function spm_bch(varargin) % SPM batch system: Batch running program. % FORMAT spm_bch(bch_mfile); % % bch_mfile - m-file containing the description of the batch analyses % %__________________________________________________________________________ % % bch_mfile has to contain a variable 'analyses' that describes % the kind of analyses to perform in batch, and variables: % 'type', 'work_dir', 'file' % See for indication on how to fill these and what they are. % % spm_bch will basically loop over different analyses (eg: 'smooth', % ..). Each analyses inputs will be taken from an m-file, (file % variable) and performed in the working directory describe in % work_dir. m-file names can be relative to the working directory. If % several analyses of the same kind are to be computed, this is % resolved with the analyses.index % % The top m-file may also contain the structures for the input of one % or several analyses % %_______________________________________________________________________ % @(#)spm_bch.m 2.8 Jean-Baptiste Poline & Stephanie Rouquette 01/01/29 %======================================================================= % Programmer's notes %======================================================================= % To add a new kind of analysis, eg NEW_Analysis % 1- include it in the switch, % (with BCH.index0 = {'NEW_Analysis',iA(cA)}) % 2- modify spm_bch_bchmat.m (see its documentation) % 3- include 'NEW_Analysis' in the variable 'type' in the % description of the sequences of analyses (top m-file). % 4- the m-file describing the entries for this new anlysis % should contain a top level variable 'NEW_Analysis' % Reset lasterr to null so it doesn't confuse any of the try..catch % subroutines. (Suggested by Darren Gitelman) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- lasterr(''); %- Global batch variables %----------------------------------------------------------------------- global BCH BCH = struct(... 'bch_mat', '', ... % mat file or structure in which inputs are read 'index0' ,{{'', 0}}, ... % index for the root level variable 'flag' ,1 ... % flag : 1 -> batch mode, 0 -> GUI mode ); %- Inputs and Defaults %----------------------------------------------------------------------- global MODALITY; if nargin == 0, fprintf('FORMAT : spm_bch(bch_mfile [,''FMRI''|''PET'']\n'); return; end if nargin == 1, MODALITY = 'FMRI'; bch_mfile = varargin{1}; end if nargin == 2, bch_mfile = varargin{1}; MODALITY = varargin{2}; if ~ismember(MODALITY,{'FMRI','PET'}), fprintf('FORMAT : spm_bch(bch_mfile [,''FMRI''|''PET'']\n'); return; end end %- launch spm defaults for that modality %----------------------------------------------------------------------- spm('defaults',MODALITY); %- m->mat file for the upper level analysis %----------------------------------------------------------------------- try %--------- put it in mat file ana_mat = spm_bch_bchmat(bch_mfile,'analyses'); %--------- put it in memory. spm_input supports mat file or struct. ana_mat = load(ana_mat); catch error(sprintf('\nCan''t evaluate %s of ''analyses'' ', bch_mfile)); fprintf('\n Try to execute %s in matlab', bch_mfile) end BCH.bch_mat = ana_mat; BCH.index0 = {'analyses',1}; %- save current directory %----------------------------------------------------------------------- cwd = pwd; %- get indexes for all analyses and the m-files, %- working dir, type of analysis %----------------------------------------------------------------------- iA = spm_input('batch',{},'index'); try wk_dir = spm_input('batch',{'work_dir',':'}); %- same as: for cA = 1:length(iA) %- wk_dir{cA} = spm_input('batch',{'work_dir',cA},1); ... typeA = spm_input('batch',{'type',':'}); mfileA = spm_input('batch',{'mfile',':'}); catch error(['check the top mfile .... ' bch_mfile]); end for cA = 1:length(iA) % length(iA) == number of analyses to be done % go back to current dir (useful if path are relative) %--------------------------------------------------------------- eval(['cd ' cwd]); %- go into working directory %--------------------------------------------------------------- try eval(['cd ' wk_dir{cA}]); catch pwd error(['can''t go to work dir ' ... wk_dir{cA} ' or can''t get in mfile']); end %- m->mat file for sub analyses BCH.bch_mat = spm_bch_bchmat(mfileA{cA},typeA{cA}); switch typeA{cA} %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'defaults_edit' BCH.index0 = {'defaults_edit',iA(cA)}; %- first, get the indexes of the default areas %------------------------------------------------------- index = spm_input('batch',{},'index'); %- get the list of defaults areas to work on %------------------------------------------------------- areas = {}; areas = spm_input('batch',{'type_area',':'}); % for i_area = 1:length(index) % areas{i_area} = spm_input('batch',{'type_area',i_area},1); % end %------------------------------------------------------- for i_area = 1:length(areas) %--- little trick : the top variable changes here ... %--- reading info from {areas{i_area},index(i_area)} BCH.index0 = {areas{i_area},index(i_area)}; spm_defaults_edit(areas{i_area}); end %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'model' BCH.index0 = {'model',iA(cA)}; spm_fmri_spm_ui; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'contrasts' BCH.index0 = {'contrasts',iA(cA)}; s = spm_bch_GetCont; s = spm_bch_DoCont; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'headers' BCH.index0 = {'headers',iA(cA)}; s = spm_bch_headers; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'means' BCH.index0 = {'means',iA(cA)}; s = spm_means; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'realign' BCH.index0 = {'realign',iA(cA)}; spm_realign_ui; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'coreg' BCH.index0 = {'coreg',iA(cA)}; spm_coreg_ui; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'normalize' BCH.index0 = {'normalize',iA(cA)}; spm_sn3d; %----------------------------------------------------------- case 'smooth' BCH.index0 = {'smooth',iA(cA)}; spm_smooth_ui; %----------------------------------------------------------- otherwise warning(sprintf('unknown type of analyse %s',typeA{cA})) end %- switch typeA{cA} end %- for cA = 1:length(iA) cd(cwd); % If there is a BCH variable then things like dialog boxes don't % always show up. (Suggested by Darren Gitelman) %----------------------------------------------------------------------- clear global BCH;