#include "model_adapters.h"
#include "compat/timer.hpp"
namespace neuralnet_tracker_ns
float sigmoid(float x)
return 1.f/(1.f + std::exp(-x));
// Defined in ftnoir_tracker_neuralnet.cpp
// Normally we wouldn't need it here. However ... see below.
cv::Quatf image_to_world(cv::Quatf q);
cv::Quatf world_to_image(cv::Quatf q)
// It's its own inverse.
return image_to_world(q);
cv::Rect2f unnormalize(const cv::Rect2f &r, int h, int w)
auto unnorm = [](float x) -> float { return 0.5*(x+1); };
auto tl = r.tl();
auto br = r.br();
auto x0 = unnorm(tl.x)*w;
auto y0 = unnorm(tl.y)*h;
auto x1 = unnorm(br.x)*w;
auto y1 = unnorm(br.y)*h;
return {
x0, y0, x1-x0, y1-y0
// Returns width and height of the input tensor, or throws.
// Expects the model to take one tensor as input that must
// have the shape B x C x H x W, where B=C=1.
cv::Size get_input_image_shape(const Ort::Session &session)
if (session.GetInputCount() < 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("Model must take at least one input tensor");
const std::vector<:int64_t> shape =
if (shape.size() != 4)
throw std::invalid_argument("Model takes the input tensor in the wrong shape");
return { static_cast(shape[3]), static_cast(shape[2]) };
Ort::Value create_tensor(const Ort::TypeInfo& info, Ort::Allocator& alloc)
const auto shape = info.GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetShape();
auto t = Ort::Value::CreateTensor(
alloc, shape.data(), shape.size());
memset(t.GetTensorMutableData(), 0, sizeof(float)*info.GetTensorTypeAndShapeInfo().GetElementCount());
return t;
int find_input_intensity_quantile(const cv::Mat& frame, float percentage)
const int channels[] = { 0 };
const int hist_size[] = { 256 };
float range[] = { 0, 256 };
const float* ranges[] = { range };
cv::Mat hist;
cv::calcHist(&frame, 1, channels, cv::Mat(), hist, 1, hist_size, ranges, true, false);
int gray_level = 0;
const int num_pixels_quantile = frame.total()*percentage*0.01f;
int num_pixels_accum = 0;
for (int i=0; i(i);
if (num_pixels_accum > num_pixels_quantile)
gray_level = i;
return gray_level;
// Automatic brightness adjustment. Scales brightness to lie between -.5 and 0.5, roughly.
void normalize_brightness(const cv::Mat& frame, cv::Mat& out)
const float pct = 90;
const int brightness = find_input_intensity_quantile(frame, pct);
const double alpha = brightness<127 ? (pct/100.f*0.5f/std::max(5,brightness)) : 1./255;
const double beta = -0.5;
frame.convertTo(out, CV_32F, alpha, beta);
Localizer::Localizer(Ort::MemoryInfo &allocator_info, Ort::Session &&session) :
// Only works when input_mat does not reallocated memory ...which it should not.
// Non-owning memory reference to input_mat?
