// Copyright 2012, 2013 Canonical Ltd.
// Licensed under the AGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
package state
import (
stderrors "errors"
csparams "github.com/juju/charmrepo/v5/csclient/params"
jujutxn "github.com/juju/txn"
mgoutils "github.com/juju/juju/mongo/utils"
// Application represents the state of an application.
type Application struct {
st *State
doc applicationDoc
// applicationDoc represents the internal state of an application in MongoDB.
// Note the correspondence with ApplicationInfo in apiserver.
type applicationDoc struct {
DocID string `bson:"_id"`
Name string `bson:"name"`
ModelUUID string `bson:"model-uuid"`
Series string `bson:"series"`
Subordinate bool `bson:"subordinate"`
CharmURL *charm.URL `bson:"charmurl"`
Channel string `bson:"cs-channel"`
CharmModifiedVersion int `bson:"charmmodifiedversion"`
ForceCharm bool `bson:"forcecharm"`
Life Life `bson:"life"`
UnitCount int `bson:"unitcount"`
RelationCount int `bson:"relationcount"`
Exposed bool `bson:"exposed"`
MinUnits int `bson:"minunits"`
Tools *tools.Tools `bson:",omitempty"`
TxnRevno int64 `bson:"txn-revno"`
MetricCredentials []byte `bson:"metric-credentials"`
// CAAS related attributes.
DesiredScale int `bson:"scale"`
PasswordHash string `bson:"passwordhash"`
// Placement is the placement directive that should be used allocating units/pods.
Placement string `bson:"placement,omitempty"`
// HasResources is set to false after an application has been removed
// and any k8s cluster resources have been fully cleaned up.
// Until then, the application must not be removed from the Juju model.
HasResources bool `bson:"has-resources,omitempty"`
func newApplication(st *State, doc *applicationDoc) *Application {
app := &Application{
st: st,
doc: *doc,
return app
// IsRemote returns false for a local application.
func (a *Application) IsRemote() bool {
return false
// Name returns the application name.
func (a *Application) Name() string {
return a.doc.Name
// Tag returns a name identifying the application.
// The returned name will be different from other Tag values returned by any
// other entities from the same state.
func (a *Application) Tag() names.Tag {
return a.ApplicationTag()
// ApplicationTag returns the more specific ApplicationTag rather than the generic
// Tag.
func (a *Application) ApplicationTag() names.ApplicationTag {
return names.NewApplicationTag(a.Name())
// applicationGlobalKey returns the global database key for the application
// with the given name.
func applicationGlobalKey(appName string) string {
return "a#" + appName
// globalKey returns the global database key for the application.
func (a *Application) globalKey() string {
return applicationGlobalKey(a.doc.Name)
func applicationGlobalOperatorKey(appName string) string {
return applicationGlobalKey(appName) + "#operator"
func applicationCharmConfigKey(appName string, curl *charm.URL) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("a#%s#%s", appName, curl)
// charmConfigKey returns the charm-version-specific settings collection
// key for the application.
func (a *Application) charmConfigKey() string {
return applicationCharmConfigKey(a.doc.Name, a.doc.CharmURL)
func applicationConfigKey(appName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("a#%s#application", appName)
// applicationConfigKey returns the charm-version-specific settings collection
// key for the application.
func (a *Application) applicationConfigKey() string {
return applicationConfigKey(a.doc.Name)
func applicationStorageConstraintsKey(appName string, curl *charm.URL) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("asc#%s#%s", appName, curl)
// storageConstraintsKey returns the charm-version-specific storage
// constraints collection key for the application.
func (a *Application) storageConstraintsKey() string {
return applicationStorageConstraintsKey(a.doc.Name, a.doc.CharmURL)
func applicationDeviceConstraintsKey(appName string, curl *charm.URL) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("adc#%s#%s", appName, curl)
// deviceConstraintsKey returns the charm-version-specific device
// constraints collection key for the application.
func (a *Application) deviceConstraintsKey() string {
return applicationDeviceConstraintsKey(a.doc.Name, a.doc.CharmURL)
// Series returns the specified series for this charm.
func (a *Application) Series() string {
return a.doc.Series
// Life returns whether the application is Alive, Dying or Dead.
func (a *Application) Life() Life {
return a.doc.Life
// AgentTools returns the tools that the operator is currently running.
// It an error that satisfies errors.IsNotFound if the tools have not
// yet been set.
func (a *Application) AgentTools() (*tools.Tools, error) {
if a.doc.Tools == nil {
return nil, errors.NotFoundf("operator image metadata for application %q", a)
result := *a.doc.Tools
return &result, nil
// SetAgentVersion sets the Tools value in applicationDoc.
func (a *Application) SetAgentVersion(v version.Binary) (err error) {
defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(&err, "cannot set agent version for application %q", a)
if err = checkVersionValidity(v); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
versionedTool := &tools.Tools{Version: v}
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: notDeadDoc,
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"tools", versionedTool}}}},
if err := a.st.db().RunTransaction(ops); err != nil {
return onAbort(err, ErrDead)
a.doc.Tools = versionedTool
return nil
var errRefresh = stderrors.New("state seems inconsistent, refresh and try again")
// Destroy ensures that the application and all its relations will be removed at
// some point; if the application has no units, and no relation involving the
// application has any units in scope, they are all removed immediately.
func (a *Application) Destroy() (err error) {
op := a.DestroyOperation()
defer func() {
logger.Tracef("Application(%s).Destroy() => %v", a.doc.Name, err)
if err == nil {
// After running the destroy ops, app life is either Dying,
// or it may be set to Dead. If removed, life will also be marked as Dead.
a.doc.Life = op.PostDestoryAppLife
err = a.st.ApplyOperation(op)
if len(op.Errors) != 0 {
logger.Warningf("operational errors destroying application %v: %v", a.Name(), op.Errors)
return err
// DestroyOperation returns a model operation that will destroy the application.
func (a *Application) DestroyOperation() *DestroyApplicationOperation {
return &DestroyApplicationOperation{
app: &Application{st: a.st, doc: a.doc},
// DestroyApplicationOperation is a model operation for destroying an
// application.
type DestroyApplicationOperation struct {
// app holds the application to destroy.
app *Application
// DestroyStorage controls whether or not storage attached
// to units of the application are destroyed. If this is false,
// then detachable storage will be detached and left in the model.
DestroyStorage bool
// RemoveOffers controls whether or not application offers
// are removed. If this is false, then the operation will
// fail if there are any offers remaining.
RemoveOffers bool
// CleanupIgnoringResources is true if this operation has been
// scheduled by a forced cleanup task.
CleanupIgnoringResources bool
// PostDestoryAppLife is the life of the app if destroy completes without error.
PostDestoryAppLife Life
// ForcedOperation stores needed information to force this operation.
// Build is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *DestroyApplicationOperation) Build(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
if err := op.app.Refresh(); errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, jujutxn.ErrNoOperations
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
// This call returns needed operations to destroy an application.
// All operational errors are added to 'op' struct
// and may be of interest to the user. Without 'force', these errors are considered fatal.
// If 'force' is specified, they are treated as non-fatal - they will not prevent further
// processing: we'll still try to remove application.
ops, err := op.destroyOps()
switch errors.Cause(err) {
case errRefresh:
return nil, jujutxn.ErrTransientFailure
case errAlreadyDying:
return nil, jujutxn.ErrNoOperations
case nil:
if len(op.Errors) == 0 {
return ops, nil
if op.Force {
logger.Debugf("forcing application removal")
return ops, nil
// Should be impossible to reach as--by convention--we return an error and
// an empty ops slice when a force-able error occurs and we're running !op.Force
err = errors.Errorf("errors encountered: %q", op.Errors)
return nil, err
// Done is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *DestroyApplicationOperation) Done(err error) error {
if err == nil {
return err
connected, err2 := applicationHasConnectedOffers(op.app.st, op.app.Name())
if err2 != nil {
err = errors.Trace(err2)
} else if connected {
rels, err2 := op.app.st.AllRelations()
if err2 != nil {
err = errors.Trace(err2)
} else {
n := 0
for _, r := range rels {
if _, isCrossModel, err := r.RemoteApplication(); err == nil && isCrossModel {
err = errors.Errorf("application is used by %d consumer%s", n, plural(n))
} else {
err = errors.NewNotSupported(err, "change to the application detected")
return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot destroy application %q", op.app)
// destroyOps returns the operations required to destroy the application. If it
// returns errRefresh, the application should be refreshed and the destruction
// operations recalculated.
// When this operation has 'force' set, all operational errors are considered non-fatal
// and are accumulated on the operation.
// This method will return all operations we can construct despite errors.
// When the 'force' is not set, any operational errors will be considered fatal. All operations
// constructed up until the error will be discarded and the error will be returned.
func (op *DestroyApplicationOperation) destroyOps() ([]txn.Op, error) {
rels, err := op.app.Relations()
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, err
if len(rels) != op.app.doc.RelationCount {
// This is just an early bail out. The relations obtained may still
// be wrong, but that situation will be caught by a combination of
// asserts on relationcount and on each known relation, below.
logger.Tracef("DestroyApplicationOperation(%s).destroyOps mismatched relation count %d != %d",
op.app.doc.Name, len(rels), op.app.doc.RelationCount)
return nil, errRefresh
ops := []txn.Op{minUnitsRemoveOp(op.app.st, op.app.doc.Name)}
removeCount := 0
failedRels := false
for _, rel := range rels {
// When forced, this call will return both operations to remove this
// relation as well as all operational errors encountered.
// If the 'force' is not set and the call came across some errors,
// these errors will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
relOps, isRemove, err := rel.destroyOps(op.app.doc.Name, &op.ForcedOperation)
if errors.Cause(err) == errAlreadyDying {
relOps = []txn.Op{{
C: relationsC,
Id: rel.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"life", Dying}},
} else if err != nil {
failedRels = true
if isRemove {
ops = append(ops, relOps...)
op.PostDestoryAppLife = Dying
if !op.Force && failedRels {
return nil, op.LastError()
resOps, err := removeResourcesOps(op.app.st, op.app.doc.Name)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, resOps...)
// We can't delete an application if it is being offered,
// unless those offers have no relations.
if !op.RemoveOffers {
countOp, n, err := countApplicationOffersRefOp(op.app.st, op.app.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if n == 0 {
ops = append(ops, countOp)
} else {
connected, err := applicationHasConnectedOffers(op.app.st, op.app.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if connected {
return nil, errors.Errorf("application is used by %d offer%s", n, plural(n))
// None of our offers are connected,
// it's safe to remove them.
removeOfferOps, err := removeApplicationOffersOps(op.app.st, op.app.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, removeOfferOps...)
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: op.app.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{
// We're using the txn-revno here because relationcount is too
// coarse-grained for what we need. Using the revno will
// create false positives during concurrent updates of the
// model, but eliminates the possibility of it entering
// an inconsistent state.
