- Documentation
- Wiki
- Hoogle: a Haskell API search engine. Search the Haskell libraries.
- Stack: a cross-platform program for developing Haskell projects
λ: :help
λ: :quit
- Install: GHCup, Stack, Cabal
- function, list, ranges, comprehension, tuple
- type, type variable, type class
- pattern matching, guard, where, let, case
- recursion, quicksort
- higher-order function, curried function, lambda, fold, $ function application operator, function composition
- module, export sub-modules
- custom type
- i/o
- functional thinking
- applicative functor
- monoid
- monad
- zipper
- ⭐ How to learn Haskell ⭐
- Korean: 하스켈 학습 가이드
- Wikibooks
- Korean: Wikibooks
- archive: lens over tea
- Learn you a Haskell for great good
- Programming in Haskell by Graham Hutton
- Real World Haskell by Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen
- Haskell Book by Christopher Allen, Julie Moronuki
- University of Pennsylvania’s CIS 194
- Data61 Functional Programming Course
- University of Virginia’s CS 1501
- Stanford’s cs240h
- Hendrix’s CSCI 360
- Yesod: a Haskell web framework