# `@ogma/platform-ws` The `WsParser` parser for the `OgmaInterceptor`. This plugin class parses TCP request and response object to be able to successfully log the data about the request. For more information, check out [the @ogma/nestjs-module](../nestjs-module/README.md) documentation. ## Installation Nothing special, standard `npm i @ogma/platform-ws` or `yarn add @ogma/platform-ws` ## Usage This plugin is to be used in the `OgmaInterceptorOptions` portion of the `OgmaModule` during `forRoot` or `forRootAsync` registration. It can be used like so: ```ts @Module( OgmaModule.forRoot({ interceptor: { ws: WsParser } }) ) export class AppModule {} ``` ### Note As the Gateway/Websocket context runs in parallel with the HTTP Context, and as the application configuration is not shared between the two, to bind the `OgmaInterceptor` to the GateWay, you **must** use `@UseInterceptor(OgmaInterceptor)` **and** have `OgmaModule.forFeature()` in the `imports` array of the same module. The method for the `WsParser` is always `websocket` and the `protocol` is always `WS`. Until a better method at determining these values is found, this will be a static value.