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Knative and OpenShift Demo for KubeCon

This is a Knative on OpenShift demo as given at KubeCon. It walks you through on what Knative has to offer:

  1. It builds an application through Knative's Build component (which makes use of the existing OpenShift Build mechanic underneath).
  2. The built image is then deployed as a Knative Service, which means it scales automatically, even down to nothing as we'll see.
  3. We wire an EventSource emitting IoT events from the Newcastle University to our application through Knative's Eventing capabilities.
  4. We'll roll out a new version via a canary release.
  5. The application will be scaled according to the needs of the incoming traffic.

0. Setting up an OpenShift cluster

Before we get started, let's setup an environment. This setup guide assumes the usage of minishift and the setup scripts are tailored to facilitate that. To setup a fresh minishift cluster with OLM, Istio and all parts we need from Knative installed, run the following scripts:

git clone
cd demos/knative-kubecon
git clone

This script is destructive towards the 'knative' profile in minishift.

After this script exits without any errors, your cluster will be setup and ready to go. Next, let's make oc (OpenShift's CLI) available in the current terminal and set the namespace to myproject:

eval $(minishift oc-env)
oc project myproject

There we are, let's get crackin'.

Setting up access rights

To be able to access everything we need for the demo, we'll need to add certain rights to the default ServiceAccount in our namespace. For the Build part it needs CRUD access to all OpenShift Build related entities (Build, BuildConfig, ImageStream).

To set those up, run:

oc apply -f build/000-rolebinding.yaml

1. The Build component

The Build component in Knative is not so much a utility to build images themselves. It rather provides primitives, to be able to string together the tools you want to do your image build. In a sense, it's an abstraction layer above all the tools out there to build an image. In our case, the most prominent example is OpenShift's own build capability, so this will show you, how we can implement a Knative Build by the means of an OpenShift Build.

Knative provides a mechanism called BuildTemplates, where you define a blueprint for a build, which contains the arguments that that build might need to do its job of building the image in the end. An example of such a template can be seen below. This template allows building images through Knative Build based on OpenShift's Build capability, so you can use the tools you're used to while taking full advantage of Knative Build on top of it.

kind: BuildTemplate
  name: openshift-builds
  - name: IMAGE
    description: The name of the image to push
  - name: NAME
    description: Build configuration name
  - name: IMAGE_STREAM
    description: The image stream to use as input for the build
  - name: TO_DOCKER
    description: Push the image to a Docker repository or not (true by default)
    default: "false"
  - name: DIRECTORY
    description: The directory containing the app
    default: /workspace
    description: The name of the builder image to use
  - name: kobw-create-or-update
    image: "${OC_BUILDER_IMAGE}"
    args: ["create", "--name=${NAME}", "--image=${IMAGE}", "--image-stream=${IMAGE_STREAM}", "--to-docker=${TO_DOCKER}", "."]
    workingDir: "${DIRECTORY}"
      - name: NAMESPACE
            fieldPath: metadata.namespace
  - name: kobw-run
    image: "${OC_BUILDER_IMAGE}"
    args: ["run", "--name=${NAME}"]
      - name: NAMESPACE
            fieldPath: metadata.namespace

To achieve the desired effect, this template wraps an OpenShift Build entity to perform the build of the desired application. To "install" that template, we need to oc apply it by:

oc apply -f build/010-build-template.yaml

This on its own will do nothing. It only defines a template for a build to reference. A Build, as seen below, then includes such a references and provides it with the arguments needed to perform the build.

kind: Build
  name: oc-build-1
      revision: v1
    name: openshift-builds
    - name: IMAGE_STREAM
      value: golang:1.11
    - name: IMAGE
      value: "dumpy:latest"
    - name: NAME
      value: dumpy-build

In this particular case, the source code is taken from a git repository and its release v1 is checked out. The arguments to the template then define that we want to build a Golang based application and want to name the image dumpy:latest.