{"txn-revno", op.app.doc.TxnRevno},
branchOps, err := op.unassignBranchOps()
if err != nil {
if !op.Force {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, branchOps...)
// If the application has no units, and all its known relations will be
// removed, the application can also be removed, so long as there are
// no other cluster resources, as can be the case for k8s charms.
if op.app.doc.UnitCount == 0 && op.app.doc.RelationCount == removeCount {
logger.Tracef("DestroyApplicationOperation(%s).destroyOps removing application", op.app.doc.Name)
// If we're forcing destruction the assertion shouldn't be that
// life is alive, but that it's what we think it is now.
assertion := bson.D{
{"life", op.app.doc.Life},
{"unitcount", 0},
{"relationcount", removeCount},
// There are resources pending so don't remove app yet.
if op.app.doc.HasResources && !op.CleanupIgnoringResources {
if op.Force {
// We need to wait longer than normal for any k8s resources to be fully removed
// since it can take a while for the cluster to terminate rnning pods etc.
logger.Debugf("scheduling forced application %q cleanup", op.app.doc.Name)
deadline := op.app.st.stateClock.Now().Add(2 * op.MaxWait)
cleanupOp := newCleanupAtOp(deadline, cleanupForceApplication, op.app.doc.Name, op.MaxWait)
ops = append(ops, cleanupOp)
logger.Debugf("advancing application %q to dead, waiting for cluster resources", op.app.doc.Name)
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"life", Dead}}}}
if removeCount != 0 {
decref := bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"relationcount", -removeCount}}}}
update = append(update, decref...)
advanceLifecycleOp := txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: op.app.doc.DocID,
Assert: assertion,
Update: update,
op.PostDestoryAppLife = Dead
return append(ops, advanceLifecycleOp), nil
// When forced, this call will return operations to remove this
// application and accumulate all operational errors encountered in the operation.
// If the 'force' is not set and the call came across some errors,
// these errors will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
removeOps, err := op.app.removeOps(assertion, &op.ForcedOperation)
if err != nil {
if !op.Force || errors.Cause(err) == errRefresh {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ops, nil
return append(ops, removeOps...), nil
// In all other cases, application removal will be handled as a consequence
// of the removal of the last unit or relation referencing it. If any
// relations have been removed, they'll be caught by the operations
// collected above; but if any has been added, we need to abort and add
// a destroy op for that relation too. In combination, it's enough to
// check for count equality: an add/remove will not touch the count, but
// will be caught by virtue of being a remove.
notLastRefs := bson.D{
{"life", op.app.doc.Life},
{"relationcount", op.app.doc.RelationCount},
// With respect to unit count, a changing value doesn't matter, so long
// as the count's equality with zero does not change, because all we care
// about is that *some* unit is, or is not, keeping the application from
// being removed: the difference between 1 unit and 1000 is irrelevant.
if op.app.doc.UnitCount > 0 {
logger.Tracef("DestroyApplicationOperation(%s).destroyOps UnitCount == %d, queuing up unitCleanup",
op.app.doc.Name, op.app.doc.UnitCount)
cleanupOp := newCleanupOp(
ops = append(ops, cleanupOp)
notLastRefs = append(notLastRefs, bson.D{{"unitcount", bson.D{{"$gt", 0}}}}...)
} else {
notLastRefs = append(notLastRefs, bson.D{{"unitcount", 0}}...)
update := bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"life", Dying}}}}
if removeCount != 0 {
decref := bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"relationcount", -removeCount}}}}
update = append(update, decref...)
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: op.app.doc.DocID,
Assert: notLastRefs,
Update: update,
return ops, nil
func (op *DestroyApplicationOperation) unassignBranchOps() ([]txn.Op, error) {
m, err := op.app.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
appName := op.app.doc.Name
branches, err := m.applicationBranches(appName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(branches) == 0 {
return nil, nil
ops := []txn.Op{}
for _, b := range branches {
// assumption: branches from applicationBranches will
// ALWAYS have the appName in assigned-units, but not
// always in config.
ops = append(ops, b.unassignAppOps(appName)...)
return ops, nil
func removeResourcesOps(st *State, applicationID string) ([]txn.Op, error) {
persist, err := st.ResourcesPersistence()
if errors.IsNotSupported(err) {
// Nothing to see here, move along.
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops, err := persist.NewRemoveResourcesOps(applicationID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ops, nil
// removeOps returns the operations required to remove the application. Supplied
// asserts will be included in the operation on the application document.
// When force is set, the operation will proceed regardless of the errors,
// and if any errors are encountered, all possible accumulated operations
// as well as all encountered errors will be returned.
// When 'force' is set, this call will return operations to remove this
// application and will accumulate all operational errors encountered in the operation.
// If the 'force' is not set, any error will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
func (a *Application) removeOps(asserts bson.D, op *ForcedOperation) ([]txn.Op, error) {
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: asserts,
Remove: true,
// Remove application offers.
removeOfferOps, err := removeApplicationOffersOps(a.st, a.doc.Name)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, removeOfferOps...)
// Note that appCharmDecRefOps might not catch the final decref
// when run in a transaction that decrefs more than once. So we
// avoid attempting to do the final cleanup in the ref dec ops and
// do it explicitly below.
name := a.doc.Name
curl := a.doc.CharmURL
// When 'force' is set, this call will return operations to delete application references
// to this charm as well as accumulate all operational errors encountered in the operation.
// If the 'force' is not set, any error will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
charmOps, err := appCharmDecRefOps(a.st, name, curl, false, op)
if err != nil {
if errors.Cause(err) == errRefcountAlreadyZero {
// We have already removed the reference to the charm, this indicates
// the application is already removed, reload yourself and try again
return nil, errRefresh
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, charmOps...)
// By the time we get to here, all units and charm refs have been removed,
// so it's safe to do this additional cleanup.
ops = append(ops, finalAppCharmRemoveOps(name, curl)...)
ops = append(ops, a.removeCloudServiceOps()...)
globalKey := a.globalKey()
ops = append(ops,
annotationRemoveOp(a.st, globalKey),
removeStatusOp(a.st, globalKey),
removeStatusOp(a.st, applicationGlobalOperatorKey(name)),
removeSettingsOp(settingsC, a.applicationConfigKey()),
removeModelApplicationRefOp(a.st, name),
return ops, nil
// IsExposed returns whether this application is exposed. The explicitly open
// ports (with open-port) for exposed applications may be accessed from machines
// outside of the local deployment network. See SetExposed and ClearExposed.
func (a *Application) IsExposed() bool {
return a.doc.Exposed
// SetExposed marks the application as exposed.
// See ClearExposed and IsExposed.
func (a *Application) SetExposed() error {
return a.setExposed(true)
// ClearExposed removes the exposed flag from the application.
// See SetExposed and IsExposed.
func (a *Application) ClearExposed() error {
return a.setExposed(false)
func (a *Application) setExposed(exposed bool) (err error) {
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: isAliveDoc,
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"exposed", exposed}}}},
if err := a.st.db().RunTransaction(ops); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot set exposed flag for application %q to %v: %v", a, exposed, onAbort(err, applicationNotAliveErr))
a.doc.Exposed = exposed
return nil
// Charm returns the application's charm and whether units should upgrade to that
// charm even if they are in an error state.
func (a *Application) Charm() (ch *Charm, force bool, err error) {
// We don't worry about the channel since we aren't interacting
// with the charm store here.
ch, err = a.st.Charm(a.doc.CharmURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, false, err
return ch, a.doc.ForceCharm, nil
// IsPrincipal returns whether units of the application can
// have subordinate units.
func (a *Application) IsPrincipal() bool {
return !a.doc.Subordinate
// CharmModifiedVersion increases whenever the application's charm is changed in any
// way.
func (a *Application) CharmModifiedVersion() int {
return a.doc.CharmModifiedVersion
// CharmURL returns the application's charm URL, and whether units should upgrade
// to the charm with that URL even if they are in an error state.
func (a *Application) CharmURL() (curl *charm.URL, force bool) {
return a.doc.CharmURL, a.doc.ForceCharm
// Channel identifies the charm store channel from which the application's
// charm was deployed. It is only needed when interacting with the charm
// store.
func (a *Application) Channel() csparams.Channel {
return csparams.Channel(a.doc.Channel)
// Endpoints returns the application's currently available relation endpoints.
func (a *Application) Endpoints() (eps []Endpoint, err error) {
ch, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
collect := func(role charm.RelationRole, rels map[string]charm.Relation) {
for _, rel := range rels {
eps = append(eps, Endpoint{
ApplicationName: a.doc.Name,
Relation: rel,
meta := ch.Meta()
collect(charm.RolePeer, meta.Peers)
collect(charm.RoleProvider, meta.Provides)
collect(charm.RoleRequirer, meta.Requires)
collect(charm.RoleProvider, map[string]charm.Relation{
"juju-info": {
Name: "juju-info",
Role: charm.RoleProvider,
Interface: "juju-info",
Scope: charm.ScopeGlobal,
return eps, nil
// Endpoint returns the relation endpoint with the supplied name, if it exists.
func (a *Application) Endpoint(relationName string) (Endpoint, error) {
eps, err := a.Endpoints()
if err != nil {
return Endpoint{}, err
for _, ep := range eps {
if ep.Name == relationName {
return ep, nil
return Endpoint{}, errors.Errorf("application %q has no %q relation", a, relationName)
// extraPeerRelations returns only the peer relations in newMeta not
// present in the application's current charm meta data.
func (a *Application) extraPeerRelations(newMeta *charm.Meta) map[string]charm.Relation {
if newMeta == nil {
// This should never happen, since we're checking the charm in SetCharm already.
panic("newMeta is nil")
ch, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return nil
newPeers := newMeta.Peers
oldPeers := ch.Meta().Peers
extraPeers := make(map[string]charm.Relation)
for relName, rel := range newPeers {
if _, ok := oldPeers[relName]; !ok {
extraPeers[relName] = rel
return extraPeers
func (a *Application) checkRelationsOps(ch *Charm, relations []*Relation) ([]txn.Op, error) {
asserts := make([]txn.Op, 0, len(relations))
isPeerToItself := func(ep Endpoint) bool {
// We do not want to prevent charm upgrade when endpoint relation is
// peer-scoped and there is only one unit of this application.
// Essentially, this is the corner case when a unit relates to itself.
// For example, in this case, we want to allow charm upgrade, for e.g.
// interface name change does not affect anything.
units, err := a.AllUnits()
if err != nil {
// Whether we could get application units does not matter.
