A simple, very small programmer's calculator for CP/M (Z80).
Version 0.1b, June 2023
This utility is designed to be built using the Microft assembler and linker,
M80.COM and L80.COM. There is a Makefile for building under Linux. scalc.sub
is for building on CP/M. This will likely need to be edited if the assembler
and linker aren't on the same disk as the source files. The resulting binary
should be smaller than 2kB.
contains brief instructions, and is intended to be distributed with
the binary scalc.com
describes the grammar, along with some implementation details.
is maintained by Kevin Boone, and is distributed under the terms of the
GNU public licence, v3.0.
0.1a February 2022 First release
0.1b June 2023 Fixed a bug in handling the command line