Now we could go ahead and run this build on its own by applying it like the template above and using oc apply -f build/020-build.yaml, but it's much more interesting to see how it's stringed together with creating a deployment in the same step. After all, an image on it's own is worth nothing if its not deployed.

2. The Serving component

The Serving component revolves around the concept of a Service (for clarity, it's called KService throughout, because that term is vastly overloaded in the Kubernetes space). A KService is a higher level construct that describes how an application is built and then how it's deployed in Knative.

A KService definition looks like this:

kind: Service
  name: dumpy
  namespace: myproject
            revision: v1
          name: openshift-builds
          - name: IMAGE_STREAM
            value: golang:1.11
          - name: IMAGE
            value: "dumpy:latest"
          - name: NAME
            value: dumpy-build
          containerConcurrency: 1
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            image: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/myproject/dumpy:latest

It's very apparent that the part is a one-to-one copy of the Build manifest we created above. If we apply this specification, Knative will go ahead and build the image through the capabilities described above. Once that's done it'll go ahead and deploy a Revision, an immutable snapshot of an application. Think of it as the Configuration of the application at a specific point in time.

The revisionTemplate part of the KService specification describes how the Pods that will contain the application will be created and deployed. In this case, it's going to pull the image that's built from the OpenShift internal registry.

We create the KService by, you guessed it, applying the file through oc:

oc apply -f serving/010-service.yaml

Now the build will eventually start running. You can see through the OpenShift console, how a job is created that orchestrates the build.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/pods"

OpenShift Console's Pods page shown pods being created for the build.

Eventually, an OpenShift Build is created and builds the image, as can be seen on the Builds page.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/builds"

OpenShift Console's Builds page showing the created builds.

Once the build finishes, Knative will produce a couple of entities to actually deploy the application. The KService consists of two parts: A Route and a Configuration. The configuration is directly apparent through the respective part in the YAML file above, the Route is only implicitly there.

A Route makes the KService available under a hostname (see the curl example below). A Configuration is a description of the application we're deploying. It contains a revisionTemplate, which hints to the fact that a Configuration generates a new Revision for each change to the Configuration. A Revision is an immutable snapshot of a Configuration and gives each deployed configuration a unique name. The Revision then generates a plain Kubernetes Deployment, which in turn generates the Pods that generate the Containers for our application.

In short:

  1. A Route makes our application available under a hostname.
  2. A Configuration generates a Revision generates a Deployments generates Pods generates our Container.

We can see all of the plain Kubernetes entities in the Console, to see the Deployment for example use:

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/deployments"

OpenShift Console's Deployments page showning the created deployment with 1 replica.

Now, to see that the service is actually running, we're going to send a request against it. To do so, we'll get the domain of the KService:

$ oc get kservice
NAME                   DOMAIN                                       LATESTCREATED                LATESTREADY                  READY     REASON
dumpy   dumpy-00001   dumpy-00001   True

Don't worry if its READY state happens to be false; it just means that the service has been scaled to 0 due to inactivity. It'll be ready for the next request.

The DOMAIN part is what we're interested in. The actual request is then sent to the entrypoint of our servicemesh, which is listening on $(minishift ip):32380). Stringed together we get the following command:

$ curl -H "Host:" "http://$(minishift ip):32380/health"

                    888 888             888
                    888 888             888
                    888 888             888
888d888 .d88b.  .d88888 88888b.  8888b. 888888
888P"  d8P  Y8bd88" 888 888 "88b    "88b888
888    88888888888  888 888  888.d888888888
888    Y8b.    Y88b 888 888  888888  888Y88b.
888     "Y8888  "Y88888 888  888"Y888888 "Y888

It's alive!

3. The Eventing component

The previous steps showed you how to invoke a KService from an HTTP request, in that case submitted via curl. Knative Eventing is all about how you can invoke those applications in response to other events such as those received from message brokers or external applications. In this part of the demo we are going to show how you can receive Kubernetes platform events and route those to a Knative Serving application.

