This module installs and configures Mesosphere's marathon task runner.
- marathon: This is the main class, all the other sub-classes inherit from it.
- Parameters:
class marathon(
# Install or uninstall (present|absent)
$installation_ensure = 'present',
# Marathon binary url
$url = '',
# Marathon binary digest string
$digest_string = '7159bd327a6b7ad7dd7e92bb490fc1cc229bc5f799f34a91da7b9e60a42454c3',
# The digest type
$digest_type = 'sha256',
# Temporary directory to download the files to
$tmp_dir = '/tmp',
# Marathon Installation directory
$install_dir = '/opt/marathon',
# Purge the installation directory
$purge_install_dir = false,
# The username that marathon will submit tasks as
$user = 'root',
# Create symlinks for the marathon binaries for easier access
$create_symlinks = true,
# Whether to use haproxy for load balancing between services
$haproxy_discovery = false,
# Whether to use nginx for load balancing between services
$nginx_discovery = false,
# Nginx service configurations directory
$nginx_services_dir = '/etc/nginx/services.d',
# Create and manage the marathon service
$manage_service = true,
# The marathon service's name
$service_name = 'marathon',
# The marathon options
$options = hiera('classes::marathon::options', { }),
# Manage the firewall rules
$manage_firewall = false,
# Manage the user that the tasks will be submitted as
$manage_user = true,
# Whether or not the integrity of the archive should be verified
$checksum = true,
# Whether or not to use consul ( for service discovery
$consul_discovery = false,
# Consul configuration
$consul_options = hiera('classes::consul::options',{ }),
# Whether to install consul-template or not
$install_consul_template = false,
# Consul-template options
$consul_template_options = hiera('classes::consul_template::options', { }),
# Consul template watches
$consul_template_watches = hiera('classes::consul_template::watches', { }),
# Whether to install docker or not
$install_docker = true,
# Docker options (for more details read
$docker_options = hiera('classes::docker::options', {
dns => '',
socket_bind => "unix:///var/run/docker.sock",
docker_users => [$user],
socket_group => $user
# Whether to install registraator or not
$install_registrator = true,
# How often should registrator query docker for services (See:
$registrator_resync = 30,
# Additional registrator flags
$registrator_args = '',
# Setup consul DNS forwarding (see for more details)
$setup_dns_forwarding = false,
# IPv4 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv4_listen_ips = [''],
# IPv6 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv6_listen_ips = ['::1'],
# Addresses for bind to allow recursion from (Can be both IPv6 and IPv4)
$bind_recursion_ips = ['','::1']
) {
- marathon::install: This is the class that actually installs and configures marathon
- Parameters:
class marathon::install (
# Install or uninstall (present|absent)
$installation_ensure = $marathon::installation_ensure,
# Marathon binary url
$url = $marathon::url,
# Marathon binary digest string
$digest_string = $marathon::digest_string,
# The digest type
$digest_type = $marathon::digest_type,
# Temporary directory to download the files to
$tmp_dir = $marathon::tmp_dir,
# Marathon Installation directory
$install_dir = $marathon::install_dir,
# Purge the installation directory
$purge_install_dir = $marathon::purge_install_dir,
# The username that marathon will submit tasks as
$user = $marathon::user,
# Create symlinks for the marathon binaries for easier access
$create_symlinks = $marathon::create_symlinks,
# Whether to use haproxy for load balancing between services
$haproxy_discovery = $marathon::haproxy_discovery,
# Whether to use nginx for load balancing between services
$nginx_discovery = $marathon::nginx_discovery,
# Nginx service configurations directory
$nginx_services_dir = $marathon::nginx_services_dir,
# Create and manage the marathon service
$manage_service = $marathon::manage_service,
# The marathon service's name
$service_name = $marathon::service_name,
# The marathon options
$options = $marathon::options,
# Manage the firewall rules
$manage_firewall = $marathon::manage_firewall,
# Manage the user that the tasks will be submitted as
$manage_user = $marathon::manage_user,
# Whether or not the integrity of the archive should be verified
$checksum = $marathon::checksum,
# Whether or not to use consul ( for service discovery
$consul_discovery = $marathon::consul_discovery,
# Consul configuration
$consul_options = $marathon::consul_options,
# Whether to install consul-template or not
$install_consul_template = $marathon::install_consul_template,
# Consul-template options
$consul_template_options = $marathon::consul_template_options,
# Consul template watches
$consul_template_watches = $marathon::consul_template_watches,
# Whether to install docker or not
$install_docker = $marathon::install_docker,
# Docker options (for more details read
$docker_options = $marathon::docker_options,
