New York University
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Using Instacart data on customer orders over time to predict which previously purchased products will be in a user’s next order.
Engaged in research to help improve to boost text sentiment analysis using facial features from video using machine learning.
GNES is Generic Neural Elastic Search, a cloud-native semantic search system based on deep neural network.
A system for quickly generating training data with weak supervision
a distributed Hyperband implementation on Steroids
VIP cheatsheets for Stanford's CS 230 Deep Learning
PyTorch Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
Most recommended songs to learn on the guitar
Progressive Growing of GANs for Improved Quality, Stability, and Variation
Slides and Jupyter notebooks for the Deep Learning lectures at Master Year 2 Data Science from Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Assignment solutions for the CS231n course taught by Stanford on visual recognition. Spring 2017 solutions are for both deep learning frameworks: TensorFlow and PyTorch.
The Incredible PyTorch: a curated list of tutorials, papers, projects, communities and more relating to PyTorch.
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
Simple examples to introduce PyTorch
OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
"Deep Learning with TensorFlow" LiveLessons
This code has been developed for detecting sentiment in videos using Convolutional Neural Network and Multiple Kernel Learning.