[bumpversion] current_version = 3.0.2 commit = false tag = false parse = (?P\d+)\.(?P\d+)\.(?P\d+)((?P[a-z]+)(?P\d+))? serialize = {major}.{minor}.{patch}{release}{dev} {major}.{minor}.{patch} [metadata] name = sphinx_rtd_theme url = https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme license = MIT author = Dave Snider, Read the Docs, Inc. & contributors author_email = [email protected] description = Read the Docs theme for Sphinx long_description = file: README.rst project_urls = Homepage = https://sphinx-rtd-theme.readthedocs.io/ Source Code = https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme Issue Tracker = https://github.com/readthedocs/sphinx_rtd_theme/issues classifiers = Framework :: Sphinx Framework :: Sphinx :: Theme Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License Environment :: Console Environment :: Web Environment Intended Audience :: Developers Programming Language :: Python :: 3 Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11 Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12 Operating System :: OS Independent Topic :: Documentation Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation [options] include_package_data = True zip_safe = False packages = sphinx_rtd_theme python_requires = >=3.8 install_requires = sphinx >=6,<9 docutils >0.18,<0.22 sphinxcontrib-jquery >=4,<5 tests_require = pytest [options.extras_require] dev = transifex-client bump2version wheel twine [options.entry_points] sphinx.html_themes = sphinx_rtd_theme = sphinx_rtd_theme [options.package_data] sphinx_rtd_theme = theme.conf *.html static/css/*.css static/css/fonts/*.* static/js/*.js [bdist_wheel] universal = 1 [extract_messages] mapping_file = babel.cfg output_file = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/sphinx.pot keywords = _ l_ lazy_gettext add_comments = Translators: [init_catalog] domain = sphinx input_file = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/sphinx.pot output_dir = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/ [update_catalog] domain = sphinx input_file = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/sphinx.pot output_dir = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/ [compile_catalog] domain = sphinx directory = sphinx_rtd_theme/locale/ [bumpversion:part:release] optional_value = release first_value = alpha values = alpha rc release [bumpversion:part:dev] first_value = 1 [bumpversion:file:setup.py] [bumpversion:file:sphinx_rtd_theme/__init__.py] [bumpversion:file:package.json] search = "version": "{current_version}", replace = "version": "{new_version}", [bumpversion:file:docs/changelog.rst] search = .. |theme_version| replace:: {current_version} replace = .. |theme_version| replace:: {new_version}