This example shows how to run SMAC environments with PettingZoo multi-agent API.
To get started, first install PettingZoo with pip install pettingzoo
- The SMAC environment for PettingZoo,
, can be initialized with two different API templates. AEC: PettingZoo is based in the Agent Environment Cycle game model, more information about "AEC" can be read in the following paper. To create a SMAC environment as an "AEC" PettingZoo game model use:
from smac.env.pettingzoo import StarCraft2PZEnv env = StarCraft2PZEnv.env()
Parallel: PettingZoo also supports parallel environments where all agents have simultaneous actions and observations. This type of environment can be created as follows:
from smac.env.pettingzoo import StarCraft2PZEnv env = StarCraft2PZEnv.parallel_env() has an example of a SMAC environment being used as a PettingZoo "AEC" environment. With env.render() it is possible to output an instance of the environment as a frame in pygame. This is useful for debugging purposes.