Im sorry but I cannot replicate this on demand. I cannot give you a test case and the details I have are very vague.
Basically, when trying to instantiate a concrete class (in production, which might mean this is when opcache is ramped up, or other caching in place), PHP will randomly throw an exception with the message in the format of the following - note this is the FULL message, the actual class is not mentioned and the message appears to be truncated.
"Cannot instantiate interface from"
"Cannot instantiate abstract class from"
"Cannot instantiate trait from"
The code for this appears to be somewhere near
Line 1669 in adb45a6
Full details were first discovered when running Symfony in PHP 8.2 rc 2 in production (I know I know but someone has to lead :))
A further report was then made by @julienchey in Monolog with PHP 8.1.0
PHP Version
Observed in 8.1.0/8.2.0rc2/8.2.0rc3
Operating System
Alpine Docker Container