// Note: shape = (bach x channels x h x w)
const std::int64_t input_shape[4] = { 1, 1, INPUT_IMG_HEIGHT, INPUT_IMG_WIDTH };
input_val_ = Ort::Value::CreateTensor(allocator_info, input_mat_.ptr(0), input_mat_.total(), input_shape, 4);
const std::int64_t output_shape[2] = { 1, 5 };
output_val_ = Ort::Value::CreateTensor(allocator_info, results_.data(), results_.size(), output_shape, 2);
std::pair Localizer::run(
const cv::Mat &frame)
auto p = input_mat_.ptr(0);
cv::resize(frame, scaled_frame_, { INPUT_IMG_WIDTH, INPUT_IMG_HEIGHT }, 0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA);
scaled_frame_.convertTo(input_mat_, CV_32F, 1./255., -0.5);
assert (input_mat_.ptr(0) == p);
assert (!input_mat_.empty() && input_mat_.isContinuous());
assert (input_mat_.cols == INPUT_IMG_WIDTH && input_mat_.rows == INPUT_IMG_HEIGHT);
const char* input_names[] = {"x"};
const char* output_names[] = {"logit_box"};
Timer t; t.start();
session_.Run(Ort::RunOptions{nullptr}, input_names, &input_val_, 1, output_names, &output_val_, 1);
last_inference_time_ = t.elapsed_ms();
const cv::Rect2f roi = unnormalize(cv::Rect2f{
results_[3]-results_[1], // Width
results_[4]-results_[2] // Height
}, frame.rows, frame.cols);
const float score = sigmoid(results_[0]);
return { score, roi };
double Localizer::last_inference_time_millis() const
return last_inference_time_;
std::string PoseEstimator::get_network_input_name(size_t i) const
return std::string(&*session_.GetInputNameAllocated(i, allocator_));
return std::string(session_.GetInputName(i, allocator_));
std::string PoseEstimator::get_network_output_name(size_t i) const
return std::string(&*session_.GetOutputNameAllocated(i, allocator_));
return std::string(session_.GetOutputName(i, allocator_));
PoseEstimator::PoseEstimator(Ort::MemoryInfo &allocator_info, Ort::Session &&session)
: model_version_{session.GetModelMetadata().GetVersion()}
, session_{std::move(session)}
, allocator_{session_, allocator_info}
using namespace std::literals::string_literals;
if (session_.GetOutputCount() < 2)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid Model: must have at least two outputs");
// WARNING: Messy model compatibility issues!
// When reading the initial model release, it did not have the version field set.
// Reading it here will result in some unspecified value. It's probably UB due to
// reading uninitialized memory. But there is little choice.
// Now, detection of this old version is messy ... we have to guess based on the
// number we get. Getting an uninitialized value matching a valid version is unlikely.
// But the real problem is that this line must be updated whenever we want to bump the
// version number!!
if (model_version_ <= 0 || model_version_ > 4)
model_version_ = 1;
const cv::Size input_image_shape = get_input_image_shape(session_);
scaled_frame_ = cv::Mat(input_image_shape, CV_8U, cv::Scalar(0));
input_mat_ = cv::Mat(input_image_shape, CV_32F, cv::Scalar(0.f));
const std::int64_t input_shape[4] = { 1, 1, input_image_shape.height, input_image_shape.width };
Ort::Value::CreateTensor(allocator_info, input_mat_.ptr(0), input_mat_.total(), input_shape, 4));
struct TensorSpec
std::vector shape;
float* buffer = nullptr;
size_t element_count = 0;
bool available = false;
std::unordered_map<:string tensorspec> understood_outputs = {
{ "pos_size", TensorSpec{ { 1, 3 }, &output_coord_[0], output_coord_.rows } },
{ "quat", TensorSpec{ { 1, 4}, &output_quat_[0], output_quat_.rows } },
{ "box", TensorSpec{ { 1, 4}, &output_box_[0], output_box_.rows } },
{ "rotaxis_scales_tril", TensorSpec{ {1, 3, 3}, output_rotaxis_scales_tril_.val, 9 }},
{ "rotaxis_std", TensorSpec{ {1, 3, 3}, output_rotaxis_scales_tril_.val, 9 }}, // TODO: Delete when old models aren't used any more
{ "pos_size_std", TensorSpec{ {1, 3}, output_coord_scales_std_.val, output_coord_scales_std_.rows}},
{ "pos_size_scales", TensorSpec{ {1, 3}, output_coord_scales_std_.val, output_coord_scales_std_.rows}},
{ "pos_size_scales_tril", TensorSpec{ {1, 3, 3}, output_coord_scales_tril_.val, 9}}
qDebug() << "Pose model inputs (" << session_.GetInputCount() << ")";
qDebug() << "Pose model outputs (" << session_.GetOutputCount() << "):";
for (size_t i=0; isecond;
if (onnx_tensor_spec.GetShape() != t.shape ||
onnx_tensor_spec.GetElementType() != Ort::TypeToTensorType::type)
throw std::runtime_error("Invalid output tensor spec for "s + name);
allocator_info, t.buffer, t.element_count, t.shape.data(), t.shape.size()));
t.available = true;
// Create tensor regardless and ignore output
output_val_.push_back(create_tensor(output_info, allocator_));
output_names_[i] = name;
output_c_names_[i] = output_names_[i].c_str();
has_uncertainty_ = understood_outputs.at("rotaxis_scales_tril").available ||
has_uncertainty_ &= understood_outputs.at("pos_size_std").available ||
understood_outputs.at("pos_size_scales").available ||
pos_scale_uncertainty_is_matrix_ = understood_outputs.at("pos_size_scales_tril").available;
for (size_t i = 0; i < session_.GetInputCount(); ++i)
input_names_[i] = get_network_input_name(i);
input_c_names_[i] = input_names_[i].c_str();
assert (input_names_.size() == input_val_.size());
assert (output_names_.size() == output_val_.size());
std::optional<:face> PoseEstimator::run(
const cv::Mat &frame, const cv::Rect &box)
cv::Mat cropped;
const int patch_size = std::max(box.width, box.height)*1.05;
const cv::Point2f patch_center = {
std::clamp(box.x + 0.5f*box.width, 0.f, frame.cols),
std::clamp(box.y + 0.5f*box.height, 0.f, frame.rows)
cv::getRectSubPix(frame, {patch_size, patch_size}, patch_center, cropped);
// Will get failure if patch_center is outside image boundaries settings.
