The wrangler plugin for Vim. Based on vimerl's wrangler-support branch (
- Copy the files to your ~/.vim directory.
- If you use vim-pathogen you can clone this repo into ~/.vim/bundle
Add the following lines to your vimrc file:
"set path to wrangler directory
let g:erlangWranglerPath = '/Users/pawel.pikula/dev/other/wrangler'
"sample wrangler bindings
autocmd FileType erlang vnoremap <leader>e :WranglerExtractFunction<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>m :WranglerRenameModule<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>f :WranglerRenameFunction<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>v :WranglerRenameVariable<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>p :WranglerRenameProcess<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>mv :WranglerMoveFunction<ENTER>
autocmd FileType erlang noremap <leader>u :WranglerUndo<ENTER>
In my case it prefered brew installation over the kerl one. It appeared that MacVim was using wrong PATH variable. If you using zsh and have similar issue try the following:
$ sudo mv /etc/zshenv /etc/zprofile
NOTE: If the system already has a /etc/zprofile
make sure you merge the two files instead of overwriting /etc/zprofile
- automatically find erl_call
- discover if the current file is inside
directory if so pass all apps to wrangler's search path - create vim documentation
- basic tests
- create more generic function that will allow to easily bind every wrangler command