// We are only interested in thinking further if we can get units.
return false
return len(units) == 1 && isPeer(ep)
// All relations must still exist and their endpoints are implemented by the charm.
for _, rel := range relations {
if ep, err := rel.Endpoint(a.doc.Name); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !ep.ImplementedBy(ch) {
if !isPeerToItself(ep) {
return nil, errors.Errorf("would break relation %q", rel)
asserts = append(asserts, txn.Op{
C: relationsC,
Id: rel.doc.DocID,
Assert: txn.DocExists,
return asserts, nil
func (a *Application) checkStorageUpgrade(newMeta, oldMeta *charm.Meta, units []*Unit) (_ []txn.Op, err error) {
// Make sure no storage instances are added or removed.
sb, err := NewStorageBackend(a.st)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
var ops []txn.Op
for name, oldStorageMeta := range oldMeta.Storage {
if _, ok := newMeta.Storage[name]; ok {
if oldStorageMeta.CountMin > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("required storage %q removed", name)
// Optional storage has been removed. So long as there
// are no instances of the store, it can safely be
// removed.
if oldStorageMeta.Shared {
op, n, err := sb.countEntityStorageInstances(a.Tag(), name)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if n > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("in-use storage %q removed", name)
ops = append(ops, op)
} else {
for _, u := range units {
op, n, err := sb.countEntityStorageInstances(u.Tag(), name)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if n > 0 {
return nil, errors.Errorf("in-use storage %q removed", name)
ops = append(ops, op)
less := func(a, b int) bool {
return a != -1 && (b == -1 || a < b)
for name, newStorageMeta := range newMeta.Storage {
oldStorageMeta, ok := oldMeta.Storage[name]
if !ok {
if newStorageMeta.Type != oldStorageMeta.Type {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q type changed from %q to %q",
name, oldStorageMeta.Type, newStorageMeta.Type,
if newStorageMeta.Shared != oldStorageMeta.Shared {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q shared changed from %v to %v",
name, oldStorageMeta.Shared, newStorageMeta.Shared,
if newStorageMeta.ReadOnly != oldStorageMeta.ReadOnly {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q read-only changed from %v to %v",
name, oldStorageMeta.ReadOnly, newStorageMeta.ReadOnly,
if newStorageMeta.Location != oldStorageMeta.Location {
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q location changed from %q to %q",
name, oldStorageMeta.Location, newStorageMeta.Location,
if less(newStorageMeta.CountMax, oldStorageMeta.CountMax) {
var oldCountMax interface{} = oldStorageMeta.CountMax
if oldStorageMeta.CountMax == -1 {
oldCountMax = ""
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q range contracted: max decreased from %v to %d",
name, oldCountMax, newStorageMeta.CountMax,
if oldStorageMeta.Location != "" && oldStorageMeta.CountMax == 1 && newStorageMeta.CountMax != 1 {
// If a location is specified, the store may not go
// from being a singleton to multiple, since then the
// location has a different meaning.
return nil, errors.Errorf(
"existing storage %q with location changed from single to multiple",
return ops, nil
// changeCharmOps returns the operations necessary to set a application's
// charm URL to a new value.
func (a *Application) changeCharmOps(
ch *Charm,
channel string,
updatedSettings charm.Settings,
forceUnits bool,
resourceIDs map[string]string,
updatedStorageConstraints map[string]StorageConstraints,
) ([]txn.Op, error) {
// Build the new application config from what can be used of the old one.
var newSettings charm.Settings
oldKey, err := readSettings(a.st.db(), settingsC, a.charmConfigKey())
if err == nil {
// Filter the old settings through to get the new settings.
newSettings = ch.Config().FilterSettings(oldKey.Map())
for k, v := range updatedSettings {
newSettings[k] = v
} else if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
// No old settings, start with the updated settings.
newSettings = updatedSettings
} else {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
// Create or replace application settings.
var settingsOp txn.Op
newSettingsKey := applicationCharmConfigKey(a.doc.Name, ch.URL())
if _, err := readSettings(a.st.db(), settingsC, newSettingsKey); errors.IsNotFound(err) {
// No settings for this key yet, create it.
settingsOp = createSettingsOp(settingsC, newSettingsKey, newSettings)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
} else {
// Settings exist, just replace them with the new ones.
settingsOp, _, err = replaceSettingsOp(a.st.db(), settingsC, newSettingsKey, newSettings)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
// Make sure no units are added or removed while the upgrade
// transaction is being executed. This allows us to make
// changes to units during the upgrade, e.g. add storage
// to existing units, or remove optional storage so long as
// it is unreferenced.
units, err := a.AllUnits()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
unitOps := make([]txn.Op, len(units))
for i, u := range units {
unitOps[i] = txn.Op{
C: unitsC,
Id: u.doc.DocID,
Assert: txn.DocExists,
unitOps = append(unitOps, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"unitcount", len(units)}},
checkStorageOps, upgradeStorageOps, storageConstraintsOps, err := a.newCharmStorageOps(ch, units, updatedStorageConstraints)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Add or create a reference to the new charm, settings,
// and storage constraints docs.
incOps, err := appCharmIncRefOps(a.st, a.doc.Name, ch.URL(), true)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
var decOps []txn.Op
// Drop the references to the old settings, storage constraints,
// and charm docs (if the refs actually exist yet).
if oldKey != nil {
// Since we can force this now, let's.. There is no point hanging on
// to the old key.
op := &ForcedOperation{Force: true}
decOps, err = appCharmDecRefOps(a.st, a.doc.Name, a.doc.CharmURL, true, op) // current charm
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "could not remove old charm references for %v", oldKey)
if len(op.Errors) != 0 {
logger.Errorf("could not remove old charm references for %v:%v", oldKey, op.Errors)
// Build the transaction.
var ops []txn.Op
if oldKey != nil {
// Old settings shouldn't change (when they exist).
ops = append(ops, oldKey.assertUnchangedOp())
ops = append(ops, unitOps...)
ops = append(ops, incOps...)
ops = append(ops, []txn.Op{
// Create or replace new settings.
// Update the charm URL and force flag (if relevant).
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"charmurl", ch.URL()},
{"cs-channel", channel},
{"forcecharm", forceUnits},
ops = append(ops, storageConstraintsOps...)
ops = append(ops, checkStorageOps...)
ops = append(ops, upgradeStorageOps...)
ops = append(ops, incCharmModifiedVersionOps(a.doc.DocID)...)
// Add any extra peer relations that need creation.
newPeers := a.extraPeerRelations(ch.Meta())
peerOps, err := a.st.addPeerRelationsOps(a.doc.Name, newPeers)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if len(resourceIDs) > 0 {
// Collect pending resource resolution operations.
resOps, err := a.resolveResourceOps(resourceIDs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, resOps...)
// Get all relations - we need to check them later.
relations, err := a.Relations()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Make sure the relation count does not change.
sameRelCount := bson.D{{"relationcount", len(relations)}}
ops = append(ops, peerOps...)
// Update the relation count as well.
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: append(notDeadDoc, sameRelCount...),
Update: bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"relationcount", len(newPeers)}}}},
// Check relations to ensure no active relations are removed.
relOps, err := a.checkRelationsOps(ch, relations)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, relOps...)
// And finally, decrement the old charm and settings.
return append(ops, decOps...), nil
// bindingsForOps returns a Bindings object intended for createOps and updateOps
// only.
func (a *Application) bindingsForOps(bindings map[string]string) (*Bindings, error) {
// Call NewBindings first to ensure this map contains space ids
b, err := NewBindings(a.st, bindings)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
b.app = a
return b, nil
// Deployed machines returns the collection of machines
// that this application has units deployed to.
func (a *Application) DeployedMachines() ([]*Machine, error) {
units, err := a.AllUnits()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
machineIds := set.NewStrings()
var machines []*Machine
for _, u := range units {
// AssignedMachineId returns the correct machine
// whether principal or subordinate.
id, err := u.AssignedMachineId()
if err != nil {
if errors.IsNotAssigned(err) {
// We aren't interested in this unit at this time.
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if machineIds.Contains(id) {
m, err := a.st.Machine(id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
machines = append(machines, m)
return machines, nil
func (a *Application) newCharmStorageOps(
ch *Charm,
units []*Unit,
updatedStorageConstraints map[string]StorageConstraints,
) ([]txn.Op, []txn.Op, []txn.Op, error) {
fail := func(err error) ([]txn.Op, []txn.Op, []txn.Op, error) {
return nil, nil, nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Check storage to ensure no referenced storage is removed, or changed
// in an incompatible way. We do this before computing the new storage
// constraints, as incompatible charm changes will otherwise yield
// confusing error messages that would suggest the user has supplied
// invalid constraints.
sb, err := NewStorageBackend(a.st)
if err != nil {
return fail(err)
oldCharm, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return fail(err)
oldMeta := oldCharm.Meta()
checkStorageOps, err := a.checkStorageUpgrade(ch.Meta(), oldMeta, units)
if err != nil {
return fail(err)
// Create or replace storage constraints. We take the existing storage
// constraints, remove any keys that are no longer referenced by the
// charm, and update the constraints that the user has specified.
var storageConstraintsOp txn.Op
oldStorageConstraints, err := a.StorageConstraints()
if err != nil {
return fail(err)
newStorageConstraints := oldStorageConstraints
for name, cons := range updatedStorageConstraints {
newStorageConstraints[name] = cons
for name := range newStorageConstraints {
if _, ok := ch.Meta().Storage[name]; !ok {
delete(newStorageConstraints, name)
if err := addDefaultStorageConstraints(sb, newStorageConstraints, ch.Meta()); err != nil {
return fail(errors.Annotate(err, "adding default storage constraints"))
if err := validateStorageConstraints(sb, newStorageConstraints, ch.Meta()); err != nil {
return fail(errors.Annotate(err, "validating storage constraints"))
newStorageConstraintsKey := applicationStorageConstraintsKey(a.doc.Name, ch.URL())
if _, err := readStorageConstraints(sb.mb, newStorageConstraintsKey); errors.IsNotFound(err) {
storageConstraintsOp = createStorageConstraintsOp(
newStorageConstraintsKey, newStorageConstraints,
} else if err != nil {
return fail(err)
} else {
storageConstraintsOp = replaceStorageConstraintsOp(
newStorageConstraintsKey, newStorageConstraints,
// Upgrade charm storage.
upgradeStorageOps, err := a.upgradeStorageOps(ch.Meta(), oldMeta, units, newStorageConstraints)
if err != nil {
return fail(err)
return checkStorageOps, upgradeStorageOps, []txn.Op{storageConstraintsOp}, nil
func (a *Application) upgradeStorageOps(
meta, oldMeta *charm.Meta,
units []*Unit,
allStorageCons map[string]StorageConstraints,
) (_ []txn.Op, err error) {
sb, err := NewStorageBackend(a.st)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// For each store, ensure that every unit has the minimum requirements.
