Tree-SVM: Tool for SVM optimization on tree data structures ----------------------------------------------------------- OVERVIEW: Tree-SVM implements SMO decomposition algorithm from Fan et al JMLR 2005. Tree-SVM supports only binary classification by now. Input trees must be encoded in the bracket notation, e.g., "(A (B (C) (D)) (E (F)))" represents the following tree: A / \ B E / \ \ C D F where "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F" are corresponding node labels. Example of input file: +1 (beats (clarity (on (#CAMERA))) (out) (easily) (clarity (on (#CAMERA)))) -1 (#CAMERA (is (2.5 (same (as (that (on (#CAMERA))))) (wide)))) Available kernels: - Intersection kernel (counts the number of common labels for both input trees) - Subtree kernel (Vishwanathan and Smola, 2001) - Subset tree kernel (Collins and Duffy, 2002) - Partial tree kernel (Moschitti, 2006) - Skip-node kernel (Tkachenko and Lauw, 2015) - Linear Skip-node kernel (Tkachenko and Lauw, 2015) - Lookahead Skip-node kernel (Tkachenko and Lauw, 2015) ----------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO CITE: If you use Tree-SVM in your research, please cite the following paper: Maksim Tkachenko and Hady W. Lauw. A Convolution Kernel Approach to Identifying Comparisons in Text, ACL 2015. The bibtex format is @inproceedings{tkachenko-lauw:2015, author = {Maksim Tkachenko and Hady W. Lauw}, title = {A Convolution Kernel Approach to Identifying Comparisons in Text}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, year = {2015}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, } If you use Subtree kernel, Subset tree kernel, or Partial tree kernel, please cite the corresponding papers. ----------------------------------------------------------- BIBLIOGRAPHY: @article{fan:2005, author = {Fan, Rong-En and Chen, Pai-Hsuen and Lin, Chih-Jen}, title = {Working Set Selection Using Second Order Information for Training Support Vector Machines}, journal = {J. Mach. Learn. Res.}, issue_date = {12/1/2005}, volume = {6}, month = dec, year = {2005}, issn = {1532-4435}, pages = {1889--1918}, numpages = {30}, url = {}, acmid = {1194907}, publisher = {}, } @inproceedings{collins-duffy:2002, author = {Michael Collins and Nigel Duffy}, title = {New Ranking Algorithms for Parsing and Tagging: Kernels over Discrete Structures, and the Voted Perceptron}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 40th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics}, month = {July}, year = {2002}, address = {Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA}, publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics}, pages = {263--270}, url = {}, doi = {10.3115/1073083.1073128} } @incollection{smola-vishwanathan:2003, title = {Fast Kernels for String and Tree Matching}, author = {Alex J. Smola and S.v.n. Vishwanathan}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15}, editor = {S. Becker and S. Thrun and K. Obermayer}, pages = {585--592}, year = {2003}, publisher = {MIT Press}, url = {} } @incollection{moschitti:2006, year={2006}, isbn={978-3-540-45375-8}, booktitle={Machine Learning: ECML 2006}, volume={4212}, series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, editor={Fürnkranz, Johannes and Scheffer, Tobias and Spiliopoulou, Myra}, doi={10.1007/11871842_32}, title={Efficient Convolution Kernels for Dependency and Constituent Syntactic Trees}, url={}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, author={Moschitti, Alessandro}, pages={318-329}, language={English} }