[tool.black] line-length = 79 target-version = ["py310"] include = '\.py?$' force-exclude = ''' /( thirdparty | \.eggs | \.git | \.hg | \.mypy_cache | \.tox | \.venv | _build | buck-out | build | dist )/ ''' [tool.pydocstyle] # Due to https://github.com/PyCQA/pydocstyle/issues/363, we must exclude rather # than include using match-dir. Note that as discussed in # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65478393/how-to-filter-directories-using-the-match-dir-flag-for-pydocstyle, # unlike the match option above this match-dir will have no effect when # pydocstyle is invoked from pre-commit. Therefore this exclusion list must # also be maintained in the pre-commit config file. match-dir = "^(?!(ci|cpp|conda|docs)).*$" select = "D201, D204, D206, D207, D208, D209, D210, D211, D214, D215, D300, D301, D302, D403, D405, D406, D407, D408, D409, D410, D411, D412, D414, D418" # Would like to enable the following rules in the future: # D200, D202, D205, D400 [tool.mypy] ignore_missing_imports = true # If we don't specify this, then mypy will check excluded files if # they are imported by a checked file. follow_imports = "skip" exclude = [ "pylibraft/pylibraft/test", ] [tool.codespell] # note: pre-commit passes explicit lists of files here, which this skip file list doesn't override - # this is only to allow you to run codespell interactively skip = "./.git,./.github,./cpp/build,.*egg-info.*,./.mypy_cache,.*_skbuild" # ignore short words, and typename parameters like OffsetT ignore-regex = "\\b(.{1,4}|[A-Z]\\w*T)\\b" ignore-words-list = "inout,numer" builtin = "clear" quiet-level = 3