// If a unit has an existing store, but its minimum count has been
// increased, we only add the shortfall; we do not necessarily add as
// many instances as are specified in the storage constraints.
var ops []txn.Op
for name, cons := range allStorageCons {
for _, u := range units {
countMin := meta.Storage[name].CountMin
if _, ok := oldMeta.Storage[name]; !ok {
// The store did not exist previously, so we
// create the full amount specified in the
// constraints.
countMin = int(cons.Count)
_, unitOps, err := sb.addUnitStorageOps(
meta, u, name, cons, countMin,
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, unitOps...)
return ops, nil
// incCharmModifiedVersionOps returns the operations necessary to increment
// the CharmModifiedVersion field for the given application.
func incCharmModifiedVersionOps(applicationID string) []txn.Op {
return []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: applicationID,
Assert: txn.DocExists,
Update: bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"charmmodifiedversion", 1}}}},
func (a *Application) resolveResourceOps(resourceIDs map[string]string) ([]txn.Op, error) {
// Collect pending resource resolution operations.
resources, err := a.st.Resources()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return resources.NewResolvePendingResourcesOps(a.doc.Name, resourceIDs)
// SetCharmConfig contains the parameters for Application.SetCharm.
type SetCharmConfig struct {
// Charm is the new charm to use for the application. New units
// will be started with this charm, and existing units will be
// upgraded to use it.
Charm *Charm
// Channel is the charm store channel from which charm was pulled.
Channel csparams.Channel
// ConfigSettings is the charm config settings to apply when upgrading
// the charm.
ConfigSettings charm.Settings
// ForceUnits forces the upgrade on units in an error state.
ForceUnits bool
// ForceSeries forces the use of the charm even if it is not one of
// the charm's supported series.
ForceSeries bool
// Force forces the overriding of the lxd profile validation even if the
// profile doesn't validate.
Force bool
// ResourceIDs is a map of resource names to resource IDs to activate during
// the upgrade.
ResourceIDs map[string]string
// StorageConstraints contains the storage constraints to add or update when
// upgrading the charm.
// Any existing storage instances for the named stores will be
// unaffected; the storage constraints will only be used for
// provisioning new storage instances.
StorageConstraints map[string]StorageConstraints
// EndpointBindings is an operator-defined map of endpoint names to
// space names that should be merged with any existing bindings.
EndpointBindings map[string]string
// SetCharm changes the charm for the application.
func (a *Application) SetCharm(cfg SetCharmConfig) (err error) {
defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(
&err, "cannot upgrade application %q to charm %q", a, cfg.Charm,
if cfg.Charm.Meta().Subordinate != a.doc.Subordinate {
return errors.Errorf("cannot change an application's subordinacy")
currentCharm, err := a.st.Charm(a.doc.CharmURL)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if cfg.Charm.Meta().Deployment != currentCharm.Meta().Deployment {
if currentCharm.Meta().Deployment == nil || currentCharm.Meta().Deployment == nil {
return errors.New("cannot change a charm's deployment info")
if cfg.Charm.Meta().Deployment.DeploymentType != currentCharm.Meta().Deployment.DeploymentType {
return errors.New("cannot change a charm's deployment type")
if cfg.Charm.Meta().Deployment.DeploymentMode != currentCharm.Meta().Deployment.DeploymentMode {
return errors.New("cannot change a charm's deployment mode")
// For old style charms written for only one series, we still retain
// this check. Newer charms written for multi-series have a URL
// with series = "".
if cfg.Charm.URL().Series != "" {
if cfg.Charm.URL().Series != a.doc.Series {
return errors.Errorf("cannot change an application's series")
} else if !cfg.ForceSeries {
supported := false
for _, oneSeries := range cfg.Charm.Meta().Series {
if oneSeries == a.doc.Series {
supported = true
if !supported {
supportedSeries := "no series"
if len(cfg.Charm.Meta().Series) > 0 {
supportedSeries = strings.Join(cfg.Charm.Meta().Series, ", ")
return errors.Errorf("only these series are supported: %v", supportedSeries)
} else {
// Even with forceSeries=true, we do not allow a charm to be used which is for
// a different OS. This assumes the charm declares it has supported series which
// we can check for OS compatibility. Otherwise, we just accept the series supplied.
currentOS, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(a.doc.Series)
if err != nil {
// We don't expect an error here but there's not much we can
// do to recover.
return err
supportedOS := false
supportedSeries := cfg.Charm.Meta().Series
for _, chSeries := range supportedSeries {
charmSeriesOS, err := series.GetOSFromSeries(chSeries)
if err != nil {
return nil
if currentOS == charmSeriesOS {
supportedOS = true
if !supportedOS && len(supportedSeries) > 0 {
return errors.Errorf("OS %q not supported by charm", currentOS)
updatedSettings, err := cfg.Charm.Config().ValidateSettings(cfg.ConfigSettings)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "validating config settings")
// we don't need to check that this is a charm.LXDProfiler, as we can
// state that the function exists.
if profile := cfg.Charm.LXDProfile(); profile != nil {
// Validate the config devices, to ensure we don't apply an invalid
// profile, if we know it's never going to work.
if err := profile.ValidateConfigDevices(); err != nil && !cfg.Force {
return errors.Annotate(err, "validating lxd profile")
var newCharmModifiedVersion int
channel := string(cfg.Channel)
acopy := &Application{a.st, a.doc}
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
a := acopy
if attempt > 0 {
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// NOTE: We're explicitly allowing SetCharm to succeed
// when the application is Dying, because application/charm
// upgrades should still be allowed to apply to dying
// applications and units, so that bugs in departed/broken
// hooks can be addressed at runtime.
if a.Life() == Dead {
return nil, ErrDead
// Record the current value of charmModifiedVersion, so we can
// set the value on the method receiver's in-memory document
// structure. We increment the version only when we change the
// charm URL.
newCharmModifiedVersion = a.doc.CharmModifiedVersion
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: append(notDeadDoc, bson.DocElem{
"charmmodifiedversion", a.doc.CharmModifiedVersion,
if a.doc.CharmURL.String() == cfg.Charm.URL().String() {
// Charm URL already set; just update the force flag and channel.
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{
{"cs-channel", channel},
{"forcecharm", cfg.ForceUnits},
} else {
// Check if the new charm specifies a relation max limit
// that cannot be satisfied by the currently established
// relation count.
quotaErr := a.preUpgradeRelationLimitCheck(cfg.Charm)
// If the operator specified --force, we still allow
// the upgrade to continue with a warning.
if errors.IsQuotaLimitExceeded(quotaErr) && cfg.Force {
logger.Warningf("%v; allowing upgrade to proceed as the operator specified --force", quotaErr)
} else if quotaErr != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(quotaErr)
chng, err := a.changeCharmOps(
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, chng...)
// Always update bindings regardless of whether we upgrade to a
// new version or stay at the previous version.
currentMap, txnRevno, err := readEndpointBindings(a.st, a.globalKey())
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return ops, errors.Trace(err)
b, err := a.bindingsForOps(currentMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
endpointBindingsOps, err := b.updateOps(txnRevno, cfg.EndpointBindings, cfg.Charm.Meta(), cfg.Force)
if err == nil {
ops = append(ops, endpointBindingsOps...)
} else if !errors.IsNotFound(err) && err != jujutxn.ErrNoOperations {
// If endpoint bindings do not exist this most likely means the application
// itself no longer exists, which will be caught soon enough anyway.
// ErrNoOperations on the other hand means there's nothing to update.
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ops, nil
if err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
return err
a.doc.CharmURL = cfg.Charm.URL()
a.doc.Channel = channel
a.doc.ForceCharm = cfg.ForceUnits
a.doc.CharmModifiedVersion = newCharmModifiedVersion
return nil
// preUpgradeRelationLimitCheck ensures that the already established relation
// counts do not violate the max relation limits specified by the charm version
// we are attempting to upgrade to.
func (a *Application) preUpgradeRelationLimitCheck(newCharm *Charm) error {
var (
existingRels []*Relation
err error
for relName, relSpec := range newCharm.Meta().CombinedRelations() {
if relSpec.Limit == 0 {
// Load and memoize relation list
if existingRels == nil {
if existingRels, err = a.Relations(); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
establishedCount := establishedRelationCount(existingRels, a.Name(), relSpec)
if establishedCount > relSpec.Limit {
return errors.QuotaLimitExceededf("new charm version imposes a maximum relation limit of %d for %s:%s which cannot be satisfied by the number of already established relations (%d)", relSpec.Limit, a.Name(), relName, establishedCount)
return nil
// establishedRelationCount returns the number of already established relations
// for appName and the endpoint specified in the provided relation details.
func establishedRelationCount(existingRelList []*Relation, appName string, rel charm.Relation) int {
var establishedCount int
for _, existingRel := range existingRelList {
// Suspended relations don't count
if existingRel.Suspended() {
for _, existingRelEp := range existingRel.Endpoints() {
if existingRelEp.ApplicationName == appName &&
existingRelEp.Relation.Name == rel.Name &&
existingRelEp.Relation.Interface == rel.Interface {
return establishedCount
// MergeBindings merges the provided bindings map with the existing application
// bindings.
func (a *Application) MergeBindings(operatorBindings *Bindings, force bool) error {
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ch, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
currentMap, txnRevno, err := readEndpointBindings(a.st, a.globalKey())
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
b, err := a.bindingsForOps(currentMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
endpointBindingsOps, err := b.updateOps(txnRevno, operatorBindings.Map(), ch.Meta(), force)
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) && err != jujutxn.ErrNoOperations {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return endpointBindingsOps, err
err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn)
return errors.Annotatef(err, "merging application bindings")
// UpdateApplicationSeries updates the series for the Application.
func (a *Application) UpdateApplicationSeries(series string, force bool) (err error) {
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
// If we've tried once already and failed, re-evaluate the criteria.
