Make sure you've read Caveats / Shorthand & Longhand Properties and The Shorthand-Longhand Problem in Atomic CSS before using this plugin as there might be better solutions to it.
Expands shorthand properties in style objects so that only longhand properties are used.
It uses inline-style-expand-shorthand under the hood. Check the repo if you're interested in which properties are supported.
It comes in two different modes: One that simply expands the shorthands and one that merges the resulting longhands with existing longhands in the style object depending on the specificity of that property.
yarn add fela-plugin-expand-shorthand
You may alternatively use npm i --save fela-plugin-expand-shorthand
Make sure to read the documentation on how to use plugins.
import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import expandShorthand from 'fela-plugin-expand-shorthand'
const renderer = createRenderer({
plugins: [expandShorthand()],
In order to get enable auto-merging of longhands, one needs to pass a configuration flag.
import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import expandShorthand from 'fela-plugin-expand-shorthand'
const renderer = createRenderer({
plugins: [expandShorthand(true)],
padding: '15px 20px 5px'
paddingTop: '15px',
paddingRight: '20px',
paddingBottom: '15px',
paddingLeft: '5px'
Fela is licensed under the MIT License.
Documentation is licensed under Creative Commons License.
Created with ♥ by @robinweser and all the great contributors.