Here you'll find every possible Pluggy Connect integration with different client-side tools.
For most up-to-date and accurate documentation regarding both Pluggy Connect and Connect Token, please see our API Reference page
When integrating the end-to-end Pluggy Connect Widget there is a connect flow that is important to understand. Whenever
you want to use the Pluggy API for any operation you'll have to first create an access token using your
corresponding CLIENT_ID
. This will allow you to create, read, update, delete and manipulate or
your users financial data. That's why this access token is intended to only be used from server-side environment, It's
really unsecure and/or dangerous to use it from the client-side, since any user that get access to this token can do the
same operations as you (involving other users/customers data).
That's why there is another type of token that is called connect token
, this one is meant to be use for any
client-side Pluggy library and it has only access to create new items but only read/modify the items created in the same
session. For any of the libraries listed in this folders and the browser
lib pluggy.js you must use this token.
To create this token you can either add a new endpoint in your server that uses a CLIENT_ID
generated access token to generate the connect token, you
can check it in the official documentation. If your application
doesn't have server-side code or you just want to separate it in another server you
can just deploy this project in minutes
with Vercel and get you're own endpoint for the connect token.
You can directly import pluggy-connect.js
from our CDN to a <script>
tag, specifying the library version:
<script src=""></script>
After that, the PluggyConnect
class is globally available. You can instantiate it like so:
const pluggyConnect = new PluggyConnect({
connectToken: 'your-connect-token-here',
includeSandbox: false, // true to list sandbox/stub connectors for testing
onSuccess: (itemData) => {
// do something with the financial data
onError: (error) => {
// handle the error
// open the Pluggy Connect widget
Install the npm package:
npm install react-pluggy-connect
Then, you can import and use the PluggyConnect
component. For example:
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { PluggyConnect } from 'react-pluggy-connect';
const App = (props) => {
const onSuccess = (itemData) => {
// do something with the financial data
const onError = (error) => {
// handle the error
return (
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
The following properties are available for all Pluggy Connect libraries. For more info, please see our documentation to find the most up-to-date details.
Property | Description | Required? | Type | Default |
connectToken |
Your Pluggy Connect token, which will be used to access the API. | ✅ | string |
N/A |
includeSandbox |
Whether to display Sandbox connectors in the Connector selection step (not intended for production use) | 🔲 | boolean |
false |
updateItem |
Item id to update. If specified, the modal will display directly the credentials form of the item to be updated. | 🔲 | string |
N/A |
connectorTypes |
List of Connector Types. If defined, only Connectors of the specified connector types will be listed. | 🔲 | ConnectorType[] |
N/A |
countries |
List of country codes (ISO-3166-1 alpha 2 format). If defined, only Connectors of the specified countries will be listed. | 🔲 | CountryCode[] |
N/A |
language |
Language ISO string used to display the widget. If not specified, the browser language will be used, falling back to 'en' if not supported. |
🔲 | string |
Browser language |
onSuccess |
Function to execute when an Item has been created/updated successfully and retrieved the financial data. | 🔲 | (data: { item: Item }) => void |
No op |
onError |
Function to execute on a general error loading the widget, or when an Item creation/update status has not been successful (service error, invalid credentials, validation error, etc). | 🔲 | (error: { message: string; data?: { item: Item } }) => void |
No op |
onOpen |
Function to execute when the widget modal has been opened. | 🔲 | () => void |
No op |
onClose |
Function to execute when the widget modal has been closed. | 🔲 | () => void |
No op |
onEvent |
Function to execute to handle custom user interaction events. See the docs for more info. | 🔲 | (event: string, metadata: { timestamp: number }) => void |
No op |