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
// Exit early if the Application series doesn't need to change.
if a.Series() == series {
return nil, jujutxn.ErrNoOperations
// Verify and gather data for the transaction operations.
err := a.VerifySupportedSeries(series, force)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
units, err := a.AllUnits()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
var subApps []*Application
var unit *Unit
if len(units) > 0 {
// All units have the same subordinates...
unit = units[0]
for _, n := range unit.SubordinateNames() {
app, err := a.st.Application(unitAppName(n))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = app.VerifySupportedSeries(series, force)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
subApps = append(subApps, app)
//Create the transaction operations
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"life", Alive},
{"charmurl", a.doc.CharmURL},
{"unitcount", a.doc.UnitCount}},
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"series", series}}}},
if unit != nil {
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: unitsC,
Id: unit.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"life", Alive},
{"subordinates", unit.SubordinateNames()}},
for _, sub := range subApps {
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: sub.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"life", Alive},
{"charmurl", sub.doc.CharmURL},
{"unitcount", sub.doc.UnitCount}},
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"series", series}}}},
return ops, nil
err = a.st.db().Run(buildTxn)
return errors.Annotatef(err, "updating application series")
// VerifySupportedSeries verifies if the given series is supported by the
// application.
func (a *Application) VerifySupportedSeries(series string, force bool) error {
ch, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return err
supportedSeries := ch.Meta().Series
if len(supportedSeries) == 0 {
supportedSeries = append(supportedSeries, ch.URL().Series)
_, seriesSupportedErr := charm.SeriesForCharm(series, supportedSeries)
if seriesSupportedErr != nil && !force {
return &ErrIncompatibleSeries{
SeriesList: supportedSeries,
Series: series,
CharmName: ch.String(),
return nil
// String returns the application name.
func (a *Application) String() string {
return a.doc.Name
// Refresh refreshes the contents of the Application from the underlying
// state. It returns an error that satisfies errors.IsNotFound if the
// application has been removed.
func (a *Application) Refresh() error {
applications, closer := a.st.db().GetCollection(applicationsC)
defer closer()
err := applications.FindId(a.doc.DocID).One(&a.doc)
if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
return errors.NotFoundf("application %q", a)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot refresh application %q: %v", a, err)
return nil
// GetPlacement returns the application's placement directive.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) GetPlacement() string {
return a.doc.Placement
// GetScale returns the application's desired scale value.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) GetScale() int {
return a.doc.DesiredScale
// ChangeScale alters the existing scale by the provided change amount, returning the new amount.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) ChangeScale(scaleChange int) (int, error) {
newScale := a.doc.DesiredScale + scaleChange
logger.Tracef("ChangeScale DesiredScale %v, scaleChange %v, newScale %v", a.doc.DesiredScale, scaleChange, newScale)
if newScale < 0 {
return a.doc.DesiredScale, errors.NotValidf("cannot remove more units than currently exist")
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
alive, err := isAlive(a.st, applicationsC, a.doc.DocID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else if !alive {
return nil, applicationNotAliveErr
newScale = a.doc.DesiredScale + scaleChange
if newScale < 0 {
return nil, errors.NotValidf("cannot remove more units than currently exist")
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{
{"life", Alive},
{"charmurl", a.doc.CharmURL},
{"unitcount", a.doc.UnitCount},
{"scale", a.doc.DesiredScale},
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"scale", newScale}}}},
cloudSvcDoc := cloudServiceDoc{
DocID: a.globalKey(),
DesiredScaleProtected: true,
cloudSvcOp, err := buildCloudServiceOps(a.st, cloudSvcDoc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, cloudSvcOp...)
return ops, nil
if err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
return a.doc.DesiredScale, errors.Errorf("cannot set scale for application %q to %v: %v", a, newScale, onAbort(err, applicationNotAliveErr))
a.doc.DesiredScale = newScale
return newScale, nil
// SetScale sets the application's desired scale value.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) SetScale(scale int, generation int64, force bool) error {
if scale < 0 {
return errors.NotValidf("application scale %d", scale)
svcInfo, err := a.ServiceInfo()
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Trace(err)
if err == nil {
"SetScale DesiredScaleProtected %v, DesiredScale %v -> %v, Generation %v -> %v",
svcInfo.DesiredScaleProtected(), a.doc.DesiredScale, scale, svcInfo.Generation(), generation,
if svcInfo.DesiredScaleProtected() && !force && scale != a.doc.DesiredScale {
return errors.Forbiddenf("SetScale(%d) without force while desired scale %d is not applied yet", scale, a.doc.DesiredScale)
if !force && generation < svcInfo.Generation() {
return errors.Forbiddenf(
"application generation %d can not be reverted to %d", svcInfo.Generation(), generation,
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
alive, err := isAlive(a.st, applicationsC, a.doc.DocID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else if !alive {
return nil, applicationNotAliveErr
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{
{"life", Alive},
{"charmurl", a.doc.CharmURL},
{"unitcount", a.doc.UnitCount},
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"scale", scale}}}},
cloudSvcDoc := cloudServiceDoc{
DocID: a.globalKey(),
if force {
// scale from cli.
cloudSvcDoc.DesiredScaleProtected = true
} else {
// scale from cluster always has a valid generation (>= current generation).
cloudSvcDoc.Generation = generation
cloudSvcOp, err := buildCloudServiceOps(a.st, cloudSvcDoc)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, cloudSvcOp...)
return ops, nil
if err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot set scale for application %q to %v: %v", a, scale, onAbort(err, applicationNotAliveErr))
a.doc.DesiredScale = scale
return nil
// ClearResources sets the application's pending resouces to false.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) ClearResources() error {
if a.doc.Life == Alive {
return errors.Errorf("application %q is alive", a.doc.Name)
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
if err := a.Refresh(); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if !a.doc.HasResources {
return nil, jujutxn.ErrNoOperations
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{
{"life", bson.M{"$ne": Alive}},
{"charmurl", a.doc.CharmURL},
{"unitcount", a.doc.UnitCount},
{"has-resources", true}},
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"has-resources", false}}}},
logger.Debugf("aaplication %q still has cluster resources, scheduling cleanup", a.doc.Name)
cleanupOp := newCleanupOp(
false, //force
false, // destroy storage
return append(ops, cleanupOp), nil
if err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("cannot clear cluster resources for application %q: %v", a, onAbort(err, applicationNotAliveErr))
a.doc.HasResources = false
return nil
// newUnitName returns the next unit name.
func (a *Application) newUnitName() (string, error) {
unitSeq, err := sequence(a.st, a.Tag().String())
if err != nil {
return "", errors.Trace(err)
name := a.doc.Name + "/" + strconv.Itoa(unitSeq)
return name, nil
// addUnitOps returns a unique name for a new unit, and a list of txn operations
// necessary to create that unit. The principalName param must be non-empty if
// and only if s is a subordinate application. Only one subordinate of a given
// application will be assigned to a given principal. The asserts param can be used
// to include additional assertions for the application document. This method
// assumes that the application already exists in the db.
func (a *Application) addUnitOps(
principalName string,
args AddUnitParams,
asserts bson.D,
) (string, []txn.Op, error) {
var cons constraints.Value
if !a.doc.Subordinate {
scons, err := a.Constraints()
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return "", nil, errors.NotFoundf("application %q", a.Name())
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
cons, err = a.st.ResolveConstraints(scons)
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
if args.machineID != "" {
return "", nil, errors.NotSupportedf("non-empty machineID")
storageCons, err := a.StorageConstraints()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
uNames, ops, err := a.addUnitOpsWithCons(applicationAddUnitOpsArgs{
cons: cons,
principalName: principalName,
principalMachineID: args.machineID,
storageCons: storageCons,
attachStorage: args.AttachStorage,
providerId: args.ProviderId,
address: args.Address,
ports: args.Ports,
if err != nil {
return uNames, ops, errors.Trace(err)
// we verify the application is alive
asserts = append(isAliveDoc, asserts...)
ops = append(ops, a.incUnitCountOp(asserts))
return uNames, ops, nil
type applicationAddUnitOpsArgs struct {
principalName string
principalMachineID string
cons constraints.Value
storageCons map[string]StorageConstraints
attachStorage []names.StorageTag
// These optional attributes are relevant to CAAS models.
providerId *string
address *string
ports *[]string
// addApplicationUnitOps is just like addUnitOps but explicitly takes a
// constraints value (this is used at application creation time).
func (a *Application) addApplicationUnitOps(args applicationAddUnitOpsArgs) (string, []txn.Op, error) {
result, ops, err := a.addUnitOpsWithCons(args)
if err == nil {
ops = append(ops, a.incUnitCountOp(nil))
return result, ops, err
// addUnitOpsWithCons is a helper method for returning addUnitOps.
func (a *Application) addUnitOpsWithCons(args applicationAddUnitOpsArgs) (string, []txn.Op, error) {
if a.doc.Subordinate && args.principalName == "" {
return "", nil, errors.New("application is a subordinate")
} else if !a.doc.Subordinate && args.principalName != "" {
return "", nil, errors.New("application is not a subordinate")
name, err := a.newUnitName()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
unitTag := names.NewUnitTag(name)
appCharm, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
storageOps, numStorageAttachments, err := a.addUnitStorageOps(
args, unitTag, appCharm,
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
docID := a.st.docID(name)
globalKey := unitGlobalKey(name)
agentGlobalKey := unitAgentGlobalKey(name)
udoc := &unitDoc{
DocID: docID,
Name: name,
Application: a.doc.Name,
Series: a.doc.Series,
Life: Alive,
Principal: args.principalName,
MachineId: args.principalMachineID,
StorageAttachmentCount: numStorageAttachments,
now := a.st.clock().Now()
agentStatusDoc := statusDoc{
Status: status.Allocating,
Updated: now.UnixNano(),
m, err := a.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
unitStatusDoc := &statusDoc{
Status: status.Waiting,
StatusInfo: status.MessageInitializingAgent,
Updated: now.UnixNano(),
meterStatus := &meterStatusDoc{Code: MeterNotSet.String()}
workloadVersionDoc := &statusDoc{
Status: status.Unknown,
Updated: now.UnixNano(),
if m.Type() != ModelTypeCAAS {
unitStatusDoc.StatusInfo = status.MessageWaitForMachine
var containerDoc *cloudContainerDoc
if m.Type() == ModelTypeCAAS {
if args.providerId != nil || args.address != nil || args.ports != nil {
containerDoc = &cloudContainerDoc{
Id: globalKey,
if args.providerId != nil {
containerDoc.ProviderId = *args.providerId
if args.address != nil {
networkAddr := network.NewScopedSpaceAddress(*args.address, network.ScopeMachineLocal)
addr := fromNetworkAddress(networkAddr, network.OriginProvider)
containerDoc.Address = &addr
if args.ports != nil {
containerDoc.Ports = *args.ports
ops, err := addUnitOps(a.st, addUnitOpsArgs{
unitDoc: udoc,
containerDoc: containerDoc,
agentStatusDoc: agentStatusDoc,
workloadStatusDoc: unitStatusDoc,
workloadVersionDoc: workloadVersionDoc,
meterStatusDoc: meterStatus,
if err != nil {
return "", nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, storageOps...)
if a.doc.Subordinate {
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: unitsC,
Id: a.st.docID(args.principalName),
Assert: append(isAliveDoc, bson.DocElem{
"subordinates", bson.D{{"$not", bson.RegEx{Pattern: "^" + a.doc.Name + "/"}}},
Update: bson.D{{"$addToSet", bson.D{{"subordinates", name}}}},
} else {
ops = append(ops, createConstraintsOp(agentGlobalKey, args.cons))
// At the last moment we still have the statusDocs in scope, set the initial
// history entries. This is risky, and may lead to extra entries, but that's
// an intrinsic problem with mixing txn and non-txn ops -- we can't sync
// them cleanly.
