functionality needed in
v8 has a lot of capabilities that aren't exposed in v8go. Features added here
will should see their way into https://github.com/tommie/v8go
Features added here
- `Inspector`, and a custom `InspectorClient`
- This is the foundation for attaching a debugger. Currently, only routing
`console` messages to Go code is implemented
- Support for
- `FunctionTemplate::Inherit`
- `FunctionTemplate::InstanceTemplate()`
- `FunctionTemplate::PrototypeTemplate()`
- `Object::SetPrototype` / `Object::GetPrototype`
- `ObjectTemplate::SetAccessorProperty`
- `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler` (allowing indexed property getters in Go)
- Store pointers as `external` values on a v8 object.
- This may not be that usable though, as you need to pin Go objects. Storing
them in a map may seem like a better option in most cases.
Most of the features mentioned exist as POC code in a branch in this repo.
Original readme from tommie/v8go follows
[](https://goreportcard.com/report/github.com/tommie/v8go)
[](https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/tommie/v8go)
[](https://github.com/tommie/v8go/actions/workflows/test.yml)
## Relation to `rogchap.com/v8go`
This is a fork of https://github.com/rogchap/v8go at v0.9.0.
Major differences include
* Android amd64/arm64 support.
* Works with the new Chromium release dashboard (used to find what the stable version of V8 is).
* Actually upgrades V8.
See https://github.com/rogchap/v8go/issues/399.
* Splits the v8 static libraries to work around the [GitHub file size limit](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/working-with-files/managing-large-files/about-large-files-on-github#file-size-limits) of 100 MB.
The splitter doesn't care about dependencies, so binutils `ld` requires `--start-group` around them.
Notably, the XCode `ld` doesn't care about ordering.
* [Support](https://github.com/rogchap/v8go/pull/194) for JS Symbols.
* [Support](https://github.com/rogchap/v8go/pull/195) for native exceptions and `FunctionCallback` returning an error.
* A rebuilt build pipeline, being more consistent.
* We now build everything at once.
Originally, the build pipeline left the master branch inconsistent between header files and libraries of individual architectures.
* The library builder commits directly, without a PR, avoiding PR blow-up.
* Using ccache, based on https://github.com/kuoruan/libv8.
## Usage
import v8 "github.com/tommie/v8go"
### Running a script
ctx := v8.NewContext() // creates a new V8 context with a new Isolate aka VM
ctx.RunScript("const add = (a, b) => a + b", "math.js") // executes a script on the global context
ctx.RunScript("const result = add(3, 4)", "main.js") // any functions previously added to the context can be called
val, _ := ctx.RunScript("result", "value.js") // return a value in JavaScript back to Go
fmt.Printf("addition result: %s", val)
### One VM, many contexts
iso := v8.NewIsolate() // creates a new JavaScript VM
ctx1 := v8.NewContext(iso) // new context within the VM
ctx1.RunScript("const multiply = (a, b) => a * b", "math.js")
ctx2 := v8.NewContext(iso) // another context on the same VM
if _, err := ctx2.RunScript("multiply(3, 4)", "main.js"); err != nil {
// this will error as multiply is not defined in this context
### JavaScript function with Go callback
iso := v8.NewIsolate() // create a new VM
// a template that represents a JS function
printfn := v8.NewFunctionTemplate(iso, func(info *v8.FunctionCallbackInfo) *v8.Value {
fmt.Printf("%v", info.Args()) // when the JS function is called this Go callback will execute
return nil // you can return a value back to the JS caller if required
global := v8.NewObjectTemplate(iso) // a template that represents a JS Object
global.Set("print", printfn) // sets the "print" property of the Object to our function
ctx := v8.NewContext(iso, global) // new Context with the global Object set to our object template
ctx.RunScript("print('foo')", "print.js") // will execute the Go callback with a single argunent 'foo'
### Update a JavaScript object from Go
ctx := v8.NewContext() // new context with a default VM
obj := ctx.Global() // get the global object from the context
obj.Set("version", "v1.0.0") // set the property "version" on the object
val, _ := ctx.RunScript("version", "version.js") // global object will have the property set within the JS VM
fmt.Printf("version: %s", val)
if obj.Has("version") { // check if a property exists on the object
obj.Delete("version") // remove the property from the object
### JavaScript errors
val, err := ctx.RunScript(src, filename)
if err != nil {
e := err.(*v8.JSError) // JavaScript errors will be returned as the JSError struct
fmt.Println(e.Message) // the message of the exception thrown
fmt.Println(e.Location) // the filename, line number and the column where the error occurred
fmt.Println(e.StackTrace) // the full stack trace of the error, if available
fmt.Printf("javascript error: %v", e) // will format the standard error message
fmt.Printf("javascript stack trace: %+v", e) // will format the full error stack trace
### Pre-compile context-independent scripts to speed-up execution times
For scripts that are large or are repeatedly run in different contexts,
it is beneficial to compile the script once and used the cached data from that
compilation to avoid recompiling every time you want to run it.
