Compact polling-based C-API networking library designed to be easily used from within game-embedded LuaJIT environments (e.g., mods)
- Websocket client and server (both ws:// and wss:// for clients)
- TCP client and server
- bare-bones HTTP client: simple GET/POST
- simple HTTP server: serve static files from disk or from memory
- dynamic HTTP server: construct HTTP responses to requests
-- pollnet.lua FFI loads pollnet.dll
local pollnet = require("pollnet")
-- Reactor is a convenience for running Lua coroutines
local reactor = pollnet.Reactor()
local sock = pollnet.open_ws("wss://")
-- special nick for anon read-only access on twitch
sock:send("NICK justinfan" .. math.random(1, 100000))
sock:send("JOIN #some_twitch_channel")
while true do
print("CHAT: ", sock:await())
-- HTTP requests return three messages in order:
-- status code, headers, body
local req_sock = pollnet.http_get("")
print("Status:", req_sock:await())
print("Headers:", req_sock:await())
print("Body:", req_sock:await())
-- This part will be application specific:
-- you need to call reactor:update() regularly (e.g., every frame)
function on_frame()
This is most useful for running from within the LuaJIT environment of a game, or other interactive-type application, where you don't have control over the overall program flow, but only get to run some Lua every frame or simulation 'tick'.
- nonblocking and callback free
- simple to build, complete with TLS/WSS support, even on Windows
- broad compatibility with LuaJIT binaries: no worrying about which compiler LuaJIT was built with
- straightforward C API for easy use from FFIs
It can be used from anything that can link a C-API dynamic library (so in practice, anything with an FFI).
Prebuilt binaries (including win32) are available from releases.
Pollnet builds with Rust in the standard way. Assuming you're on a 64 bit machine, building for 64 bit:
cargo build --release
However to use this from a 32 bit Windows binary (e.g., LuaJIT in a 32 bit application such as Noita, MWSE, etc.), you'll need to build for 32 bit:
rustup target add i686-pc-windows-msvc
cargo build --target=i686-pc-windows-msvc --release
The resulting .dll will end up in target/i686-pc-windows-msvc/release/pollnet.dll