Thank you for your interest in the po8klasie project! We, the maintainers, believe that tools like this one should be crafted by a community.
We hope that this guide will help you find your way of participating. If this document does not answer your questions, feel free to reach us.
If you notice a bug, check if it hasn't been already reported and if not please file an issue.
If you are not a technical person or don't want to use GitHub to report a bug, please contact us via email.
We assume you have a basic understanding of how git & GitHub work. If you are not comfortable with GitHub workflow this guide may be helpful. Check it out and come back to us later 🙂
We try to hold all code/features-related discussions in issues sections of corresponding repositories (po8klasie for front-end or po8klasie-api for back-end). Just browse the issues and let us know in a comment that you want to handle it. We'll assign you to that issue.
Please keep in mind when contributing:
- Please first discuss the change you wish to make by commenting on a related issue unless it is assigned to you.
- All pull requests need to be reviewed by at least one maintainer.
- If you make changes to things described in README or this file, remember to update the docs accordingly.
- Please make sure there are no linted/formatted files out of the scope of your work
One more thing - don't hesitate to start your commit message with applicable gitmoji. 🙂
You can share our Facebook page, or write about us using the #po8klasie hashtag.
Let's grow our community together!
Currently, we are looking for:
- social-media/marketing ninja
- experienced python/django developer who can be in charge of our backend
Do you think one of those rules is for you? Drop us a line!
We couldn't be more thrilled! Write to us, and we'll try to figure out something together.
Feel free to write to us at [email protected] or message us on Facebook or Twitter.
We also have a Slack workspace. Write to us, and we'll get you in.