_, _ = probablyUpdateStatusHistory(a.st.db(), globalKey, *unitStatusDoc)
_, _ = probablyUpdateStatusHistory(a.st.db(), globalWorkloadVersionKey(name), *workloadVersionDoc)
_, _ = probablyUpdateStatusHistory(a.st.db(), agentGlobalKey, agentStatusDoc)
return name, ops, nil
func (a *Application) addUnitStorageOps(
args applicationAddUnitOpsArgs,
unitTag names.UnitTag,
charm *Charm,
) ([]txn.Op, int, error) {
sb, err := NewStorageBackend(a.st)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
// Reduce the count of new storage created for each existing storage
// being attached.
var storageCons map[string]StorageConstraints
for _, tag := range args.attachStorage {
storageName, err := names.StorageName(tag.Id())
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
if cons, ok := args.storageCons[storageName]; ok && cons.Count > 0 {
if storageCons == nil {
// We must not modify the contents of the original
// args.storageCons map, as it comes from the
// user. Make a copy and modify that.
storageCons = make(map[string]StorageConstraints)
for name, cons := range args.storageCons {
storageCons[name] = cons
args.storageCons = storageCons
storageCons[storageName] = cons
// Add storage instances/attachments for the unit. If the
// application is subordinate, we'll add the machine storage
// if the principal is assigned to a machine. Otherwise, we
// will add the subordinate's storage along with the principal's
// when the principal is assigned to a machine.
var machineAssignable machineAssignable
if a.doc.Subordinate {
pu, err := a.st.Unit(args.principalName)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
machineAssignable = pu
storageOps, storageTags, numStorageAttachments, err := createStorageOps(
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
for _, storageTag := range args.attachStorage {
si, err := sb.storageInstance(storageTag)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Annotatef(
err, "attaching %s",
ops, err := sb.attachStorageOps(
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
storageOps = append(storageOps, ops...)
storageTags[si.StorageName()] = append(storageTags[si.StorageName()], storageTag)
for name, tags := range storageTags {
count := len(tags)
charmStorage := charm.Meta().Storage[name]
if err := validateCharmStorageCountChange(charmStorage, 0, count); err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
incRefOp, err := increfEntityStorageOp(a.st, unitTag, name, count)
if err != nil {
return nil, -1, errors.Trace(err)
storageOps = append(storageOps, incRefOp)
return storageOps, numStorageAttachments, nil
// applicationOffersRefCountKey returns a key for refcounting offers
// for the specified application. Each time an offer is created, the
// refcount is incremented, and the opposite happens on removal.
func applicationOffersRefCountKey(appName string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("offer#%s", appName)
// incApplicationOffersRefOp returns a txn.Op that increments the reference
// count for an application offer.
func incApplicationOffersRefOp(mb modelBackend, appName string) (txn.Op, error) {
refcounts, closer := mb.db().GetCollection(refcountsC)
defer closer()
offerRefCountKey := applicationOffersRefCountKey(appName)
incRefOp, err := nsRefcounts.CreateOrIncRefOp(refcounts, offerRefCountKey, 1)
return incRefOp, errors.Trace(err)
// countApplicationOffersRefOp returns the number of offers for an application,
// along with a txn.Op that ensures that that does not change.
func countApplicationOffersRefOp(mb modelBackend, appName string) (txn.Op, int, error) {
refcounts, closer := mb.db().GetCollection(refcountsC)
defer closer()
key := applicationOffersRefCountKey(appName)
return nsRefcounts.CurrentOp(refcounts, key)
// decApplicationOffersRefOp returns a txn.Op that decrements the reference
// count for an application offer.
func decApplicationOffersRefOp(mb modelBackend, appName string) (txn.Op, error) {
refcounts, closer := mb.db().GetCollection(refcountsC)
defer closer()
offerRefCountKey := applicationOffersRefCountKey(appName)
decRefOp, _, err := nsRefcounts.DyingDecRefOp(refcounts, offerRefCountKey)
if err != nil {
return txn.Op{}, errors.Trace(err)
return decRefOp, nil
// incUnitCountOp returns the operation to increment the application's unit count.
func (a *Application) incUnitCountOp(asserts bson.D) txn.Op {
op := txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Update: bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"unitcount", 1}}}},
if len(asserts) > 0 {
op.Assert = asserts
return op
// AddUnitParams contains parameters for the Application.AddUnit method.
type AddUnitParams struct {
// AttachStorage identifies storage instances to attach to the unit.
AttachStorage []names.StorageTag
// These attributes are relevant to CAAS models.
// ProviderId identifies the unit for a given provider.
ProviderId *string
// Address is the container address.
Address *string
// Ports are the open ports on the container.
Ports *[]string
// machineID is only passed in if the unit being created is
// a subordinate and refers to the machine that is hosting the principal.
machineID string
// AddUnit adds a new principal unit to the application.
func (a *Application) AddUnit(args AddUnitParams) (unit *Unit, err error) {
defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(&err, "cannot add unit to application %q", a)
name, ops, err := a.addUnitOps("", args, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := a.st.db().RunTransaction(ops); err == txn.ErrAborted {
if alive, err := isAlive(a.st, applicationsC, a.doc.DocID); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !alive {
return nil, applicationNotAliveErr
return nil, errors.New("inconsistent state")
} else if err != nil {
return nil, err
return a.st.Unit(name)
// removeUnitOps returns the operations necessary to remove the supplied unit,
// assuming the supplied asserts apply to the unit document.
// When 'force' is set, this call will always return some needed operations
// and accumulate all operational errors encountered in the operation.
// If the 'force' is not set, any error will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
func (a *Application) removeUnitOps(u *Unit, asserts bson.D, op *ForcedOperation, destroyStorage bool) ([]txn.Op, error) {
hostOps, err := u.destroyHostOps(a, op)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
portsOps, err := removePortsForUnitOps(a.st, u)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
resOps, err := removeUnitResourcesOps(a.st, u.doc.Name)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
observedFieldsMatch := bson.D{
{"charmurl", u.doc.CharmURL},
{"machineid", u.doc.MachineId},
ops := []txn.Op{
C: unitsC,
Id: u.doc.DocID,
Assert: append(observedFieldsMatch, asserts...),
Remove: true,
removeMeterStatusOp(a.st, u.globalMeterStatusKey()),
removeStatusOp(a.st, u.globalAgentKey()),
removeStatusOp(a.st, u.globalKey()),
removeUnitStateOp(a.st, u.globalKey()),
removeStatusOp(a.st, u.globalCloudContainerKey()),
annotationRemoveOp(a.st, u.globalKey()),
newCleanupOp(cleanupRemovedUnit, u.doc.Name, op.Force),
ops = append(ops, portsOps...)
ops = append(ops, resOps...)
ops = append(ops, hostOps...)
m, err := a.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if m.Type() == ModelTypeCAAS {
ops = append(ops, u.removeCloudContainerOps()...)
branchOps, err := unassignUnitFromBranchOp(u.doc.Name, a.doc.Name, m)
if err != nil {
if !op.Force {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, branchOps...)
sb, err := NewStorageBackend(a.st)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
storageInstanceOps, err := removeStorageInstancesOps(sb, u.Tag(), op.Force)
if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, storageInstanceOps...)
if u.doc.CharmURL != nil {
// If the unit has a different URL to the application, allow any final
// cleanup to happen; otherwise we just do it when the app itself is removed.
maybeDoFinal := u.doc.CharmURL != a.doc.CharmURL
// When 'force' is set, this call will return both needed operations
// as well as all operational errors encountered.
// If the 'force' is not set, any error will be fatal and no operations will be returned.
decOps, err := appCharmDecRefOps(a.st, a.doc.Name, u.doc.CharmURL, maybeDoFinal, op)
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, errRefresh
} else if op.FatalError(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops = append(ops, decOps...)
appOp := txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: bson.D{{"life", a.doc.Life}, {"unitcount", bson.D{{"$gt", 0}}}},
Update: bson.D{{"$inc", bson.D{{"unitcount", -1}}}},
ops = append(ops, appOp)
if a.doc.Life == Dying {
// Create a cleanup for this application as this might be the last reference.
cleanupOp := newCleanupOp(
ops = append(ops, cleanupOp)
return ops, nil
func removeUnitResourcesOps(st *State, unitID string) ([]txn.Op, error) {
persist, err := st.ResourcesPersistence()
if errors.IsNotSupported(err) {
// Nothing to see here, move along.
return nil, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ops, err := persist.NewRemoveUnitResourcesOps(unitID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ops, nil
func unassignUnitFromBranchOp(unitName, appName string, m *Model) ([]txn.Op, error) {
branch, err := m.unitBranch(unitName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if branch == nil {
// Nothing to see here, move along.
return nil, nil
return branch.unassignUnitOps(unitName, appName), nil
// AllUnits returns all units of the application.
func (a *Application) AllUnits() (units []*Unit, err error) {
return allUnits(a.st, a.doc.Name)
func allUnits(st *State, application string) (units []*Unit, err error) {
unitsCollection, closer := st.db().GetCollection(unitsC)
defer closer()
docs := []unitDoc{}
err = unitsCollection.Find(bson.D{{"application", application}}).All(&docs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot get all units from application %q", application)
m, err := st.Model()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
for i := range docs {
units = append(units, newUnit(st, m.Type(), &docs[i]))
return units, nil
// Relations returns a Relation for every relation the application is in.
func (a *Application) Relations() (relations []*Relation, err error) {
return applicationRelations(a.st, a.doc.Name)
func applicationRelations(st *State, name string) (relations []*Relation, err error) {
defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(&err, "can't get relations for application %q", name)
relationsCollection, closer := st.db().GetCollection(relationsC)
defer closer()
docs := []relationDoc{}
err = relationsCollection.Find(bson.D{{"endpoints.applicationname", name}}).All(&docs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, v := range docs {
relations = append(relations, newRelation(st, &v))
return relations, nil
// CharmConfig returns the raw user configuration for the application's charm.
func (a *Application) CharmConfig(branchName string) (charm.Settings, error) {
if a.doc.CharmURL == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("application charm not set")
s, err := charmSettingsWithDefaults(a.st, a.doc.CharmURL, a.Name(), branchName)
return s, errors.Annotatef(err, "charm config for application %q", a.doc.Name)
func charmSettingsWithDefaults(st *State, cURL *charm.URL, appName, branchName string) (charm.Settings, error) {
cfg, err := branchCharmSettings(st, cURL, appName, branchName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
ch, err := st.Charm(cURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
result := ch.Config().DefaultSettings()
for name, value := range cfg.Map() {
result[name] = value
return result, nil
func branchCharmSettings(st *State, cURL *charm.URL, appName, branchName string) (*Settings, error) {
key := applicationCharmConfigKey(appName, cURL)
cfg, err := readSettings(st.db(), settingsC, key)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if branchName != model.GenerationMaster {
branch, err := st.Branch(branchName)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return cfg, nil
// UpdateCharmConfig changes a application's charm config settings. Values set
// to nil will be deleted; unknown and invalid values will return an error.
