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Next Generation of twitchTransFree!!!!

Official Webpage


  1. rewrite
  2. double-click twitchTransFN.exe

That's all!

NOTE: The file type of config was chaged from .txt to .py!

I support my wife 24/7 :-)

This software is made for my wife!
If you are satisfied by this software, please watch my wife's stream! We are waiting for comming you! and subscribe! donation!

We welcome your DONATE!!!!

Donation is possible from the following link!

Please link from your page!



Twitch: saatan

Software: twitchTransFreeNext

Painted by anomon

Twitch_Channel          = 'target_channel_name'

Trans_Username          = 'trans_user_name'
Trans_OAUTH             = 'oauth_for_trans_user'

# OPTIONAL CONFIGS ####################################
Trans_TextColor         = 'GoldenRod'
# Blue, Coral, DodgerBlue, SpringGreen, YellowGreen, Green, OrangeRed, Red, GoldenRod, HotPink, CadetBlue, SeaGreen, Chocolate, BlueViolet, and Firebrick

lang_TransToHome        = 'ja'
lang_HomeToOther        = 'en'

Show_ByName             = True
Show_ByLang             = True

Ignore_Lang             = ['']
Ignore_Users            = ['Nightbot', 'BikuBikuTest']
Ignore_Line             = ['http', 'BikuBikuTest', '888', '888']
Ignore_WWW              = ['w', 'w', 'W', 'W', 'ww', 'ww', 'WW', 'WW', 'www', 'www', 'WWW', 'WWW', '草']
Delete_Words            = ['saatanNooBow', 'BikuBikuTest']

# Any emvironment, set it to `True`, then text will be read by TTS voice!
# TTS_In:User Input Text, TTS_Out:Bot Output Text
TTS_In                  = True
TTS_Out                 = True
TTS_Kind                = "gTTS" # You can choice "CeVIO" if you want to use CeVIO as TTS.
# CeVIO_Cast            = "さとうささら" # When you are using CeVIO, you must set voice cast name.
TTS_TextMaxLength       = 30
TTS_MessageForOmitting  = "以下略"

# if you make TTS for only few lang, please add langID in the list
# for example, ['ja'] means Japanese only, ['ko','en'] means Korean and English are TTS!
ReadOnlyTheseLang       = []

# Select the translate engine ('deepl' or 'google')
Translator              = 'deepl'

# Use Google Apps Script for tlanslating
# e.g.) GAS_URL         = ''
GAS_URL                 = ''

# Enter the suffix of the Google Translate URL you normally use.
# Example: -> ''
#   -> 'com'
GoogleTranslate_suffix  = ''

# If you meet any bugs, You can check some error message using Debug mode (Debug = True)
Debug                   = False
Option Description
Twitch_Channel The target chat room for translation.
Trans_Username username for translation
Trans_OAUTH Get key for Trans_Username at
Trans_TextColor You can change text color of translator.
lang_TransToHome If set it to [ja], all texts will be translated to the JAPANESE!
lang_HomeToOther If set it to [en], the language in [lang_TransToHome] is trans to [en].
Show_ByName If it is set to True, user name is shown after translated text.
Show_ByLang If it is set to True, the source language is shown after translated text.
Ignore_Lang You can set some languages : [ja,en, ...]
Ignore_Users You can set some users : [Nightbot, BikuBikuTest, someotheruser, ...]
Ignore_Line If the words are in message, the message will be ignored.
Ignore_WWW Ignore Tanshiba(単芝:just only 'w')line.
Delete_Words The words will be removed from message.
TTS_Kind The kind of TTS, "gTTS"(default) or "CeVIO". If you want to use CeVIO, you need to install CeVIO AI in your local computer.
TTS_In Input text will be read by TTS voice!
TTS_Out Bot output text will be read by TTS voice!
gTTS_In It's deprecated config, please use TTS_In instead.
gTTS_Out It's deprecated config, please use TTS_Out instead.
TTS_TextMaxLength You can specify TTS's read comment max length. If comment has over length from this, it will omit and added TTS_MessageForOmitting on postfix.
TTS_MessageForOmitting A message for omitting TTS's read comment. The TTS puts this message on the omitted message.
CeVIO_Cast The cast name of CeVIO, for example "さとうささら". This option is enabled only when TTS_Kind = "CeVIO".
ReadOnlyTheseLang You can set the TTS language!
Debug You can check some error message using Debug mode (Debug = True)


support language (google translator)

secret functions

choose trans destination language (for one text)

At the time of translation, you can select the target language like en: at the beginning of the sentence.
Example) ru: Hello -> привет там

NOTE: When rewriting config.txt, please delete the # mark at the beginning of each setting value!

command: (version)

!ver: print the software version.

!sound xxxx: play sound (xxxx.mp3), if you put sound data at sound folder.


Thanks to Pioneers! The developer of ...

Developer Info.

Title Automatic Translator for Twitch Chat (Next Generation)
Developer husband_sayonari_omega
mail [email protected]
Twitter sayonari