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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Arthur Feitosa ArthurFeitosa
Data Engineer | Analytics | Scala | SQL | Python | AWS | Databricks | Data Governance

Nubank Brazil

Emerson Delatorre fazedordecodigo
Senior Software Engineer

@luizalabs Maricá, RJ, BR

Gustavo Ramos Gustavo032
💻 Analista de T.I na Magazine Luiza| Desenvolvedor na Codematch 🚀 Apaixonado por tecnologia, sempre aprendendo e evoluindo 🛠️ Trabalhando com React e Node

@INeed-TI @ContabilizeAE Brazil

Bernardo herr-berna
Brazilian developer focused on the JS stack.

state wired

Matheus Muriel MatheusMuriel
Apenas um programador Latino-Americano | Just a Latin American programmer

Londrina, PR, Brazil

Kauê Matos iKaueMatos
Java Software Developer, Studying Computer Science 7th Semester

São Paulo,Caieiras

Henrique Rocha henriqelol
MSc. of Science in Computation.

@luizalabs São Carlos/SP

Thadeu thdblinux

Rio de Janeiro

Fabrício fabricio
A Hunter trying to survive in the farmer's world. Self-taught developer.

not found

Walber Vaz walber-vaz
🤓💻 Desenvolvedor FullStack

São Miguel do Guamá, PA

Mirla Isabel Mirlaaa
Studying Systems Analysis and Development. Seeking for learn!

Pau dos Ferros, RN

Lucas Fonsêca infLucasinf
Amante do mundo tecnológico, um eterno curioso sobre o assunto.

Salvador - Ba

Jose Paulino jspaulino
BackEnd enthusiast, based in Parnaíba-PI, Brazil.

Parnaíba, Piauí, Brasil

Raiane Dev Raiane-Dev
🧚🏻 developer at luizalabs;

Florianópolis, SC

Natália Granato nataliagranato
Kubernetes Contributor | CNCF Ambassador | Cloud Native | DevOps | Site Reliability Engineer | DevSecOps | Observability | Infra as Code | Plataform Engineer

Magalu Cloud Belo Horizonte, MG

Ana Luiza Santos uaianaluiza
BackEnd Developer Java/Kotlin

@Zupit Recife, Pernambuco - Brasil

Glaucio glaucioripol
Software Engineer
Katerina Akilah H. xrockat
Infrastructure Technology Solutions


Thiago Lopes thiagolopes
I code for fun.


Gustavo Walbon walbon
Randomly hacking stuffs

beach Brazil

Vagner Bruno Batista vagnerbruno85
Web and Mobile development =)
Daniel Lombardi LombardiDaniel
Computer Engineering - UFSCar, Brazil

@Google São Paulo, Brazil

Marlon Ricardo ricardmarlon
USP/ESALQ - MBA Engenharia de Software

Paraty, RJ

Marlon Ricardo marlonricardo
Java Developer in construction.
felipe bastos felipebastosweb
Web e Mobile Developer, System Analyst, MBA in Project Management, Father and Happy.

fellipebastosweb salvador,bahia,brasil

Hyukiteckk Hyukiteckk
Inicio em Programação Trabalho na empresa Magazine Luiza Inc.

@MagazineLuiza Franca-SP

carlosfonseca aramacs
A psychologist who turn into programming... from minds to bytes.
Leandro Cunha leandrocunha526
Information Systems. With the goal of being a Full Stack focusing on mobile, web and database development. In addition to being a FLOSS/FOSS contributor.


Jean Fernandes JeanCarl00s
Coding the World.

MagaLu Louveira - SP

Renan Benedicto Pereira renanbenedicto
MySQL DBA from community

Idea Maker São Paulo

Vinicius Hansel HanselVinicius

sertãozinho, São Paulo

Henrique Barucco HenriqueBarucco
Fascinated by technology from an early age, learning to create and develop things to make life easier!

@luizalabs Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brazil

Fábio Tramasoli ilosamart
Operário da T.I.

Ministério Público do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil

Matheus Mattioli matheustmattioli
Computer Scientist

Monte Alto, Brazil

Beatriz Gomes biangomes
Working as Software Developer focused on Java.

Luizalabs Florianópolis, SC

Felipe Guedes guedesfelipe
Python developer, Web Scraping, Scripting and Taks Automation