func (a *Application) UpdateCharmConfig(branchName string, changes charm.Settings) error {
ch, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
changes, err = ch.Config().ValidateSettings(changes)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// TODO(fwereade) state.Settings is itself really problematic in just
// about every use case. This needs to be resolved some time; but at
// least the settings docs are keyed by charm url as well as application
// name, so the actual impact of a race is non-threatening.
current, err := readSettings(a.st.db(), settingsC, a.charmConfigKey())
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "charm config for application %q", a.doc.Name)
if branchName == model.GenerationMaster {
return errors.Trace(a.updateMasterConfig(current, changes))
return errors.Trace(a.updateBranchConfig(branchName, current, changes))
// TODO (manadart 2019-04-03): Implement master config changes as
// instantly committed branches.
func (a *Application) updateMasterConfig(current *Settings, validChanges charm.Settings) error {
for name, value := range validChanges {
if value == nil {
} else {
current.Set(name, value)
_, err := current.Write()
return errors.Trace(err)
// updateBranchConfig compares the incoming charm settings to the current
// settings to generate a collection of changes, which is used to update the
// branch with the input name.
func (a *Application) updateBranchConfig(branchName string, current *Settings, validChanges charm.Settings) error {
branch, err := a.st.Branch(branchName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return errors.Trace(branch.UpdateCharmConfig(a.Name(), current, validChanges))
// ApplicationConfig returns the configuration for the application itself.
func (a *Application) ApplicationConfig() (application.ConfigAttributes, error) {
config, err := readSettings(a.st.db(), settingsC, a.applicationConfigKey())
if errors.IsNotFound(err) || len(config.Keys()) == 0 {
return application.ConfigAttributes(nil), nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application config for application %q", a.doc.Name)
return application.ConfigAttributes(config.Map()), nil
// UpdateApplicationConfig changes an application's config settings.
// Unknown and invalid values will return an error.
func (a *Application) UpdateApplicationConfig(
changes application.ConfigAttributes,
reset []string,
schema environschema.Fields,
defaults schema.Defaults,
) error {
node, err := readSettings(a.st.db(), settingsC, a.applicationConfigKey())
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Errorf("cannot update application config since no config exists for application %v", a.doc.Name)
} else if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "application config for application %q", a.doc.Name)
resetKeys := set.NewStrings(reset...)
for name, value := range changes {
if resetKeys.Contains(name) {
node.Set(name, value)
for _, name := range reset {
newConfig, err := application.NewConfig(node.Map(), schema, defaults)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if err := newConfig.Validate(); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Update node so it gets coerced values with correct types.
coerced := newConfig.Attributes()
for _, key := range node.Keys() {
node.Set(key, coerced[key])
_, err = node.Write()
return err
// LeaderSettings returns a application's leader settings. If nothing has been set
// yet, it will return an empty map; this is not an error.
func (a *Application) LeaderSettings() (map[string]string, error) {
// There's no compelling reason to have these methods on Application -- and
// thus require an extra db read to access them -- but it stops the State
// type getting even more cluttered.
doc, err := readSettingsDoc(a.st.db(), settingsC, leadershipSettingsKey(a.doc.Name))
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.NotFoundf("application %q", a.doc.Name)
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
result := make(map[string]string)
for escapedKey, interfaceValue := range doc.Settings {
key := mgoutils.UnescapeKey(escapedKey)
if value, _ := interfaceValue.(string); value != "" {
// Empty strings are technically bad data -- when set, they clear.
result[key] = value
} else {
// Some bad data isn't reason enough to obscure the good data.
logger.Warningf("unexpected leader settings value for %s: %#v", key, interfaceValue)
return result, nil
// UpdateLeaderSettings updates the application's leader settings with the supplied
// values, but will fail (with a suitable error) if the supplied Token loses
// validity. Empty values in the supplied map will be cleared in the database.
func (a *Application) UpdateLeaderSettings(token leadership.Token, updates map[string]string) error {
// There's no compelling reason to have these methods on Application -- and
// thus require an extra db read to access them -- but it stops the State
// type getting even more cluttered.
key := leadershipSettingsKey(a.doc.Name)
converted := make(map[string]interface{}, len(updates))
for k, v := range updates {
converted[k] = v
modelOp := newUpdateLeaderSettingsOperation(a.st.db(), token, key, converted)
err := a.st.ApplyOperation(modelOp)
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.NotFoundf("application %q", a.doc.Name)
} else if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
return nil
var ErrSubordinateConstraints = stderrors.New("constraints do not apply to subordinate applications")
// Constraints returns the current application constraints.
func (a *Application) Constraints() (constraints.Value, error) {
if a.doc.Subordinate {
return constraints.Value{}, ErrSubordinateConstraints
return readConstraints(a.st, a.globalKey())
// SetConstraints replaces the current application constraints.
func (a *Application) SetConstraints(cons constraints.Value) (err error) {
unsupported, err := a.st.validateConstraints(cons)
if len(unsupported) > 0 {
"setting constraints on application %q: unsupported constraints: %v", a.Name(), strings.Join(unsupported, ","))
} else if err != nil {
return err
if a.doc.Subordinate {
return ErrSubordinateConstraints
defer errors.DeferredAnnotatef(&err, "cannot set constraints")
if a.doc.Life != Alive {
return applicationNotAliveErr
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: isAliveDoc,
ops = append(ops, setConstraintsOp(a.globalKey(), cons))
return onAbort(a.st.db().RunTransaction(ops), applicationNotAliveErr)
// EndpointBindings returns the mapping for each endpoint name and the space
// ID it is bound to (or empty if unspecified). When no bindings are stored
// for the application, defaults are returned.
func (a *Application) EndpointBindings() (*Bindings, error) {
// We don't need the TxnRevno below.
bindings, _, err := readEndpointBindings(a.st, a.globalKey())
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if bindings == nil {
bindings, err = a.defaultEndpointBindings()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return &Bindings{st: a.st, bindingsMap: bindings}, nil
// defaultEndpointBindings returns a map with each endpoint from the current
// charm metadata bound to an empty space. If no charm URL is set yet, it
// returns an empty map.
func (a *Application) defaultEndpointBindings() (map[string]string, error) {
if a.doc.CharmURL == nil {
return map[string]string{}, nil
appCharm, _, err := a.Charm()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return DefaultEndpointBindingsForCharm(a.st, appCharm.Meta())
// MetricCredentials returns any metric credentials associated with this application.
func (a *Application) MetricCredentials() []byte {
return a.doc.MetricCredentials
// SetMetricCredentials updates the metric credentials associated with this application.
func (a *Application) SetMetricCredentials(b []byte) error {
buildTxn := func(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if attempt > 0 {
alive, err := isAlive(a.st, applicationsC, a.doc.DocID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
} else if !alive {
return nil, applicationNotAliveErr
ops := []txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: isAliveDoc,
Update: bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"metric-credentials": b}},
return ops, nil
if err := a.st.db().Run(buildTxn); err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "cannot update metric credentials")
a.doc.MetricCredentials = b
return nil
// StorageConstraints returns the storage constraints for the application.
func (a *Application) StorageConstraints() (map[string]StorageConstraints, error) {
cons, err := readStorageConstraints(a.st, a.storageConstraintsKey())
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotatef(err, "application %q", a.doc.Name)
return cons, nil
// DeviceConstraints returns the device constraints for the application.
func (a *Application) DeviceConstraints() (map[string]DeviceConstraints, error) {
cons, err := readDeviceConstraints(a.st, a.deviceConstraintsKey())
if errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
} else if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return cons, nil
// Status returns the status of the application.
// Only unit leaders are allowed to set the status of the application.
// If no status is recorded, then there are no unit leaders and the
// status is derived from the unit status values.
func (a *Application) Status() (status.StatusInfo, error) {
info, err := getStatus(a.st.db(), a.globalKey(), "application")
if err != nil {
return status.StatusInfo{}, errors.Trace(err)
return info, nil
// CheckApplicationExpectsWorkload checks if the application expects workload or not.
func CheckApplicationExpectsWorkload(m *Model, appName string) (bool, error) {
cm, err := m.CAASModel()
if err != nil {
// IAAS models alway have a unit workload.
return true, nil
_, err = cm.PodSpec(names.NewApplicationTag(appName))
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return false, errors.Trace(err)
return err == nil, nil
// SetStatus sets the status for the application.
func (a *Application) SetStatus(statusInfo status.StatusInfo) error {
if !status.ValidWorkloadStatus(statusInfo.Status) {
return errors.Errorf("cannot set invalid status %q", statusInfo.Status)
var newHistory *statusDoc
m, err := a.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if m.Type() == ModelTypeCAAS {
// Application status for a caas model needs to consider status
// info coming from the operator pod as well; It may need to
// override what is set here.
expectWorkload, err := CheckApplicationExpectsWorkload(m, a.Name())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
operatorStatus, err := getStatus(a.st.db(), applicationGlobalOperatorKey(a.Name()), "operator")
if err == nil {
newHistory, err = caasHistoryRewriteDoc(statusInfo, operatorStatus, expectWorkload, status.ApplicationDisplayStatus, a.st.clock())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
} else if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Trace(err)
return setStatus(a.st.db(), setStatusParams{
badge: "application",
globalKey: a.globalKey(),
status: statusInfo.Status,
message: statusInfo.Message,
rawData: statusInfo.Data,
updated: timeOrNow(statusInfo.Since, a.st.clock()),
historyOverwrite: newHistory,
// SetOperatorStatus sets the operator status for an application.
