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ctd automata model checking
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Martin-Strecker committed Sep 18, 2021
1 parent 9fe2292 commit 028aebc
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Showing 6 changed files with 151 additions and 83 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion l4/speedlimit_sorted.l4
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,7 +237,8 @@ maxSpeed instCar instDay instRoad instSpeed1
# Not valid, countermodel for example for a vehicle that is not a car.
assert {SMT:
rules: {del : {maxSpeedCarNotRestricted, maxSpeedInversionNotRestricted, maxSpeedCar'Orig}}
rules: {del : {maxSpeedCarNotRestricted, maxSpeedInversionNotRestricted, maxSpeedCar'Orig}},
config: {loglevel: 0}
#forall iv: Vehicle. forall id: Day. forall ir: Road. exists sp: Integer. maxSpeed iv id ir sp
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39 changes: 24 additions & 15 deletions src/Exec.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ module Exec where
import Data.List
import Syntax
import Typing
import SyntaxManipulation (mkFunTp, abstractF, abstractFvd)
import SyntaxManipulation (mkFunTp, abstractF, abstractFvd, liftExpr, dropVar)
import PrintProg (renameAndPrintExpr, printExpr)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

liftUarithOp :: UArithOp -> Val -> Val
liftUarithOp u c = case (u, c) of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ data EvalResult t
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
type ReductEnv t = [EvalResult t]

lookupEnv :: Int -> ReductEnv t -> Maybe (EvalResult t)
lookupEnv :: Int -> [t] -> Maybe t
lookupEnv i env = if i < length env then Just (env!!i) else Nothing

-- Evaluates an expression like a functional language.
Expand All @@ -102,33 +104,40 @@ evalExpr env x = case x of
ExprResult fres -> evalExpr [evalExpr env a] fres
ClosResult clenv v fbd -> evalExpr (evalExpr env a:clenv) fbd
FunE t v e -> ClosResult env v e
e -> ExprResult (substClos env 0 e)

e -> ExprResult (substClos (map reduceEvalResult env) 0 e)
-- error ((show env) ++ "expr: " ++ (printExpr e))

reduceEvalResult :: EvalResult (Tp()) -> Expr (Tp())
reduceEvalResult (ExprResult er) = er
reduceEvalResult (ClosResult clenv v er) = substClos (map reduceEvalResult clenv) 0 (abstractFvd [v] er)

reduceExpr :: Expr (Tp()) -> Expr (Tp())
reduceExpr e = reduceEvalResult (evalExpr [] e)
reduceExpr e = case evalExpr [] e of
ExprResult er -> er
ClosResult clenv v er -> substClos clenv 0 (abstractFvd [v] er)
ClosResult clenv v er -> error "reduce does not produce expr"
-- substClos clenv 0 (abstractFvd [v] er)

substClos :: ReductEnv (Tp()) -> Int -> Expr (Tp()) -> Expr (Tp())
-- TODO: check if the indexing is correct in the variable case
substClos :: [Expr (Tp())] -> Int -> Expr (Tp()) -> Expr (Tp())
substClos [] _ e = e
substClos env d e@ValE{} = e
substClos env d v@(VarE _ GlobalVar {}) = v
substClos env d v@(VarE _ (LocalVar _vn i)) =
substClos env d ve@(VarE t v@(LocalVar _vn i)) =
if i < d
then v
case lookupEnv (i - d) env of
Nothing -> v
Just (ExprResult e) -> e
Just (ClosResult nenv v ne) -> substClos nenv 0 (abstractFvd [v] ne)
then ve
else fromMaybe (VarE t (dropVar v)) (lookupEnv (i - d) env)
-- Just (ClosResult nenv v ne) -> error "clos in substClos"
-- substClos nenv 0 (abstractFvd [v] ne)
substClos env d (UnaOpE t uop e) = UnaOpE t uop (substClos env d e)
substClos env d (BinOpE t bop e1 e2) = BinOpE t bop (substClos env d e1) (substClos env d e2)
substClos env d (IfThenElseE t ec e1 e2) = IfThenElseE t (substClos env d ec) (substClos env d e1) (substClos env d e2)
substClos env d (AppE t f a) = AppE t (substClos env d f) (substClos env d a)
substClos env d (FunE t v e) = FunE t v (substClos env (d + 1) e)
substClos env d (QuantifE t q v e) = QuantifE t q v (substClos env (d + 1) e)
substClos env d (FunE t v e) = FunE t v (substClos (map (liftExpr d) env) (d + 1) e)
substClos env d (QuantifE t q v e) = QuantifE t q v (substClos (map (liftExpr d) env) (d + 1) e)
substClos env d (FldAccE t e fn) = FldAccE t (substClos env d e) fn
substClos env d (TupleE t es) = TupleE t (map (substClos env d) es)
substClos env d (CastE t ct e) = CastE t ct (substClos env d e)
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57 changes: 49 additions & 8 deletions src/Smt.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-- L4 to SMT interface using the SimpleSMT library

