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Leonardo S. Val de Casas digidweb
Developer | Full Stack | PostgreSQL, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, WordPress | Agility in building functional, responsive and aesthetic web apps
Dan Spinosa spinosa

Fixable Brooklyn, NY

Lucas Salinas LukeSal88

San Francisco, CA

Carlos Pazuzu carlospazuzu
Game Music Composer, Game developer and Computer Science Undergraduate.
Ernest Bursa swistaczek
Before I even touch the keyboard, I’d like to hear about your problem. Following its detailed analysis, I suggest an MVP solution which will let us know if...

Fourthwall Poznań, Poland

Enmanuel Toribio eatskolnikov
He, him, his丨Jack of all trades master of some丨I record tech talks at @Streamelopers | Sr. Software Engineer | Rails | Azure | .Net

@Streamelopers Dominican Republic

Ahmed Nadar AhmedNadar
Ruby on Rails Developer. Love to build software with HTML, CSS, Hotwire, Stimulus, Ruby, and Rails. 👋 I'm Available for a new opportunity.

FOR HIRE Canada, Toronto

Radamés Sapiosonic
Web Developer | Pythonista | Rubyist | React + React Native | D3.js lover | Datavis | Data Science enthusiast | GIS |

Santa Catarina, Brazil

Nicolas Messer nicolasmesser
@lewagon Batch #1470 Web Development – Freelance web developer and SEO. Volunteering development time for non-profit World Fit Foundation.


Alexander ADAM alexanderadam
Software developer in Zug / Zürich / Switzerland

@vade-io Zürich, Switzerland

Steven Beales stevenbeales
I am a drug safety and clinical trials subject matter expert who develops clinical trials apps in Ruby, c#, Javascript, Python and Delphi.


Claude Ayitey claudey
Engineer, Designer, Builder

@DevCongress @candlelitcare

Valery Stepanov wa1aric
I like to build and deploy things.
Rimunanda Ma'arif Parinduri Rimunanda-15
Software Engineer Student of Telkom University inna ma'al usri yusro