Welcome and thank you for your interest in contributing to MashCard FOSS Edition. MashCard is developed in the open and continually improved by our users, contributors, and maintainers. It is because of you that we can bring great software to the community.
This guide provides information on filing issues and guidelines for open source contributors. Please leave comments/suggestions if you find something is missing or incorrect.
Do not open up a GitHub issue if the bug is a security vulnerability in MashCard, and instead to refer to our security policy.
Ensure the bug was not already reported by searching on GitHub under Issues.
If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
P.S. In addition to Open Source Development, there are also Documentation, Translation, and UX Design tracks. Documentation, Translation, and UX Design are all just as important as code.
This guide will help you set up your development environment for MashCard.
Please follow these guidelines when submitting a pull request.
Please follow these style guidelines to ensure your work is consistent with the rest of the community:
- Philosophy of Engineering
- Folder Structure and Naming Conventions
- TypeScript Style Guide
- GraphQL Style Guide
- HTML/CSS Style Guide
- Database/SQL Style Guide
- Error Handling
- Logging
- Testing
- Accessibility
- Internationalization
- Security
- RFC based workflow
Thank you for your contribution! 🤝