E3S8D: Hero uses the wrong unit variation for the replay preview in Load Game #79
Anya shows up using her dead unit type variation in the replay preview for E3S8D in Wesnoth 1.14:
This appears to be caused by E3S8B ending with the id=Anya
leader unit for side 1 being a dummy version of Anya using her dead variation, instead of the real Anya (who is currently discarded permanently instead):
# clobber IS_HERO from the stats macro
type=Nightshade Fire
Thus at the start of E3S8D, Anya's dead variation is still in the recall list and that seems to be what the replay preview uses instead of her final state in E3S8D. (Likewise, the replay for E3S8B uses her normal variation rather than her final state.)
A simple fix would be to change the final E3S8B cutscene so that Anya gets moved to the recall list and her dead self uses a different id. This shouldn't affect either E3S8C or E3S8D since both clobber her with a fresh unit and discard her data entirely.