A Bluesky/AT Protocol labeler aka mod service that emits custom self-labels (except global labels) that already exist inside records.
Apart from the global labels built into, other custom self-labels are often not displayed or handled by clients. This surfaces those labels and makes them visible.
License: This project is placed in the public domain. You may also use it under the CC0 License.
- Make a new Bluesky account.
- Convert it to a labeler repo by adding an
service endpoint and#atproto_label
signing key:npm install @skyware/labeler
npx @skyware/labeler setup
- Convert the base64 raw bytes private key that
@skyware/labeler setup
prints into PEM:$ node const { fromBytes, toBytes } = await import("@atcute/cbor"); fromBytes({'$bytes': '[base64 byte string]'}) Uint8Array(32) [...] $ python privbytes = bytes([...]) # from above from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec privkey = ec.derive_private_key(int.from_bytes(privbytes), ec.SECP256K1()) # `EllipticCurvePublicKey.from_encoded_point` is also close, but there's no corresponding `EllipticCurvePrivateKey.from_encoded_point` # now, sign something and check that it verifies signed = arroba.util.sign({'x': 'y'}, privkey) did_doc = did.resolve('did:plc:4wgmwsq4t3tg55ffl3r7ocec') # pubkey = did.decode_did_key(did_doc['verificationMethod'][1]['publicKeyMultibase']) arroba.util.verify_sig(signed, pubkey) # should be True # PEM-encode private key from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization with open('privkey.atproto_label.pem', 'wb') as f: f.write(privkey.private_bytes( encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM, format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(), ))
The labeler declaration record is at://did:plc:4wgmwsq4t3tg55ffl3r7ocec/app.bsky.labeler.service/self
. To add a new label value definition to it, run npx @skyware/labeler add
. Docs.