Magnum - a tool for rapid, consistent, and best practice Puppet module development.
Magnum is essentially a Puppet module project generator and a wrapper around tools such as: puppetlabs_spec_helper, rspec-puppet, serverspec, puppet-lint, puppet-git-hooks, vagrant, and more!
Magnum is a Ruby gem and thus requires a working Ruby environment on your development machine. It's recommended to use rbenv to install and manage the Ruby versions on your machine.
Currently, using Ruby 2.3.0 latest and above should work fine with Magnum. Additionally, ensure that bundler (a Ruby gem manager) is installed and available in your gem path.
Install Magnum for yourself by doing the following inside a copy of this repo:
% bundle install && bundle exec rake install
% magnum --help
magnum help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
magnum module # Module related tasks. Type 'magnum module' for more help.
magnum version # Display version and copyright information
The following shows how one can get started quickly creating an 'nginx' Puppet module:
% magnum module create nginx
create nginx/manifests
create nginx/templates
create nginx/files
create nginx/spec
create nginx/serverspec
create nginx/.vagrant_puppet
create nginx/
create nginx/LICENSE
create nginx/metadata.json
create nginx/manifests/init.pp
create nginx/spec/classes
create nginx/spec/defines
create nginx/spec/functions
create nginx/spec/hosts
create nginx/spec/unit
create nginx/spec/fixtures/manifests
create nginx/spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
create nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx
remove nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/manifests
create nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/manifests
remove nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/templates
create nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/templates
remove nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/files
create nginx/spec/fixtures/modules/nginx/files
create nginx/spec/spec_helper.rb
create nginx/spec/classes/nginx_spec.rb
create nginx/.rspec
create nginx/serverspec/nginx_spec.rb
create nginx/.fixtures.yml
remove nginx/Gemfile
create nginx/Gemfile
remove nginx/Rakefile
create nginx/Rakefile
create nginx/Vagrantfile
create nginx/.vagrant_puppet/
create nginx/.vagrant_puppet/environments/vagrant/environment.conf
create nginx/.vagrant_puppet/environments/vagrant/manifests/init.pp
remove nginx/Magnum.lastinit
create nginx/Magnum.lastinit
remove nginx/.gitignore
create nginx/.gitignore
create nginx/.git_hooks/pre-commit
create nginx/.git_hooks/prepare-commit-msg
chmod nginx/.git_hooks/pre-commit
chmod nginx/.git_hooks/prepare-commit-msg
run git init from "./nginx"
run git add -A from "./nginx"
create nginx/.git/hooks/pre-commit
create nginx/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
chmod nginx/.git/hooks/pre-commit
chmod nginx/.git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
create nginx/.git_hooks_installed
Magnum can take several parameters which will be used for populating the templates of things like manifest documentation, licensing and maintainer information.
- maintainer: maintainer name of module.
- maintainer_email: maintainer email of module.
- copyright_year: defaults to current year.
- copyright_holder: defaults to maintainer if not declared.
The values above can be set via a file in your home directory called .magnumrc
maintainer: Infrastructure Team
maintainer_email: [email protected]
copyright_holder: LLC
Magnum provides the following Puppet testing tools to allow the Puppet module developer a means to test their Puppet code. The tools provided are puppet-lint, rspec-puppet, serverspec, and vagrant.
The following will describe what each tool provided does and how it can be used within a Magnum managed Puppet module.
puppet-lint allows the Puppet module developer to statically check that the content of their Puppet code conforms to the Puppet style standard. It checks for trailing whitespace, indentation and tabs, and many other Puppet style guidelines as listed here. With puppet-lint checking for unconformity, it's a lot easier for a team of Puppet developers to adhere to a general style guideline.
Magnum sets up the puppet-lint tool in the Puppet module directory and provides the Rake task 'lint' to run puppet-lint against your code, as shown:
% bundle exec rake lint
manifests/client.pp - WARNING: class not documented on line 1
manifests/crowsnest.pp - WARNING: class not documented on line 1
manifests/params.pp - WARNING: top-scope variable being used without an explicit namespace on line 3
manifests/params.pp - WARNING: class not documented on line 1
manifests/params.pp - ERROR: trailing whitespace found on line 21
The developer should check for puppet-lint warnings and errors and fix their code to conform to the style guidelines. Errors should definitely be fixed as they will cause further tests to fail.
If the developer runs the 'lint' task and there is no output - then all the puppet-lint checks passed successfully.
For more details about puppet-lint, please check the project website.
rspec-puppet allows the Puppet module developer to write RSpec unit tests for their Puppet code.