module Smt(proveProgram) where
module Smt(proveProgram, proveExpr) where

import Annotation (LocTypeAnnot (typeAnnot))
import KeyValueMap
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,13 @@ declareSort proc srt ar =
do ackCommand proc $ fun "declare-sort" [ Atom srt, Atom (show ar) ]
return (SMT.const srt)

-- defineSort is here more restrictive than the SMT define-sort,
-- and is only used for aliasing sort symbols according to function sortAlias
defineSort :: Solver -> ClassName -> IO SExpr
defineSort proc cn =
do ackCommand proc $ fun "define-sort" [ Atom (stringOfClassName cn), List [], sortAlias cn ]
return (SMT.const (stringOfClassName cn))

getModel :: Solver -> IO SExpr
getModel proc =
command proc $ List [ Atom "get-model" ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,19 +107,50 @@ varDeclsToFunEnv :: Show t => Solver -> SMTSortEnv -> [VarDecl t] -> IO SMTFunEn
varDeclsToFunEnv s se = mapM (varDeclToFun s se)

classDeclsToSortEnv :: Solver -> [ClassDecl t] -> IO SMTSortEnv
classDeclsToSortEnv s cds = mapM (classDeclToSort s) [cd | cd <- cds, ClsNm "Class" `elem` superClassesOfClassDecl cd ]
topLevelUserClassDecl :: ClassDecl t -> Bool
topLevelUserClassDecl cd = (length (superClassesOfClassDecl cd) >= 2) && superClassesOfClassDecl cd!!1 == ClassC

-- Only the following class declarations are meant to be translated to SMT sorts:
-- - Some special system defined classes (not subclasses of Class)
-- - Top-level user defined classes (direct subclasses of Class)
declarableSort :: ClassDecl t -> Bool
declarableSort cd =
topLevelUserClassDecl cd ||
nameOfClassDecl cd == StateC

classDeclToSort :: Solver -> ClassDecl t -> IO (ClassName, SExpr)
classDeclToSort s (ClassDecl _ cn _) =
-- For each definable sort, a sort alias has to be introduced in sortAlias
definableSort :: ClassDecl t -> Bool
definableSort cd =
nameOfClassDecl cd == TimeC

sortAlias :: ClassName -> SExpr
sortAlias TimeC = Atom "Real"
sortAlias cn = error ("sort alias for " ++ show cn ++ " (internal error)")

classDeclToSortDecl :: Solver -> ClassDecl t -> IO (ClassName, SExpr)
classDeclToSortDecl s (ClassDecl _ cn _) =
se <- declareSort s (stringOfClassName cn) 0
return (cn, se)

classDeclToSortDefn :: Solver -> ClassDecl t -> IO (ClassName, SExpr)
classDeclToSortDefn s (ClassDecl _ cn _) =
se <- defineSort s cn
return (cn, se)

classDeclsToSortEnv :: Solver -> [ClassDecl t] -> IO SMTSortEnv
classDeclsToSortEnv s cds = do
sdecls <- mapM (classDeclToSortDecl s) (filter declarableSort cds)
sdefns <- mapM (classDeclToSortDefn s) (filter definableSort cds)
return (sdecls ++ sdefns)

valToSExpr :: Val -> SExpr
valToSExpr (BoolV b) = bool b
valToSExpr (IntV i) = int i
valToSExpr (FloatV f) = real (toRational f)
valToSExpr _ = error "valToSExpr: not implemented"

-- TODO: For this to work, names (also of bound variables) have to be unique
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,12 +219,15 @@ exprToSExpr _ e = error ("exprToSExpr: term " ++ show e ++ " not translatable
-- Launching the solver and retrieving results

