- Germany
- @rpatrik96
- https://path2phd.substack.com/
- https://rpatrik96.github.io
METRA: Scalable Unsupervised RL with Metric-Aware Abstraction (ICLR 2024)
Controllability-Aware Unsupervised Skill Discovery (ICML 2023)
Obsidian Plugin to let the user run custom Python scripts
Code for the paper "Pretraining task diversity and the emergence of non-Bayesian in-context learning for regression"
Simple project page template for your research paper, built with Astro and Tailwind CSS
Agustinus' very opiniated publication-ready plotting library
Path-SGD: Path-Normalized Optimization in Deep Neural Networks
A big collection of useful questions to ask potential employers.
Randomized Positional Encodings Boost Length Generalization of Transformers
Retrieve author and publication information from Google Scholar in a friendly, Pythonic way without having to worry about CAPTCHAs!
Efficiently learn graphs with a Differentiable Adjacency Test (DAT).
Learning Causal Abstractions of Linear Structural Causal Models
The simplest, fastest repository for training/finetuning medium-sized GPTs.
Meta-Learning for Compositionality (MLC) for modeling human behavior
Tutorial: PyTorch Modules on the hook