Hi 👋, I'm Shendy | Mobile Apps Developer
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter
Languages and Tools:
Hi 👋, I'm Shendy | Mobile Apps Developer
🌱 I’m currently learning Flutter
Languages and Tools:
Forked from gabrielemariotti/cardslib
Android Library to build a UI Card
Java 1
Forked from navasmdc/MaterialDesignLibrary
This is a library with components of Android L to you use in android 2.2
Java 1
Forked from ariok/BWWalkthrough
BWWalkthrough is a class to build custom walkthroughs for your iOS App
Swift 1
Forked from ChartsOrg/Charts
Beautiful charts for iOS/tvOS/OSX! The Apple side of the crossplatform MPAndroidChart.
Swift 1
Forked from SundeepK/CompactCalendarView
An android library which provides a compact calendar view much like the one used in google calenders.
Java 1
Forked from lintangtimur/TIXID
Unofficial TIX-ID API | Reserve Fun and Exciting Entertainment Experiences at the Convenience of Your Phone