source := "const multiply = (a, b) => a * b"
iso1 := v8.NewIsolate() // creates a new JavaScript VM
ctx1 := v8.NewContext(iso1) // new context within the VM
script1, _ := iso1.CompileUnboundScript(source, "math.js", v8.CompileOptions{}) // compile script to get cached data
val, _ := script1.Run(ctx1)
cachedData := script1.CreateCodeCache()
iso2 := v8.NewIsolate() // create a new JavaScript VM
ctx2 := v8.NewContext(iso2) // new context within the VM
script2, _ := iso2.CompileUnboundScript(source, "math.js", v8.CompileOptions{CachedData: cachedData}) // compile script in new isolate with cached data
val, _ = script2.Run(ctx2)
### Terminate long running scripts
vals := make(chan *v8.Value, 1)
errs := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
val, err := ctx.RunScript(script, "forever.js") // exec a long running script
if err != nil {
errs <- err
vals <- val
select {
case val := <- vals:
// success
case err := <- errs:
// javascript error
case <- time.After(200 * time.Milliseconds):
vm := ctx.Isolate() // get the Isolate from the context
vm.TerminateExecution() // terminate the execution
err := <- errs // will get a termination error back from the running script
### CPU Profiler
func createProfile() {
iso := v8.NewIsolate()
ctx := v8.NewContext(iso)
cpuProfiler := v8.NewCPUProfiler(iso)
ctx.RunScript(profileScript, "script.js") # this script is defined in cpuprofiler_test.go
val, _ := ctx.Global().Get("start")
fn, _ := val.AsFunction()
cpuProfile := cpuProfiler.StopProfiling("my-profile")
printTree("", cpuProfile.GetTopDownRoot()) # helper function to print the profile
func printTree(nest string, node *v8.CPUProfileNode) {
fmt.Printf("%s%s %s:%d:%d\n", nest, node.GetFunctionName(), node.GetScriptResourceName(), node.GetLineNumber(), node.GetColumnNumber())
count := node.GetChildrenCount()
if count == 0 {
nest = fmt.Sprintf("%s ", nest)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
printTree(nest, node.GetChild(i))
// Output
// (root) :0:0
// (program) :0:0
// start script.js:23:15
// foo script.js:15:13
// delay script.js:12:15
// loop script.js:1:14
// bar script.js:13:13
// delay script.js:12:15
// loop script.js:1:14
// baz script.js:14:13
// delay script.js:12:15
// loop script.js:1:14
// (garbage collector) :0:0
## Documentation
Go Reference & more examples: https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/tommie/v8go
### Support
If you would like to ask questions about this library or want to keep up-to-date with the latest changes and releases,
please join the [**#v8go**](https://gophers.slack.com/channels/v8go) channel on Gophers Slack. [Click here to join the Gophers Slack community!](https://invite.slack.golangbridge.org/)
### Windows
There used to be Windows binary support. For further information see, [rogchap PR #234](https://github.com/rogchap/v8go/pull/234).
The v8go library would welcome contributions from anyone able to get an external windows
build of the V8 library linking with v8go, using the version of V8 checked out in the
`deps/v8` git submodule, and documentation of the process involved. This process will likely
involve passing a linker flag when building v8go (e.g. using the `CGO_LDFLAGS` environment
## V8 Dependency
See `deps/v8/` for the version of V8 we're currently on.
In order to make `v8go` usable as a standard Go package, prebuilt static libraries of V8 are included for Linux and macOS. you *should not* require to build V8 yourself.
## Project Goals
To provide a high quality, idiomatic, Go binding to the [V8 C++ API](https://v8.github.io/api/head/index.html).
The API should match the original API as closely as possible, but with an API that Gophers (Go enthusiasts) expect. For
example: using multiple return values to return both result and error from a function, rather than throwing an
This project also aims to keep up-to-date with the latest (stable) release of V8.
## License
[](https://app.fossa.com/projects/custom%2B22862%2Fgit%40github.com%3Atommie%2Fv8go.git?ref=badge_large)
## Development
### Recompile V8 with debug info and debug checks
[Aside from data races, Go should be memory-safe](https://research.swtch.com/gorace) and v8go should preserve this property by adding the necessary checks to return an error or panic on these unsupported code paths. Release builds of v8go don't include debugging information for the V8 library since it significantly adds to the binary size, slows down compilation and shouldn't be needed by users of v8go. However, if a v8go bug causes a crash (e.g. during new feature development) then it can be helpful to build V8 with debugging information to get a C++ backtrace with line numbers. The following steps will not only do that, but also enable V8 debug checking, which can help with catching misuse of the V8 API.