// Have to catch this case.
if (cropped.rows != patch_size || cropped.cols != patch_size)
return {};
[[maybe_unused]] auto* p = input_mat_.ptr(0);
cv::resize(cropped, scaled_frame_, scaled_frame_.size(), 0, 0, cv::INTER_AREA);
normalize_brightness(scaled_frame_, input_mat_);
assert (input_mat_.ptr(0) == p);
assert (!input_mat_.empty() && input_mat_.isContinuous());
Timer t; t.start();
Ort::RunOptions{ nullptr },
catch (const Ort::Exception &e)
qDebug() << "Failed to run the model: " << e.what();
return {};
last_inference_time_ = t.elapsed_ms();
// Perform coordinate transformation.
// From patch-local normalized in [-1,1] to
// frame unnormalized pixel.
cv::Matx33f center_size_cov_tril = {};
if (has_uncertainty_)
if (pos_scale_uncertainty_is_matrix_)
center_size_cov_tril = output_coord_scales_tril_;
center_size_cov_tril(0,0) = output_coord_scales_std_[0];
center_size_cov_tril(1,1) = output_coord_scales_std_[1];
center_size_cov_tril(2,2) = output_coord_scales_std_[2];
center_size_cov_tril *= patch_size*0.5f;
const cv::Point2f center = patch_center +
(0.5f*patch_size)*cv::Point2f{output_coord_[0], output_coord_[1]};
const float size = patch_size*0.5f*output_coord_[2];
// Following Eigen which uses quat components in the order w, x, y, z.
// As does OpenCV
cv::Quatf rotation = {
output_quat_[2] };
// Should be lower triangular. If not maybe something is wrong with memory layout ... or the model.
assert(output_rotaxis_scales_tril_(0, 1) == 0);
assert(output_rotaxis_scales_tril_(0, 2) == 0);
assert(output_rotaxis_scales_tril_(1, 2) == 0);
assert(center_size_cov_tril(0, 1) == 0);
assert(center_size_cov_tril(0, 2) == 0);
assert(center_size_cov_tril(1, 2) == 0);
cv::Matx33f rotaxis_scales_tril = output_rotaxis_scales_tril_;
if (model_version_ < 2)
// Due to a change in coordinate conventions
rotation = world_to_image(rotation);
const cv::Rect2f outbox = {
patch_center.x + (0.5f*patch_size)*output_box_[0],
patch_center.y + (0.5f*patch_size)*output_box_[1],
return std::optional({
rotation, rotaxis_scales_tril, outbox, center, size, center_size_cov_tril
cv::Mat PoseEstimator::last_network_input() const
cv::Mat ret;
input_mat_.convertTo(ret, CV_8U, 255., 127.);
cv::cvtColor(ret, ret, cv::COLOR_GRAY2RGB);
return ret;
double PoseEstimator::last_inference_time_millis() const
return last_inference_time_;
} // namespace neuralnet_tracker_ns