-- When no explicit log level is provided, the default is set to 1
-- (silent mode not showing interaction with SMT solver)
selectLogLevel :: Maybe ValueKVM -> Int
selectLogLevel config =
case selectAssocOfValue "loglevel" (fromMaybe (IntVM 0) config) of
Nothing -> 0
let defaultLogLevel = 1
in case selectAssocOfValue "loglevel" (fromMaybe (IntVM 0) config) of
Nothing -> defaultLogLevel
Just (IntVM n) -> fromIntegral n
Just _ -> 0
Just _ -> defaultLogLevel

createSolver :: Maybe ValueKVM -> Maybe Logger -> IO Solver
createSolver config lg =
Expand Down
47 changes: 34 additions & 13 deletions src/Syntax.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wpartial-fields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}

module Syntax where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -107,12 +108,12 @@ updateAnnotOfTLE f e = case e of
RuleTLE ru -> RuleTLE $ ru { annotOfRule = f (annotOfRule ru) }
AssertionTLE as -> AssertionTLE $ as { annotOfAssertion = f (annotOfAssertion as) }
AutomatonTLE ta -> AutomatonTLE $ ta { annotOfTA = f (annotOfTA ta) }

instance HasLoc t => HasLoc (TopLevelElement t) where
getLoc = getLoc . getAnnotOfTLE

instance HasAnnot TopLevelElement where
getAnnot = getAnnotOfTLE
getAnnot = getAnnotOfTLE
updateAnnot = updateAnnotOfTLE

data NewProgram t = NewProgram { annotOfNewProgram :: t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -174,12 +175,12 @@ mapClassDecl f e = case e of
mapRule :: (Rule t -> Rule t) -> TopLevelElement t -> TopLevelElement t
mapRule f e = case e of
RuleTLE r -> RuleTLE (f r)
x -> x
x -> x

mapAssertion :: (Assertion t -> Assertion t) -> TopLevelElement t -> TopLevelElement t
mapAssertion f e = case e of
AssertionTLE r -> AssertionTLE (f r)
x -> x
x -> x

newProgramToProgram :: NewProgram t -> Program t
newProgramToProgram np = Program {
Expand All @@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ data Tp t
= ClassT {annotOfTp :: t, classNameOfTp :: ClassName}
| FunT {annotOfTp :: t, funTp :: Tp t, argTp :: Tp t}
| TupleT {annotOfTp :: t, componentsOfTpTupleT :: [Tp t]}
| ErrT
| ErrT
| OkT -- fake type appearing in constructs (classes, rules etc.) that do not have a genuine type
| KindT
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Data, Typeable)
Expand All @@ -215,19 +216,39 @@ instance HasLoc t => HasLoc (Tp t) where
instance HasDefault (Tp t) where
defaultVal = OkT

pattern BooleanC :: ClassName
pattern BooleanC = ClsNm "Boolean"
pattern ClassC :: ClassName
pattern ClassC = ClsNm "Class"
pattern FloatC :: ClassName
pattern FloatC = ClsNm "Float"
pattern IntegerC :: ClassName
pattern IntegerC = ClsNm "Integer"
pattern NumberC :: ClassName
pattern NumberC = ClsNm "Number"
pattern StateC :: ClassName
pattern StateC = ClsNm "State"
pattern StringC :: ClassName
pattern StringC = ClsNm "String"
pattern TimeC :: ClassName
pattern TimeC = ClsNm "Time"

booleanT :: Tp ()
booleanT = ClassT () (ClsNm "Boolean")
integerT :: Tp ()
integerT = ClassT () (ClsNm "Integer")
booleanT = ClassT () BooleanC
floatT :: Tp ()
floatT = ClassT () (ClsNm "Float")
floatT = ClassT () FloatC
integerT :: Tp ()
integerT = ClassT () IntegerC
stateT :: Tp ()
stateT = ClassT () StateC
stringT :: Tp ()
stringT = ClassT () (ClsNm "String")
-- already contained in Prelude as subtype of Float
stringT = ClassT () StringC
timeT :: Tp ()
timeT = ClassT () (ClsNm "Time")
timeT = ClassT () TimeC
numberT :: Tp ()
numberT = ClassT () (ClsNm "Number")
numberT = ClassT () NumberC

data VarDecl t = VarDecl {annotOfVarDecl :: t, nameOfVarDecl :: VarName, tpOfVarDecl :: Tp t}
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Functor, Data, Typeable)
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/SyntaxManipulation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -138,6 +138,10 @@ fv (TupleE _ es) = Set.unions (map fv es)
fv (CastE _ _ e) = fv e
fv (ListE _ _ es) = Set.unions (map fv es)

dropVar :: Var t -> Var t
dropVar (LocalVar vn i) = LocalVar vn (i - 1)
dropVar v = v

-- Lift variables and expressions:
-- Increase by one all indices of bound variables with index number >= n
-- Used for pushing an expression below a quantifier
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