Each Magnum managed Puppet module directory will have a subdirectory called 'spec' with a directory tree as follows:
├── spec/classes
│ └── spec/classes/ntp_spec.rb
├── spec/defines
├── spec/fixtures
│ ├── spec/fixtures/manifests
│ │ └── spec/fixtures/manifests/site.pp
│ └── spec/fixtures/modules
│ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp
│ ├── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/files -> ../../../../files
│ ├── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/lib
│ │ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/lib/puppet
│ │ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/lib/puppet/parser
│ │ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/lib/puppet/parser/functions
│ │ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/lib/puppet/parser/functions/zabbix_registration.rb
│ ├── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/manifests -> ../../../../manifests
│ └── spec/fixtures/modules/ntp/templates -> ../../../../templates
├── spec/functions
├── spec/hosts
├── spec/spec_helper.rb
└── spec/unit
All rspec-puppet tests for Puppet classes should be written in the 'spec/classes/MODULE_spec.rb' file.
All rspec-puppet tests for Puppet define types should be written in the 'spec/defines/MODULE_spec.rb' file.
As you can see above there are numerous files underneath the 'spec' subdirectory. A lot of these files - especially the files under 'spec/fixtures' - exist to glue together our RSpec testing tools. The 'spec/fixtures' directory is unique in that all module dependencies, including the module being developed, should be found under the 'spec/fixtures' directory. rspec-puppet, serverspec, and vagrant will all make use of this special 'spec/fixtures' directory.
In order to add additional module dependencies into your Puppet module, Magnum provides a .fixtures.yml file which can be modified to add additional Puppet modules to your project. The default .fixtures.yml file will look like the following:
# repositories:
# stdlib: 'git://'
ntp/files: '../../../../files'
ntp/manifests: '../../../../manifests'
ntp/templates: '../../../../templates'
As you can see, additional modules - like 'stdlib' - can be added to your Puppet module project directory.
% bundle exec rake unit
HEAD is now at 44c181e Merge branch 'fix/master/add_recursive_merge'
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/shims/ruby -S rspec spec/classes/config_spec.rb spec/classes/install_spec.rb spec/classes/ntp_spec.rb spec/classes/service_spec.rb --color
Finished in 0.53874 seconds
8 examples, 0 failures
For more details about rspec-puppet and how to write the actual rspec-puppet tests, please check the project website.
serverspec allows the Puppet module developer to write RSpec integration tests for their Puppet code. serverspec integration tests work in conjunction with vagrant and allow a Puppet developer the ability to quickly provision a vagrant virtual box Linux system and then run these tests against this live system.
Each Magnum managed Puppet module directory will have a subdirectory called 'serverspec' with a directory tree as follows:
├── serverspec/spec
│ └── serverspec/spec/MODULE_spec.rb
└── serverspec/spec_helper.rb
All serverspec tests should be written in the 'serverspec/spec/MODULE_spec.rb' file.
% bundle exec rake integ
HEAD is now at 44c181e Merge branch 'fix/master/add_recursive_merge'
Running integration tests on Vagrant image; this will take a few moments...
/usr/local/opt/rbenv/shims/ruby -S rspec serverspec/spec/ntp_spec.rb --color
Finished in 48.7 seconds
16 examples, 0 failures
For more details about serverspec and how to write the actual serverspec tests, please check the project website.
vagrant allows the Puppet developer to start local VirtualBox instances in their Puppet module project and provision the instance with the Puppet module being tested. vagrant requires a Vagrantfile which specifies how to launch a VirtualBox instance. Magnum sets up the required Vagrantfile with the proper configurations required to start the VirtualBox VM (w/ 'vagrant up') and provision the instance with the module being tested.
Magnum also creates a .vagrant_puppet/ directory in your Puppet module project and more importantly a .vagrant_puppet/init.pp file containing the necessary configuration for Puppet provisioning your VirtualBox instance. The Puppet module developer should change the .vagrant_puppet/init.pp file to provision their VirtualBox instance according to their needs. The best way to understand this is to take a look at some of the Puppet module examples below.
During the development of a Puppet module, the Puppet module developer can run 'vagrant provision' to continuously test their Puppet module changes. The developer can login to the VirtualBox instance (w/ 'vagrant ssh') and check the state of their Puppet provisioning.
NOTE: vagrant does NOT implicitly re-provision your VirtualBox instance each time. Only on a new VirtualBox instance creation will VirtualBox automatically run a 'provision' for you. The Puppet module developer should run 'vagrant provision' each time they need to check their latest Puppet code changes.
For more details about vagrant, please check the project website.
Standing on the shoulder's of giants - thanks to the following projects for inspiration!:
- Author:: Tehmasp Chaudhri ([email protected])
Copyright 2013-2016 Tehmasp Chaudhri
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.