// This is used on CAAS models.
func (a *Application) SetOperatorStatus(sInfo status.StatusInfo) error {
m, err := a.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if m.Type() != ModelTypeCAAS {
return errors.NotSupportedf("caas operation on non-caas model")
err = setStatus(a.st.db(), setStatusParams{
badge: "operator",
globalKey: applicationGlobalOperatorKey(a.Name()),
status: sInfo.Status,
message: sInfo.Message,
rawData: sInfo.Data,
updated: timeOrNow(sInfo.Since, a.st.clock()),
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
appStatus, err := a.Status()
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
expectWorkload, err := CheckApplicationExpectsWorkload(m, a.Name())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
historyDoc, err := caasHistoryRewriteDoc(appStatus, sInfo, expectWorkload, status.ApplicationDisplayStatus, a.st.clock())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if historyDoc != nil {
// rewriting application status history
_, err = probablyUpdateStatusHistory(a.st.db(), a.globalKey(), *historyDoc)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// StatusHistory returns a slice of at most filter.Size StatusInfo items
// or items as old as filter.Date or items newer than now - filter.Delta time
// representing past statuses for this application.
func (a *Application) StatusHistory(filter status.StatusHistoryFilter) ([]status.StatusInfo, error) {
args := &statusHistoryArgs{
db: a.st.db(),
globalKey: a.globalKey(),
filter: filter,
return statusHistory(args)
// UnitStatuses returns a map of unit names to their Status results (workload
// status).
func (a *Application) UnitStatuses() (map[string]status.StatusInfo, error) {
col, closer := a.st.db().GetRawCollection(statusesC)
defer closer()
// Agent status is u#unit-name
// Workload status is u#unit-name#charm
selector := fmt.Sprintf("^%s:u#%s/\\d+(#charm)?$", a.st.modelUUID(), a.doc.Name)
var docs []statusDocWithID
err := col.Find(bson.M{"_id": bson.M{"$regex": selector}}).All(&docs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
result := make(map[string]status.StatusInfo)
workload := make(map[string]status.StatusInfo)
agent := make(map[string]status.StatusInfo)
for _, doc := range docs {
key := a.st.localID(doc.ID)
parts := strings.Split(key, "#")
// We know there will be at least two parts because the regex
// specifies a #.
unitName := parts[1]
if strings.HasSuffix(key, "#charm") {
workload[unitName] = doc.asStatusInfo()
} else {
agent[unitName] = doc.asStatusInfo()
// The reason for this dance is due to the way that hook errors
// show up in status. See Unit.Status() for more details.
for name, value := range agent {
if value.Status == status.Error {
result[name] = value
} else {
if workloadStatus, found := workload[name]; found {
result[name] = workloadStatus
// If there is a missing workload status for the unit
// it is possible that we are in the process of deleting the
// unit. While dirty reads like this should be unusual, it
// is possible. In these situations, we just don't return
// a status for that unit.
return result, nil
type addApplicationOpsArgs struct {
applicationDoc *applicationDoc
statusDoc statusDoc
constraints constraints.Value
storage map[string]StorageConstraints
devices map[string]DeviceConstraints
applicationConfig map[string]interface{}
charmConfig map[string]interface{}
// These are nil when adding a new application, and most likely
// non-nil when migrating.
leadershipSettings map[string]interface{}
operatorStatus *statusDoc
// addApplicationOps returns the operations required to add an application to the
// applications collection, along with all the associated expected other application
// entries. This method is used by both the *State.AddApplication method and the
// migration import code.
func addApplicationOps(mb modelBackend, app *Application, args addApplicationOpsArgs) ([]txn.Op, error) {
charmRefOps, err := appCharmIncRefOps(mb, args.applicationDoc.Name, args.applicationDoc.CharmURL, true)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
globalKey := app.globalKey()
charmConfigKey := app.charmConfigKey()
applicationConfigKey := app.applicationConfigKey()
storageConstraintsKey := app.storageConstraintsKey()
deviceConstraintsKey := app.deviceConstraintsKey()
leadershipKey := leadershipSettingsKey(app.Name())
ops := []txn.Op{
createConstraintsOp(globalKey, args.constraints),
createStorageConstraintsOp(storageConstraintsKey, args.storage),
createDeviceConstraintsOp(deviceConstraintsKey, args.devices),
createSettingsOp(settingsC, charmConfigKey, args.charmConfig),
createSettingsOp(settingsC, applicationConfigKey, args.applicationConfig),
createSettingsOp(settingsC, leadershipKey, args.leadershipSettings),
createStatusOp(mb, globalKey, args.statusDoc),
addModelApplicationRefOp(mb, app.Name()),
m, err := app.st.Model()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
if m.Type() == ModelTypeCAAS {
operatorStatusDoc := args.statusDoc
if args.operatorStatus != nil {
operatorStatusDoc = *args.operatorStatus
ops = append(ops, createStatusOp(mb, applicationGlobalOperatorKey(app.Name()), operatorStatusDoc))
ops = append(ops, charmRefOps...)
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: applicationsC,
Id: app.Name(),
Assert: txn.DocMissing,
Insert: args.applicationDoc,
ops = append(ops, txn.Op{
C: remoteApplicationsC,
Id: app.Name(),
Assert: txn.DocMissing,
return ops, nil
// SetPassword sets the password for the application's agent.
// TODO(caas) - consider a separate CAAS application entity
func (a *Application) SetPassword(password string) error {
if len(password) < utils.MinAgentPasswordLength {
return fmt.Errorf("password is only %d bytes long, and is not a valid Agent password", len(password))
passwordHash := utils.AgentPasswordHash(password)
ops := []txn.Op{{
C: applicationsC,
Id: a.doc.DocID,
Assert: notDeadDoc,
Update: bson.D{{"$set", bson.D{{"passwordhash", passwordHash}}}},
err := a.st.db().RunTransaction(ops)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot set password of application %q: %v", a, onAbort(err, ErrDead))
a.doc.PasswordHash = passwordHash
return nil
// PasswordValid returns whether the given password is valid
// for the given application.
func (a *Application) PasswordValid(password string) bool {
agentHash := utils.AgentPasswordHash(password)
if agentHash == a.doc.PasswordHash {
return true
return false
// UnitUpdateProperties holds information used to update
// the state model for the unit.
type UnitUpdateProperties struct {
ProviderId *string
Address *string
Ports *[]string
AgentStatus *status.StatusInfo
UnitStatus *status.StatusInfo
CloudContainerStatus *status.StatusInfo
// UpdateUnits applies the given application unit update operations.
func (a *Application) UpdateUnits(unitsOp *UpdateUnitsOperation) error {
return a.st.ApplyOperation(unitsOp)
// UpdateUnitsOperation is a model operation for updating
// some units of an application.
type UpdateUnitsOperation struct {
Adds []*AddUnitOperation
Deletes []*DestroyUnitOperation
Updates []*UpdateUnitOperation
func (op *UpdateUnitsOperation) allOps() []ModelOperation {
var all []ModelOperation
for _, mop := range op.Adds {
all = append(all, mop)
for _, mop := range op.Updates {
all = append(all, mop)
for _, mop := range op.Deletes {
all = append(all, mop)
return all
// Build is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *UpdateUnitsOperation) Build(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
var ops []txn.Op
all := op.allOps()
for _, op := range all {
switch nextOps, err := op.Build(attempt); err {
case jujutxn.ErrNoOperations:
case nil:
ops = append(ops, nextOps...)
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return ops, nil
// Done is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *UpdateUnitsOperation) Done(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "updating units")
all := op.allOps()
for _, op := range all {
if err := op.Done(nil); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// AddOperation returns a model operation that will add a unit.
func (a *Application) AddOperation(props UnitUpdateProperties) *AddUnitOperation {
return &AddUnitOperation{
application: &Application{st: a.st, doc: a.doc},
props: props,
// AddUnitOperation is a model operation that will add a unit.
type AddUnitOperation struct {
application *Application
props UnitUpdateProperties
unitName string
// Build is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *AddUnitOperation) Build(attempt int) ([]txn.Op, error) {
if alive, err := isAlive(op.application.st, applicationsC, op.application.doc.DocID); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if !alive {
return nil, applicationNotAliveErr
var ops []txn.Op
addUnitArgs := AddUnitParams{
ProviderId: op.props.ProviderId,
Address: op.props.Address,
Ports: op.props.Ports,
name, addOps, err := op.application.addUnitOps("", addUnitArgs, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
op.unitName = name
ops = append(ops, addOps...)
if op.props.CloudContainerStatus != nil {
now := op.application.st.clock().Now()
doc := statusDoc{
Status: op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Status,
StatusInfo: op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Message,
StatusData: mgoutils.EscapeKeys(op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Data),
Updated: now.UnixNano(),
newStatusOps := createStatusOp(op.application.st, globalCloudContainerKey(name), doc)
ops = append(ops, newStatusOps)
return ops, nil
// Done is part of the ModelOperation interface.
func (op *AddUnitOperation) Done(err error) error {
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotatef(err, "adding unit to %q", op.application.Name())
if op.props.AgentStatus == nil && op.props.CloudContainerStatus == nil {
return nil
// We do a separate status update here because we require all units to be
// created as "allocating". If the add operation specifies a status,
// that status is used to update the initial "allocating" status. We then
// get the expected 2 status entries in history. This is done in a separate
// transaction; a failure here will effectively be retried because the worker
// which has made the API call will restart and then perform the necessary update..
u, err := op.application.st.Unit(op.unitName)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if op.props.AgentStatus != nil {
now := op.application.st.clock().Now()
if err := u.Agent().SetStatus(status.StatusInfo{
Status: op.props.AgentStatus.Status,
Message: op.props.AgentStatus.Message,
Data: op.props.AgentStatus.Data,
Since: &now,
}); err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if op.props.CloudContainerStatus != nil {
doc := statusDoc{
Status: op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Status,
StatusInfo: op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Message,
StatusData: mgoutils.EscapeKeys(op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Data),
Updated: timeOrNow(op.props.CloudContainerStatus.Since, u.st.clock()).UnixNano(),
_, err := probablyUpdateStatusHistory(op.application.st.db(), globalCloudContainerKey(op.unitName), doc)
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
// Ensure unit history is updated correctly
unitStatus, err := getStatus(op.application.st.db(), unitGlobalKey(op.unitName), "unit")
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
newHistory, err := caasHistoryRewriteDoc(unitStatus, *op.props.CloudContainerStatus, true, status.UnitDisplayStatus, op.application.st.clock())
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
if newHistory != nil {
err = setStatus(op.application.st.db(), setStatusParams{
badge: "unit",
globalKey: unitGlobalKey(op.unitName),
status: unitStatus.Status,
message: unitStatus.Message,
rawData: unitStatus.Data,
updated: timeOrNow(unitStatus.Since, u.st.clock()),
historyOverwrite: newHistory,
if err != nil {
return errors.Trace(err)
return nil
// UpdateCloudService updates the cloud service details for the application.
func (a *Application) UpdateCloudService(providerId string, addresses []network.SpaceAddress) error {
_, err := a.st.SaveCloudService(SaveCloudServiceArgs{
Id: a.Name(),
ProviderId: providerId,
Addresses: addresses,
return errors.Trace(err)
// ServiceInfo returns information about this application's cloud service.
// This is only used for CAAS models.
func (a *Application) ServiceInfo() (CloudServicer, error) {
svc, err := a.st.CloudService(a.Name())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
return svc, nil
// UnitCount returns the of number of units for this application.
func (a *Application) UnitCount() int {
return a.doc.UnitCount
// RelationCount returns the of number of active relations for this application.
func (a *Application) RelationCount() int {
return a.doc.RelationCount
// UnitNames returns the of this application's units.
func (a *Application) UnitNames() ([]string, error) {
u, err := appUnitNames(a.st, a.Name())
return u, errors.Trace(err)
func appUnitNames(st *State, appName string) ([]string, error) {
unitsCollection, closer := st.db().GetCollection(unitsC)
defer closer()
var docs []struct {
Name string `bson:"name"`
err := unitsCollection.Find(bson.D{{"application", appName}}).Select(bson.D{{"name", 1}}).All(&docs)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Trace(err)
unitNames := make([]string, len(docs))
for i, doc := range docs {
unitNames[i] = doc.Name
return unitNames, nil