Knative Eventing is built on top of three primitives:

  • Event Sources
  • Brokers
  • Triggers

Event Sources are the components that receive the external events and forward them onto Sinks which can be mediated by a Trigger. Triggers are offer the opportunity to filter out events by attributes. An alternative Event transporation mechanism are Channels which are backed by Apache Kafka, GCPPubSub and a simple in-memory channel. Triggers are used to connect Knative Serving application to a Broker so that it can respond to the events that the Broker emits.

Let's take a look at some of those resources in more detail.

We have some yaml files prepared which describe the various resources, firstly the Trigger.

kind: Trigger
  name: my-service-trigger
  namespace: myproject
      type: dev.knative.source.heartbeats
      kind: Service
      name: dumpy

Here we can see that we've got a trigger named my-service-trigger and it is a filter on events from the sourceAndType source which is what we're going to use for this demo. The trigger will send events through to its subscriber which is the dumpy service we defined earlier. Let's deploy that so that we can use it in a later stage.

oc apply -f eventing/010-trigger.yaml

Next let's take a look at the EventSource.

kind: ContainerSource
  name: heartbeat-event-source
  namespace: myproject
   - '--label="<3"'
   - '--period=400'
    kind: Broker
    name: default

This is starting to get a little bit more interesting. This EventSource is a so called ContainerSource. As such, it runs a container based off the image given and instructs it to send its event to the sink described in the YAML. In this case, this container happens to be a hearbeat application, written in Golang, which generates events at a configurable rate, to be forwarded to the given sink. That sink is a broker that we'll created shortly.

If we now apply our source YAML, we will see a pod created which is an instance of the source we defined above.

oc apply -f eventing/021-source.yaml
# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/deployments"

OpenShift Console's Deployments page showning the created deployment for the source.

Finally, we need to enable a knative-eventing-injection for our namespace. This will allow our broker to launch as required by our ContainerSource

oc label namespace myproject knative-eventing-injection=enabled

And by that, events coming through our source are now dispatched via a broker to the service that we created in the beginning of this tutorial. We can actually see the events by having a look at the logs of our application.

Monitor the pods until at least one enters the running state (use ctl-c to stop "watching" the pods)

$ oc get pods -l app=dumpy-00001 --watch
NAME                                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
dumpy-00001-deployment-77866f577b-f4w5x   3/3       Running   0          1m
dumpy-00001-deployment-77866f577b-qk8p9   3/3       Running   0          6m
dumpy-00001-deployment-77866f577b-xpgnc   3/3       Running   0          1m

And then view the logs from one of your pods:

$ oc logs -c user-container --since=1m dumpy-00001-deployment-77866f577b-xpgnc

We can also visualize what's exactly happening using Kiali.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(oc get routes kiali -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{}')/console/service-graph/myproject?layout=cose-bilkent&duration=60&edges=requestsPercentOfTotal&graphType=app"

Kiali UI to visualize how the app is structured.

The graph visualizes how the app we've deployed, which is represented by the deployment dumpy-00001 in this screenshot, is connected with various components of Knative. Events can flow in either via the knative-ingressgateway (essentially: from anywhere) and the in-memory-channel-dispatcher, which we've deployed earlier to be able to receive events. That channel gets its events via the testevents pod we've created earlier, which is the Source listening on Kubernetes Events.

We can also roughly spot how the Knative Serving system works underneath, as our deployment gets requests from the activator and is connected to the autoscaler, to provide metrics there.

What we also spot: Our application has a problem. All requests from the dispatcher to the application are failing.

4. Releasing and traffic splitting

If an application contains a bug, we'll want to fix that as soon as possible and roll out the new version as quickly and safely as possible. To do so, we'll rely on a concept called canary release. Deploy a new version of an application and then gradually shift more and more traffic to the new version, to controllably verify it is working as intended. Shifting traffic gradually to a new version is called traffic splitting.