# Whether to install registraator or not
$install_registrator = $marathon::install_registrator,
# How often should registrator query docker for services (See:
$registrator_resync = $marathon::registrator_resync,
# Additional registrator flags
$registrator_args = $marathon::registrator_args,
# Setup consul DNS forwarding (see for more details)
$setup_dns_forwarding = $marathon::setup_dns_forwarding,
# IPv4 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv4_listen_ips = $marathon::bind_ipv4_listen_ips,
# IPv6 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv6_listen_ips = $marathon::bind_ipv6_listen_ips,
# Addresses for bind to allow recursion from (Can be both IPv6 and IPv4)
$bind_recursion_ips = $marathon::bind_recursion_ips
) inherits marathon {
- marathon::haproxy_config: This is the class that actually installs and configures haproxy
- Parameters:
class marathon::haproxy_config (
# Install or uninstall (present|absent)
$installation_ensure = $marathon::installation_ensure,
# Marathon binary url
$url = $marathon::url,
# Marathon binary digest string
$digest_string = $marathon::digest_string,
# The digest type
$digest_type = $marathon::digest_type,
# Temporary directory to download the files to
$tmp_dir = $marathon::tmp_dir,
# Marathon Installation directory
$install_dir = $marathon::install_dir,
# Purge the installation directory
$purge_install_dir = $marathon::purge_install_dir,
# The username that marathon will submit tasks as
$user = $marathon::user,
# Create symlinks for the marathon binaries for easier access
$create_symlinks = $marathon::create_symlinks,
# Whether to use haproxy for load balancing between services
$haproxy_discovery = $marathon::haproxy_discovery,
# Whether to use nginx for load balancing between services
$nginx_discovery = $marathon::nginx_discovery,
# Nginx service configurations directory
$nginx_services_dir = $marathon::nginx_services_dir,
# Create and manage the marathon service
$manage_service = $marathon::manage_service,
# The marathon service's name
$service_name = $marathon::service_name,
# The marathon options
$options = $marathon::options,
# Manage the firewall rules
$manage_firewall = $marathon::manage_firewall,
# Manage the user that the tasks will be submitted as
$manage_user = $marathon::manage_user,
# Whether or not the integrity of the archive should be verified
$checksum = $marathon::checksum,
# Whether or not to use consul ( for service discovery
$consul_discovery = $marathon::consul_discovery,
# Consul configuration
$consul_options = $marathon::consul_options,
# Whether to install consul-template or not
$install_consul_template = $marathon::install_consul_template,
# Consul-template options
$consul_template_options = $marathon::consul_template_options,
# Consul template watches
$consul_template_watches = $marathon::consul_template_watches,
# Whether to install docker or not
$install_docker = $marathon::install_docker,
# Docker options (for more details read
$docker_options = $marathon::docker_options,
# Whether to install registraator or not
$install_registrator = $marathon::install_registrator,
# How often should registrator query docker for services (See:
$registrator_resync = $marathon::registrator_resync,
# Additional registrator flags
$registrator_args = $marathon::registrator_args,
# Setup consul DNS forwarding (see for more details)
$setup_dns_forwarding = $marathon::setup_dns_forwarding,
# IPv4 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv4_listen_ips = $marathon::bind_ipv4_listen_ips,
# IPv6 Addresses for bind to listen on
$bind_ipv6_listen_ips = $marathon::bind_ipv6_listen_ips,
# Addresses for bind to allow recursion from (Can be both IPv6 and IPv4)
$bind_recursion_ips = $marathon::bind_recursion_ips
) inherits marathon {
class {'marathon':
manage_firewall => true,
service_name => 'marathon',
manage_user => true,
user => 'root'
Before using this module, please see:
- The Marathon documentation
- [The consul documentation] ( and the [Consul puppet module documentation] (
- [The Registrator documentation] ( and the [Docker puppet module documentation] (
- [The consul-template documentation] ( and the [consul_tempalte puppet module documentation] (
Pay attention when specifying the marathon options in Hiera, specially the ones requiring double quotes or special characters, such as in the example below.
As you can see, since I am using the json Hiera backend, both the " and the \ need to be present within the service file. Due to the fact that within the template they are already within double quotes, I had to make sure I escape them propperly.
Have fun!
- Flexible load balancing configuration (Now you can also opt for nginx, as your load balancer (ver. 1.0.12 and above)
- You can now configure dns forwarding, by using consul's dns interface (see and for more details) (ver. 1.0.12 and above).
- You can also set as many template watchers as you want, for any (custom) load balancer, or anything that supports a file-based configuration. (ver. 1.0.12 and above).