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Simple Issue Tracker Example (with Next.js 13)


This is a simplified example of the Issue Tracker Example. But with few updates:

  • Uses the React Server Components (Next.js v13) as entry points for fetching root queries.

    • loadSerializableQuery reference implementation of the data-fetching method that can be used in the RSC
    • useSerializablePreloadedQuery an example hook that can convert serialized query results into preloaded query.
  • Has TypesScript Setup.


The query fetching is happening in the page.tsx async server component that is calling loadSerializableQuery. Then, preloaded results are passed to the root client component (MainViewClientComponent, for example). These preloaded results are converted into Relay's PreloadedQuery object, which is passed to the root Relay component that renders the query with the usePreloadedQuery hook.

flowchart LR;
    RSC(Root React Server Component)--Serialized Query Results-->RCC(Root Client Component);
    RCC(Root Client Component)--Preloaded Query-->RRC(Root Relay Component);


For installation instructions, please follow this steps from the issue-tracker example.