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kharus committed Oct 4, 2024
2 parents 09f45b8 + 924f2da commit fa37e9b
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 169 deletions.
176 changes: 7 additions & 169 deletions lib/haskell/natural4/src/LS/XPile/Purescript.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,12 +55,6 @@ import LS.XPile.Logging
( XPileLog,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,41 +82,24 @@ textMT = map mt2text
slashNames :: [RuleName] -> String
slashNames names = T.unpack (T.intercalate " / " (mt2text <$> names))

mutterRuleNameAndBS :: [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
-> XPileLog [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
mutterRuleNameAndBS rnbss = do
mutterd 3 "rulename, bs pairs:"
for_ rnbss \(names, bs) -> do
mutterdhsf 4 (slashNames names) pShowNoColorS bs
pure rnbss

-- two boolstructT: one question and one phrase
namesAndStruct :: Interpreted -> [Rule] -> XPileLog [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
namesAndStruct l4i rl = do
mutter [i|*** namesAndStruct: running on #{length rl} rules|]
mutter "calling qaHornsT against l4i"
mutterdhsf 3 "we know qaHornsT returns" pShowNoColorS (qaHornsT l4i)
mutterRuleNameAndBS [ (names, [bs]) | (names, bs) <- qaHornsT l4i]
pure [ (names, [bs]) | (names, bs) <- qaHornsT l4i]

-- | for each rule, construct the questions for that rule;
-- and then jam them together with all the names for all the rules???
namesAndQ :: NLGEnv -> Interpreted -> [Rule] -> XPileLog [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
namesAndQ env l4i rl = do
mutterdhsf 3 "namesAndQ: name" show name
mutterdhsf 3 "namesAndQ: about to call ruleQuestions with alias=" show alias
expandedRules <- expandRulesForNLGE l4i rl
questStruct <- traverse (ruleQuestions env alias) expandedRules
mutterdhsf 3 "namesAndQ: back from ruleQuestions, questStruct =" pShowNoColorS questStruct
let wut = concat [ [ (name, q) -- [TODO] this is probably the source of bugs.
| q' <- q ]
| q <- questStruct ]
mutter [i|*** wut the heck are we returning? like, #{length wut} things.|]
sequenceA_ [ mutterdhsf 4 (show n) pShowNoColorS w | (n,w) <- zip [1..] wut ]
return wut
name = map ruleLabelName rl
alias = listToMaybe [ (you,org) | DefNameAlias you org _ _ <- rl]
-- [AA.OptionallyLabeledBoolStruct Text.Text]

-- | not sure why this is throwing away information
combine :: [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
Expand All @@ -135,15 +112,10 @@ combine' :: Int -- ^ depth
-> [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]
-> XPileLog [([RuleName], [BoolStructT])]

combine' d [] [] = mutter "*** combine: case 1, nil" >> pure []
combine' d (b:bs) [] = mutter "*** combine: case 2, nil" >> pure []
combine' d [] (q:qs) = mutter "*** combine: case 3, nil" >> pure []
combine' d [] [] = pure []
combine' d (b:bs) [] = pure []
combine' d [] (q:qs) = pure []
combine' d (b:bs) (q:qs) = do
mutterd d "combine: case 4, non-nil"
mutterd1 d "input"
mutterdhsf (d+2) "fst b" pShowNoColorS (fst b)
mutterdhsf (d+2) "snd b ++" pShowNoColorS (snd b)
mutterdhsf (d+2) "snd q" pShowNoColorS (snd q)
(:) (fst b, snd b <> snd q) <$> combine' (d+1) bs qs

Expand All @@ -170,24 +142,21 @@ labelQs = map alwaysLabeled

biggestQ :: NLGEnv -> Interpreted -> [Rule] -> XPileLog [BoolStructT]
biggestQ env l4i rl = do
mutter "*** biggestQ: running"
let alias = listToMaybe [ (you,org) | DefNameAlias{name = you, detail = org} <- rl]
q <- ruleQuestionsNamed env alias `traverse` expandRulesForNLG l4i rl
let flattened = q |$> second (AA.extractLeaves <$>) -- \(x,ys) -> (x, [ AA.extractLeaves y | y <- ys])
let flattened = q |$> second (AA.extractLeaves <$>)
onlyqs = Map.fromList q
sorted = sortOn (Data.Ord.Down . DL.length) flattened
case (null sorted, fst (DL.head sorted) `Map.lookup` onlyqs) of
(True, _) -> pure []
(_, Nothing) -> do
mutter [i|biggestQ didn't work, couldn't find #{fst $ DL.head sorted} in dict|]
pure []
(_, Just x) -> pure x

biggestS :: NLGEnv -> Interpreted -> [Rule] -> XPileLog [BoolStructT]
biggestS env l4i rl = do
mutter "*** biggestS running"
q <- join $ combine <$> namesAndStruct l4i rl <*> namesAndQ env l4i rl
let flattened = q |$> second (AA.extractLeaves <$>) -- \(x,ys) -> (x, [ AA.extractLeaves y | y <- ys])
let flattened = q |$> second (AA.extractLeaves <$>)

onlys = Map.fromList
[ (x, justStatements yh (map fixNot yt))
Expand All @@ -200,119 +169,24 @@ biggestS env l4i rl = do
then []
else pure $ onlys ! fst (DL.head sorted)

