# Dev Environment for LeakCanary contributors ## Setup * Download [Android Studio](https://developer.android.com/studio). * We use two spaces code indentation, use `SquareAndroid` code style settings from https://github.com/square/java-code-styles. * Build with `./gradlew build`. * Running the failing UI tests to confirm leak detection correctly fails UI tests: `./gradlew leakcanary-android-sample:connectedCheck`. * Normal UI tests: `./gradlew leakcanary-android-core:connectedCheck`. ## Static Code Analysis * LeakCanary [uses](https://github.com/square/leakcanary/pull/1535) [Detekt](https://arturbosch.github.io/detekt/) for static Code analysis. * Analyze the entire project with `./gradlew check` or particular modules with `./gradlew :module-name:check`. Detekt will fail the build if any ruleset violations are found. **You should fix all issues before pushing the branch to remote**. * There's also a **git pre-push** hook that will run analysis automatically before pushing a branch to the remote. If there are any violations - it will prevent the push. Fix the issues! * You can bypass the git hook though; Travis CI will still run checks and will fail if any violations are found. * Detekt report will be printed in the console and saved to `/moduleDir/build/reports/`. ## Deploying locally To deploy LeakCanary to your local maven repository, run the following command, changing the path to the path of your local repository: ``` ./gradlew uploadArchives -PSNAPSHOT_REPOSITORY_URL=file:///Users/py/.m2/repository ``` Then add the SNAPSHOT dependency and `mavenLocal()` repository to your project: ```gradle dependencies { debugImplementation 'com.squareup.leakcanary:leakcanary-android:{{ leak_canary.next_release }}-SNAPSHOT' } repositories { mavenLocal() } ``` ## Deploying the docs locally Installing or updating the docs dependencies: ``` pip install --requirement docs/requirements.txt ``` Deploying locally ``` mkdocs serve ```