// Copyright 2015 Canonical Ltd.
// Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
package mongo
import (
// OplogDoc represents a document in the oplog.rs collection.
// See: http://www.kchodorow.com/blog/2010/10/12/replication-internals/
// The Object and UpdateObject fields are returned raw to allow
// unmarshalling into arbitrary types. Use the UnmarshalObject and
// UnmarshalUpdate methods to unmarshall these fields.
type OplogDoc struct {
Timestamp bson.MongoTimestamp `bson:"ts"`
OperationId int64 `bson:"h"`
MongoVersion int `bson:"v"`
Operation string `bson:"op"` // "i" - insert, "u" - update, "d" - delete
Namespace string `bson:"ns"`
Object *bson.Raw `bson:"o"`
UpdateObject *bson.Raw `bson:"o2"`
// UnmarshalObject unmarshals the Object field into out. The out
// argument should be a pointer or a suitable map.
func (d *OplogDoc) UnmarshalObject(out interface{}) error {
return d.unmarshal(d.Object, out)
// UnmarshalUpdate unmarshals the UpdateObject field into out. The out
// argument should be a pointer or a suitable map.
func (d *OplogDoc) UnmarshalUpdate(out interface{}) error {
return d.unmarshal(d.UpdateObject, out)
func (d *OplogDoc) unmarshal(raw *bson.Raw, out interface{}) error {
if raw == nil {
// If the field is not set, set out to the zero value for its type.
v := reflect.ValueOf(out)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
v = v.Elem()
case reflect.Map:
// Empty the map.
for _, k := range v.MapKeys() {
v.SetMapIndex(k, reflect.Value{})
return errors.New("output must be a pointer or map")
return nil
return raw.Unmarshal(out)
// NewMongoTimestamp returns a bson.MongoTimestamp repesentation for
// the time.Time given. Note that these timestamps are not the same
// the usual MongoDB time fields. These are an internal format used
// only in a few places such as the replication oplog.
// See: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/bson-types/#timestamps
func NewMongoTimestamp(t time.Time) bson.MongoTimestamp {
unixTime := t.Unix()
if unixTime < 0 {
unixTime = 0
return bson.MongoTimestamp(unixTime << 32)
// GetOplog returns the the oplog collection in the local database.
func GetOplog(session *mgo.Session) *mgo.Collection {
return session.DB("local").C("oplog.rs")
func isRealOplog(c *mgo.Collection) bool {
return c.Database.Name == "local" && c.Name == "oplog.rs"
// OplogSession represents a connection to the oplog store, used
// to create an iterator to get oplog documents (and recreate it if it
// gets killed or times out).
type OplogSession interface {
NewIter(bson.MongoTimestamp, []int64) Iterator
type oplogSession struct {
session *mgo.Session
collection *mgo.Collection
query bson.D
// NewOplogSession defines a new OplogSession.
// Arguments:
// - "collection" is the collection to use for the oplog. Typically this
// would be the result of GetOpLog.
// - "query" can be used to limit the returned oplog entries. A
// typical filter would limit based on ns (".")
// and o (object).
// The returned session should be `Close`d when it's no longer needed.
func NewOplogSession(collection *mgo.Collection, query bson.D) *oplogSession {
// Use a fresh session for the tailer.
session := collection.Database.Session.Copy()
return &oplogSession{
session: session,
collection: collection.With(session),
query: query,
const oplogTailTimeout = time.Second
func (s *oplogSession) NewIter(fromTimestamp bson.MongoTimestamp, excludeIds []int64) Iterator {
// When recreating the iterator (required when the cursor
// is invalidated) avoid reporting oplog entries that have
// already been reported.
sel := append(s.query,
bson.DocElem{"ts", bson.D{{"$gte", fromTimestamp}}},
bson.DocElem{"h", bson.D{{"$nin", excludeIds}}},
query := s.collection.Find(sel)
if isRealOplog(s.collection) {
// Apply an optimisation that is only supported with
// the real oplog.
query = query.LogReplay()
// Time the tail call out every second so that requests to
// stop can be honoured.
return query.Tail(oplogTailTimeout)
func (s *oplogSession) Close() {
// NewOplogTailer returns a new OplogTailer.
// Arguments:
// - "session" determines the collection and filtering on records that
// should be returned.
// - "initialTs" sets the operation timestamp to start returning
// results from. This can be used to avoid an expensive initial search
// through the oplog when the tailer first starts.
// Remember to call Stop on the returned OplogTailer when it is no
// longer needed.
func NewOplogTailer(
session OplogSession,
initialTs time.Time,
) *OplogTailer {
t := &OplogTailer{
session: session,
initialTs: NewMongoTimestamp(initialTs),
outCh: make(chan *OplogDoc),
t.tomb.Go(func() error {
defer func() {
return t.loop()
return t
// OplogTailer tails MongoDB's replication oplog.
type OplogTailer struct {
tomb tomb.Tomb
session OplogSession
initialTs bson.MongoTimestamp
outCh chan *OplogDoc
// Out returns a channel that reports the oplog entries matching the
// query passed to NewOplogTailer as they appear.
func (t *OplogTailer) Out() <-chan *OplogDoc {
return t.outCh
// Dying returns a channel that will be closed with the OplogTailer is
// shutting down.
func (t *OplogTailer) Dying() <-chan struct{} {
return t.tomb.Dying()
// Stop shuts down the OplogTailer. It will block until shutdown is
// complete.
func (t *OplogTailer) Stop() error {
return t.tomb.Wait()
// Err returns the error that caused the OplogTailer to stop. If it
// finished normally or hasn't stopped then nil will be returned.
func (t *OplogTailer) Err() error {
return t.tomb.Err()
func (t *OplogTailer) loop() error {
// lastTimestamp tracks the most recent oplog timestamp reported.
lastTimestamp := t.initialTs
// idsForLastTimestamp records the unique operation ids that have
// been reported for the most recently reported oplog
// timestamp. This is used to avoid re-reporting oplog entries
// when the iterator is restarted. These timestamps are unique for
// a given mongod but when there's multiple replicaset members
// it's possible for there to be multiple oplog entries for a
// given timestamp.
// See: http://docs.mongodb.org/v2.4/reference/bson-types/#timestamps
var idsForLastTimestamp []int64
newIter := func() Iterator {
return t.session.NewIter(lastTimestamp, idsForLastTimestamp)
iter := newIter()
defer func() { iter.Close() }() // iter may be replaced, hence closure
for {
if t.dying() {
return tomb.ErrDying
var doc OplogDoc
if iter.Next(&doc) {
select {
case <-t.tomb.Dying():
return tomb.ErrDying
case t.outCh <- &doc:
if doc.Timestamp > lastTimestamp {
lastTimestamp = doc.Timestamp
idsForLastTimestamp = nil
idsForLastTimestamp = append(idsForLastTimestamp, doc.OperationId)
} else {
if iter.Timeout() {
if err := iter.Close(); err != nil && err != mgo.ErrCursor {
return err
// Either there's no error or the error is an expired
// cursor; Recreate the iterator.
iter = newIter()
func (t *OplogTailer) dying() bool {
select {
case <-t.tomb.Dying():
return true
return false