-- | top level entry point for purescript generation
-- [TODO] how do we modularize and abstract from the NLG and the GF interaction here?
-- 1. because other modules might want to take advantage of NLG too.
-- 2. because maybe we want to decouple and decline NLG here for simplicity.

:: NLGEnv -- ^ Used to produce more human readable versions of the questions
-> Interpreted
-> [Rule]
-> XPileLogE String
asPurescript env l4i rl = do
let nlgEnvStr = env |> gfLang |> showLanguage
mutter [i|** asPurescript running for gfLang=#{nlgEnvStr}|]

mutterd 3 "building namesAndStruct"
nAS <- namesAndStruct l4i rl
mutterdhsf 3 "built namesAndStruct" pShowNoColorS nAS

mutterd 3 "building namesAndQ"
nAQ <- namesAndQ env l4i rl
mutterdhsf 3 "built namesAndQ" pShowNoColorS nAQ

mutterd 3 "combining nAS and nAQ to form c'"
c' <- combine nAS nAQ
mutterdhsf 3 "c' =" pShowNoColorS c'

guts <- for c' \(names, bs) -> do
let Just (hbs, tbs) = DL.uncons bs
fixedNot = map fixNot tbs
jq = justQuestions hbs fixedNot
labeled = alwaysLabeled jq
mutterdhsf 3 "names: " show ( mt2text <$> names )
mutterdhsf 4 "hbs = head boolstruct" show hbs
mutterdhsf 4 "tbs = tail boolstruct" show tbs
mutterdhsf 4 "fixedNot" show fixedNot
mutterdhsf 4 "jq" show jq
mutterdhsf 4 "labeled" show labeled
-- return as an Either
xpReturn $ toTuple ( T.intercalate " / " (mt2text <$> names) , labeled)

let nlgEnvStrLower = Char.toLower <$> nlgEnvStr
listOfMarkings = Map.toList . AA.getMarking $ getMarkings l4i
gutsRights = rights guts
gutsLefts = lefts guts

mutterdhsf 3 "Guts, Lefts (fatal errors)" pShowNoColorS gutsLefts
mutterdhsf 3 "Guts, Rights (successful results)" pShowNoColorS gutsRights

mutter "*** Markings"
mutters do
m <- listOfMarkings
pure [__i|
**** #{fst m}
#{snd m}|]

xpReturn [__i|
#{nlgEnvStrLower} :: Object.Object (Item String)
#{nlgEnvStrLower} = Object.fromFoldable
#{pShowNoColor gutsRights}
#{nlgEnvStrLower}Marking :: Marking
#{nlgEnvStrLower}Marking = Marking $ Map.fromFoldable
#{TL.replace "False" "false"
. TL.replace "True" "true"
. pShowNoColor $
fmap toTuple listOfMarkings}
-- #{pretty $ showLanguage $ gfLang env}Statements :: Object.Object (Item String)
-- , (pretty $ showLanguage $ gfLang env) <> "Statements = Object.fromFoldable " <>
-- (pretty $ TL.unpack (
-- pShowNoColor
-- [ toTuple ( T.intercalate " / " (mt2text <$> names)
-- , alwaysLabeled (justStatements (head bs) (map fixNot (tail bs))))
-- | (names,bs) <- (combine (namesAndStruct env rl) (namesAndQ env rl))
-- ]
-- )
-- )

translate2PS :: [NLGEnv] -> NLGEnv -> Interpreted -> XPileLogE String
translate2PS nlgEnvs eng l4i = do
let rules = origrules l4i
[ [__i|** translate2PS: running against #{length rules} rules|],
[i|*** nlgEnvs has #{length nlgEnvs} elements|],
[i|*** eng.gfLang = #{gfLang eng}|]

-- topBit
mutter "** calling biggestQ"

bigQ <- biggestQ eng l4i rules
traverse_ mutter ["** got back bigQ", show bigQ]
let topBit =
|$> alwaysLabeled
|> pShowNoColor
|> TL.init
|> TL.tail
|> interviewRulesRHS2topBit
mutterdhsf 2 "topBit =" pShowNoColorS topBit

