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Zero-knowledge proof

Zero-knowledge proof is a hot topic in the field of Cryptography, and has many applications in Blockchain. There are, however, few CTF chanlleges on this topic. So, I made this challenge for fun, though the key point to solve the challenge has no relation with zero-knowledge proof.

Actually, the construction of the challenge is similar to that of the Schnorr Signature Scheme, which uses a technique, known as Fiat–Shamir heuristic, to convert an interactive proof of knowledge into a non-interactive one by applying a cryptographic hash function as the random oracle.


The signature scheme works in that the randomly (uniformly) selected scalar r masks the multiplication of h and a over the prime-order group. Therefore, the verifier acquires zero knowledge about the secret key a, while can be convinced that the prover really knows a.


However, in this task, we can see that the distribution of the secret selected scalar $v$ over the prime-order group $\mathbb{Z}_q^*$ is not uniform:

v = getRandomRange(1, x)

It always falls in the interval $[1, x]$, where $x$ is a 247-bit integer and the prime $q$ is about 256-bit, thus making $v$ relatively small compared to $q$. And this leads to a well-known problem in Cryptanalysis -- the hidden number problem.

From the instance, we can continuously get some data that satisfying $$ r_i = v_i - c_i\cdot x \pmod {q_i}, $$ where only $v_i$ and $x$ are unknown.

By some transformation, it can be rewritten as $$ v_i = - k_i q_i + c_i x + r_i. $$ Then, we can construct the lattice $$ L = \begin{bmatrix} q_1 & & & & & & \ & q_2 & & & & & \ & & \ddots & & & & \ & & & q_n & & & \ c_1 & c_2 & \cdots & c_n & 1 & & \ r_1 & r_2 & \cdots & r_n & & 2^{248}\ \end{bmatrix} $$ It is easy to show that the linear combination $[-k_1, -k_2, \cdots, -k_n, x, 1]$ of the lattice basis can result in a quite short lattice point $[v_1, v_2, \cdots, v_n, x, 2^{248}]$. By applying lattice reduction algorithm such as LLL to $L$, we can easily find this short lattice point, from which $x$ is recovered.


The script to gather sufficient data (stored in the file data):

import json
from hashlib import sha256
from string import ascii_letters, digits

from pwn import *
from pwnlib.util.iters import bruteforce

def proof_of_work(r):
    suffix = r.recv(16).decode()
    r.recvuntil(b"== ")
    _hexdigest = r.recvline().strip().decode()
    print(f"suffix: {suffix}\nhexdigest: {_hexdigest}")

    prefix = bruteforce(
        lambda x: sha256((x+suffix).encode()).hexdigest() == _hexdigest,
        ascii_letters + digits,

def main():
    # Get data
    qs = []
    cs = []
    rs = []

    for i in range(50):
        conn = remote("", 23333)
        # context.log_level = "debug"


        conn.recvline_endswith(b"I really have knowledge of x.")

        g, y, _, q, t, r = conn.recvall().decode().strip().split("\n")[-6:]
        gyt = b"".join(
                lambda x: int.to_bytes(len(str(x)), 4, 'big') + str(x).encode(),
                (g, y, t)
        c = int.from_bytes(sha256(gyt).digest(), 'big')

        print(q, c, r)


    json.dump([qs, cs, rs], open("data", "w"))

if __name__ == "__main__":

And the script to solve the HNP:

# SageMath 9.1
import json
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes

qs, cs, rs = json.load(open("data", "r"))

N = 50
M = matrix(ZZ, N+2, N+2)

# q1
#    q2
#       ...
#           qn
# c1 c2 ... cn  1
# r1 r2 ... rn    2^248
for i in range(N):
    M[i,i]  = qs[i] # qi
    M[-2,i] = cs[i] # ci
    M[-1,i] = rs[i] # ri
M[-2,-2] = 1
M[-1,-1] = 2^248

M_lll = M.LLL()

x = M_lll[0,-2]

# b'n1ctf{S0me_kn0wl3dg3_is_leak3d}'