In this case, there is already a fixed version of the application available as v2 (we used v1) above. To update our service we need to:

  1. Instruct it not to run the latest version of our application (indicated by runLatest in the KService-YAML above).
  2. Update the application's version to v2.

To get the latest created revision for any Knative Service, use the kubectl command:

kubectl get ksvc my-knative-service -o jsonpath=" {.status.latestCreatedRevisionName} "

Lookup the latest revision name and do a substitution in the yaml file stored in the tutorial repository, before applying it. For more information on updating and substituting revisions, refer to the Knative tutorial repository.

The hard-coded values of revisions, such as the integers in dumpy-00001, reflect values that are looked up and substituted dynamically, once the user applies the yaml. The values can not be determined ahead of time.

Use the kubectl command above, to get the latest created revision for any Knative Service.

Updating a service can be achieved, by adding the latest created revision to the service definition. An example of these changes are displayed in the following:

<   runLatest:
>   release:
>     revisions: ["dumpy-00001", "dumpy-00002"]
>     rolloutPercent: 0
<             revision: v1
>             revision: v2

This tells the Knative system to release from dumpy-00001 (the current revision) to dumpy-00002 (the canary revision) and for now we want a rollout ratio of 0 because our new version still needs to be built.

Apply these changes via:

oc apply -f serving/011-service-update.yaml

After the build is finished and the pods of the new revision have successfully started, we can start instructing Knative to actually send a portion of our traffic to the new version. To do so, we simply change rolloutPercent in our service definition to the desired value, let's make it 50 for now.

<     rolloutPercent: 0
>     rolloutPercent: 50

Apply these changes by using:

oc apply -f serving/012-service-traffic.yaml

The system will now evenly divide the traffic between the two deployed versions. Using Kiali, we can verify that the traffic to the new version is indeed not causing any errors.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(oc get routes kiali -n istio-system -o jsonpath='{}')/console/service-graph/myproject?layout=cose-bilkent&duration=60&edges=requestsPercentOfTotal&graphType=app"

Kiali UI to visualize traffic split.

Since we've now verified that the new version should indeed be rolled out completely, we can go ahead and move 100% of the traffic over. We do that by making the latest current revision, "dumpy-00002" our current and only revision, and drop "dumpy-00001" completely. Since we're not rolling out anything, we set rolloutPercent to 0.

<     revisions: ["dumpy-00001", "dumpy-00002"]
<     rolloutPercent: 50
>     revisions: ["dumpy-00002"]
>     rolloutPercent: 0

Apply these changes via:

oc apply -f serving/013-service-final.yaml

We've now successfully exchanged v1 of our application with v2 in a completely controlled manner and could've rolled back immediately at any point in time.

5. Scaling up and down

Since the buildings of the University of Newcastle are generating a vast and steady stream of information, Knative will actually scale the application that we've deployed to fit the incoming volume dynamically. We should meanwhile have a couple of pods around.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/deployments"

OpenShift Console's Deployments page showning the created deployment scaled to 3.

Now, the serverless promise is to only need what is necessary to serve the traffic to our application. That means, if there is no traffic our application should have zero pods. We can simulate that by removing the subscription of the channel to our application:

oc delete -f eventing/030-subscription.yaml

Now we wait a couple of minutes and we'll see the pods slowly disappearing until they even disappear completely. Reinstanatiating the subscription as shown above will bring them back in numbers to serve the traffic of course.

# Open in your browser (default credentials: admin/admin)
echo "https://$(minishift ip):8443/console/project/myproject/browse/deployments"

OpenShift Console's Deployments page showning the created deployment scaled to 0.


With that we've successfully touched many aspects of what Knative has to offer today. We've built a Knative application from scratch, making use of OpenShift's existing rich Build support. We've further seen how to link that application with an arbitrary Event source, to feed that data to our application in a declarative fashion. Lastly, we've seen how Knative scaled our application according to the needs of incoming traffic and even scaled the application down to zero instances, when there was no incoming traffic.