-- New bottomBit
mutterd 2 "trying the new approach based on qaHornsT"
qaHornsAllLangs :: [Either XPileLogW String] <-
for nlgEnvs \nlgEnv@(NLGEnv {gfLang}) -> do
let nlgEnvStrLower = gfLang |> showLanguage |$> Char.toLower
listOfMarkings = l4i |> getMarkings |> AA.getMarking |> Map.toList

-- The Right may contain duplicates, so we need to nub later.
hornByLang :: Either XPileLogW [Tuple String (AA.BoolStruct (AA.Label T.Text) T.Text)] <-
qaHornsByLang rules nlgEnv l4i

Expand All @@ -330,69 +204,36 @@ translate2PS nlgEnvs eng l4i = do
. pShowNoColor $
fmap toTuple listOfMarkings}
-- mutterdhsf 2 "qaHornsAllLangs" pShowNoColorS qaHornsRights

-- bottomBit
-- mutterd 2 "constructing bottomBit by calling asPurescript over rules"
-- bottomBit <- traverse (`asPurescript` rules) nlgEnvs
-- mutterdhsf 2 "bottomBit without running rights" pShowNoColorS bottomBit
-- mutterdhsf 2 "actual bottomBit output" pShowNoColorS (rights bottomBit)

-- Stitch the top, middle and bottom bits together.

-- interviewRules2 :: Map.Map String (Item String)
-- interviewRules2 = Map.fromList #{qaHornsRights}
let x <.> y = x <> "\n\n" <> y
xpReturn [__i|

#{foldr (<.>) mempty $ rights qaHornsAllLangs}

-- #{unlines $ rights bottomBit}

qaHornsByLang :: [Rule] -> NLGEnv -> Interpreted -> XPileLogE [Tuple String (AA.BoolStruct (AA.Label T.Text) T.Text)]
qaHornsByLang rules langEnv l4i = do
mutterd 3 [i|qaHornsByLang for language #{gfLang langEnv}|]
let alias = listToMaybe [ (you,org) | DefNameAlias{name = you, detail = org} <- rules]
subject = listToMaybe [ parseSubj langEnv person | Regulative{subj = person} <- rules]
qaHT = textViaQaHorns langEnv l4i subject
qaHornNames = foldMap fst qaHT
-- qaHT = qaHornsT $ interpreted langEnv -- [ (names, bs) | (names, bs) <- qaHornsT (interpreted langEnv)]
d = 4
mutterdhsf d "qaHT fsts" show (fst <$> qaHT)
mutterdhsf d "all qaHT" pShowNoColorS qaHT
mutterdhsf d "qaHornNames" show qaHornNames
mutterd d "traversing ruleQuestionsNamed"
allRQs <- ruleQuestionsNamed langEnv alias `traverse` expandRulesForNLG l4i rules
-- first we see which of these actually returned anything useful
mutterd d "all rulequestionsNamed returned"

measuredRQs <- for allRQs \(rn, asqn) -> do
mutterdhsf (d+1) (show rn) pShowNoColorS asqn
mutterd (d+1) [i|size of [BoolStruct] = #{length asqn}|]
case compare (length asqn) 1 of
GT -> xpReturn (rn, AA.All Nothing asqn)
EQ -> xpReturn (rn, head asqn)
_ -> xpError [[i|ruleQuestion not of interest: #{rn}|]]

mutterdhsf d "measured RQs, rights (successes) ->" show $ rights measuredRQs
mutterdhsf d "measured RQs, lefts (failures) ->" show $ lefts measuredRQs

-- now we filter for only those bits of questStruct whose names match the names from qaHorns.
wantedRQs <- for (rights measuredRQs) \case
(rn@((`elem` qaHornNames) -> True), asqn) -> xpReturn (rn, asqn)
(rn, _) -> xpError [[i| #{rn} not named in qaHorns"|]]

mutterd d "wanted RQs, rights (successes) ->"
for_ (rights wantedRQs) \(rn, asqn) ->
mutterdhsf (d+1) (show rn) pShowNoColorS asqn
mutterdhsf d "wanted RQs, lefts (failures) ->" show (lefts wantedRQs)

let rqMap = Map.fromList $ rights wantedRQs

let qaHornsWithQuestions = catMaybes do
Expand All @@ -402,13 +243,10 @@ qaHornsByLang rules langEnv l4i = do
rqMap Map.!? ruleName
pure $ (ruleNames,) <$> rq

mutterdhsf d "qaHornsWithQuestions" pShowNoColorS qaHornsWithQuestions

let qaHTBit = qaHornsWithQuestions
|$> bimap slashNames alwaysLabeled
|$> toTuple

mutterdhsf d "qaHTBit =" pShowNoColorS qaHTBit
xpReturn qaHTBit

interviewRulesRHS2topBit :: TL.Text -> String
Expand Down

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