erbs-c3.fst: model for class 3
verbs-c4.fst: model for class 4
verbs-c62.fst: model for class 62
verbs-c11.fst: model for class 11
verbs-c12.fst: model for class 12
verb-rest.fst: model for the rest of the classes
Note: Because of the orgthographical rule conflect among some of these classes, we had to make them are separate classes. However, from the computational point of view, this is not a problem. You need to just iterate through these these models.
verb-guesses.fst: model for morphological guesser
Note: You need to use this after checking a word with all other verbal models listed above.
- nouns.fst: the model for noun morphological analyser
- noun-guesser.fst: a guesser for noun morphology
You can see how these can be used in your applications here: fomafst.github.io These models are compiled according to the foma specifications given in the website.