Automatically cordon and drain Kubernetes nodes based on node conditions.
usage: draino [<flags>] [<node-conditions>...]
Automatically cordons and drains nodes that match the supplied conditions.
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
-d, --debug Run with debug logging.
--listen=":10002" Address at which to expose /metrics and /healthz.
--kubeconfig=KUBECONFIG Path to kubeconfig file. Leave unset to use in-cluster config.
--master=MASTER Address of Kubernetes API server. Leave unset to use in-cluster config.
--dry-run Emit an event without cordoning or draining matching nodes.
--max-grace-period=8m0s The maximum time evicted pods will be given to terminate gracefully.
--eviction-headroom=30s The additional time to wait after a pod's termination grace period for it to have been deleted.
--node-label=KEY=VALUE ...
Only nodes with this label will be eligible for cordoning and draining. May be specified multiple times.
[<node-conditions>] Nodes for which any of these conditions are true will be cordoned and drained.