💼 VC Founder
- With over 10 years of experience in system administration, I specialize in security, DevOps, Kubernetes, and networking.
🔧 Currently focused on:
- VC OS ( VC OS is an immutable server operating system.)
- Improving homelab
🌱 I am passionate about exploring cutting-edge technologies, continuously learning, and enhancing my skill set.
📫 Interested in my projects or expertise? Feel free to reach out or check out my latest updates!
🥪 Linux / 🥗 Backend / 🍊 Network Security / 🍑 Machine Learning
Primary Skills
凄凄寒月,朔风喧哗,陶陶欢颜,可解冰霜,暗香盈袖,艳影朦胧。 恍兮惚兮,未解真意,唯有柔情,怡悦我心。