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And now there's a requirement to get a certain timespan, say DeliveryTime, which is calculated as follows:


DeliveryTime = (order.DeliveredOn - order.DispatchedOn) ?? (DateTime.UtcNow - order.DispatchedOn)


The DeliveryTime is not stored on the document.




Since we cannot use DateTime.UtcNow in the static index definition, we just save what we can, e.g.:

class OrderIndex\npublic DateTime DispatchedOn {get; set;}\npublic DateTime? DeliveredOn {get; set;}\npublic TimeSpan? DispatchedUntilDelivered {get; set;}     // (DeliveredOn - DispatchedOn)\n



Now there's a requirement to filter by DeliveryTime, which is not on the index.


For filtering this should be fine, given the APIs we should be able to solve this problem.
\nget me all items where delivery-time is greater than 5 days


would be something like

            .OpenSubclause()\n            .WhereExists(x => x.DispatchedUntilDelivered)\n            .AndAlso()\n            .WhereGreaterThan(x => x.DispatchedUntilDelivered, TimeSpan.FromDays(5))\n            .CloseSubclause()\n            .OrElse()\n            .OpenSubclause()\n            .Not.WhereExists(x => x.DispatchedUntilDelivered)\n            .AndAlso()\n            .WhereLessThan(x => x.DispatchedOn, DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-5))\n            .CloseSubclause()\n



Now there's a requirement to sort by DeliveryTime, which is still not on the index.
\nHere's where my question is, I don't see much flexibility there in the API. We are only able to sort by one column, or am I missing something?


I would need my order logic to look something like:

=> index.DispatchedUntilDelivered == null ? (DateTime.UtcNow - index.DispatchedOn).TotalDays : index.DispatchedUntilDelivered.TotalDays\n

Is the only way to achieve this by using Custom Sorters? Or is there some other OrderBy API I could use?


Thank you for your time & have a beautiful day :)


Having said that....


Here is a trick you can pull, create a document with: configuration/current-day with the current date, update it once a day.


Then, in your index, you can do:

DeliveryTime = (order.DeliveredOn - order.DispatchedOn) ?? (LoadDocument<Configuration>(\"configuration/current-day\").Today  - order.DispatchedOn)\n

What does this do?


When the package was delivered, you use the actual time.
\nIf it isn't, you pull the current date from a document using LoadDocument


What does this matter?


The idea is that hopefully you have a lot less of them, and you can schedule this for an off time (midnight, for example), and then the database would re-index those


As a result, you can now easily query on DeliveryTime and sort on it.


ordering with DateTime.UtcNow #19327

Closed Answered by ayende
sverbach asked this question in Q&A
Sep 24, 2024 · 4 comments · 11 replies
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Having said that....

Here is a trick you can pull, create a document with: configuration/current-day with the current date, update it once a day.

Then, in your index, you can do:

DeliveryTime = (order.DeliveredOn - order.DispatchedOn) ?? (LoadDocument<Configuration>("configuration/current-day").Today  - order.DispatchedOn)

What does this do?

When the package was delivered, you use the actual time.
If it isn't, you pull the current date from a document using LoadDocument

What does this matter?

  • You aren't computing this each and every time
  • When you update the configuration/current-day document - all the documents that haven't been delivered will be updated

The idea is that hopefully you …

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