1) Make sure to clone the projects submodules (ie. the V8's `depot_tools` project): `git submodule update --init --recursive`
1) Build the V8 binary for your OS: `deps/build.py --debug`. V8 is a large project, and building the binary can take up to 30 minutes.
1) Build the executable to debug, using `go build` for commands or `go test -c` for tests. You may need to add the `-ldflags=-compressdwarf=false` option to disable debug information compression so this information can be read by the debugger (e.g. lldb that comes with Xcode v12.5.1, the latest Xcode released at the time of writing)
1) Run the executable with a debugger (e.g. `lldb -- ./v8go.test -test.run TestThatIsCrashing`, `run` to start execution then use `bt` to print a bracktrace after it breaks on a crash), since backtraces printed by Go or V8 don't currently include line number information.
### Upgrading the V8 binaries
We have the [v8upgrade](https://github.com/tommie/v8go/.github/workflow/v8upgrade.yml) workflow.
The workflow is triggered every day or manually.
When run, it finds the current stable V8 version on https://chromiumdash.appspot.com/.
If the new version is different from `deps/v8_hash`, it runs `v8build` and `release`.
The [v8build](https://github.com/tommie/v8go/.github/workflow/v8build.yml) workflow upgrades V8 and builds the libraries.
It is triggered by the `v8upgrade` workflow, or being run manually.
Each architecture is a separate job, storing build artifacts that are picked up by the Commit job.
This job updates the master branch.
Then it runs `syncsubdeps`.
The [syncsubdeps](https://github.com/tommie/v8go/.github/workflow/syncsubdeps.yml) workflow updates the `go.mod` file to point to the new commit.
Each architecture in `deps/` is its own Go module.
This is needed to work around size constraints in Go module handling due to the large libv8 files.
But we still want them to be consistent across builds, something that needs to happen after the built files have been committed.
Once this is done, the upgrade is complete.
Releasing the library is a matter of running the [release](https://github.com/tommie/v8go/.github/workflow/release.yml) workflow.
It reads `CHANGELOG.md`, creates a Git tag and a GitHub release.
The tag is what matters for Go modules, and the GitHub release is useful for notifications.
Releases happen automatically for upgrades.
### Flushing after C/C++ standard library printing for debugging
When using the C/C++ standard library functions for printing (e.g. `printf`), then the output will be buffered by default.
This can cause some confusion, especially because the test binary (created through `go test`) does not flush the buffer
at exit (at the time of writing). When standard output is the terminal, then it will use line buffering and flush when
a new line is printed, otherwise (e.g. if the output is redirected to a pipe or file) it will be fully buffered and not even
flush at the end of a line. When the test binary is executed through `go test .` (e.g. instead of
separately compiled with `go test -c` and run with `./v8go.test`) Go may redirect standard output internally, resulting in
standard output being fully buffered.
A simple way to avoid this problem is to flush the standard output stream after printing with the `fflush(stdout);` statement.
Not relying on the flushing at exit can also help ensure the output is printed before a crash.
### Local leak checking
Leak checking is automatically done in CI, but it can be useful to do locally to debug leaks.
Leak checking is done using the [Leak Sanitizer](https://clang.llvm.org/docs/LeakSanitizer.html) which
is a part of LLVM. As such, compiling with clang as the C/C++ compiler seems to produce more complete
backtraces (unfortunately still only of the system stack at the time of writing).
For instance, on a Debian-based Linux system, you can use `sudo apt-get install clang-12` to install a
recent version of clang. Then CC and CXX environment variables are needed to use that compiler. With
that compiler, the tests can be run as follows
CC=clang-12 CXX=clang++-12 go test -c --tags leakcheck && ./v8go.test
The separate compile and link commands are currently needed to get line numbers in the backtrace.
On macOS, leak checking isn't available with the version of clang that comes with Xcode, so a separate
compiler installation is needed. For example, with homebrew, `brew install llvm` will install a version
of clang with support for this. The ASAN_OPTIONS environment variable will also be needed to run the code
with leak checking enabled, since it isn't enabled by default on macOS. E.g. with the homebrew
installation of llvm, the tests can be run with
CXX=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang++ CC=/usr/local/opt/llvm/bin/clang go test -c --tags leakcheck -ldflags=-compressdwarf=false
ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1 ./v8go.test
The `-ldflags=-compressdwarf=false` is currently (with clang 13) needed to get line numbers in the backtrace.
### Formatting
Go has `go fmt`, C has `clang-format`. Any changes to the `v8go.h|cc` should be formated with `clang-format` with the
"Chromium" Coding style. This can be done easily by running the `go generate` command.
`brew install clang-format` to install on macOS.
V8 Gopher image based on original artwork from the amazing [Renee French](http://reneefrench.blogspot.com).