require "bundler/setup" require "pathological" require "bourbon" require "coffee-script" require "methodchain" require "nokogiri" require "open-uri" require "pinion" require "pinion/sinatra_helpers" require "redcarpet" require "redis" require "sass" require "sinatra/base" require "sinatra/reloader" require "uglifier" require "set" require "environment" require "lib/ruby_extensions" require "lib/git_helper" require "lib/git_diff_utils" require "lib/oauth2_provider" require "lib/keyboard_shortcuts" require "lib/meta_repo" require "lib/openid_provider" require "lib/pretty_date" require "lib/script_environment" require "lib/stats" require "lib/statusz" require "lib/string_helper" require "lib/string_filter" require "lib/filters" require "lib/inspire" require "lib/redis_manager" require "lib/redcarpet_extensions" require "lib/mustache_renderer" require "resque_jobs/deliver_review_request_emails.rb" NODE_MODULES_BIN_PATH = "./node_modules/.bin" UNAUTHENTICATED_ROUTES = ["/signin", "/signout", "/inspire", "/statusz", "/api/"] # NOTE(philc): Currently we let you see previews of individual commits and the code review stats without # being logged in, as a friendly UX. When we flesh out our authorization model, we should intentionally make # this configurable. UNAUTHENTICATED_PREVIEW_ROUTES = ["/commits/", "/stats"] class BarkeepServer < Sinatra::Base attr_accessor :current_user # Set up Pinion to manage static and compiled assets. set :pinion,"/assets") configure do pinion.convert :scss => :css pinion.convert :coffee => :js "public" "#{Gem.loaded_specs["bourbon"].full_gem_path}/app/assets/stylesheets" # Set up asset bundles pinion.create_bundle :vendor_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/vendor/jquery-1.7.min.js", "/vendor/jquery-ui-1.8.19.custom.min.js", "/vendor/jquery.json-2.2.min.js", "/vendor/jquery.tipsy.js", "/vendor/jquery.hotkeys.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/coffee/constants.js", "/coffee/util.js", "/coffee/snippets.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :repo_app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, ["/coffee/repos.js"] pinion.create_bundle :users_admin_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, ["/coffee/users_admin.js"] pinion.create_bundle :commit_app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, ["/coffee/commit.js"] pinion.create_bundle :commit_vendor_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/vendor/jquery.easing.1.3.js", "/vendor/mustache.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :commit_search_app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/coffee/smart_search.js", "/coffee/commit_search.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :commit_search_vendor_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/vendor/jquery.easing.1.3.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :stats_app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, ["/coffee/stats.js"] pinion.create_bundle :stats_vendor_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, [ "/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.min.js", "/vendor/flot/jquery.flot.pie.min.js" ] pinion.create_bundle :user_settings_app_js, :concatenate_and_uglify_js, ["/coffee/user_settings.js"] end helpers Pinion::SinatraHelpers # Pinion will handle all static routes disable :static set :views, "views" enable :sessions # Session hijacking protection breaks Chrome sessions and offers little protection anyway set :protection, except: :session_hijacking configure :development do STDOUT.sync = true # Flush any output right away when running via Foreman. enable :logging set :show_exceptions, false set :dump_errors, false set :session_secret, COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET if defined?(COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET) GitDiffUtils.setup(RedisManager.redis_instance) error do # Show a more developer-friendly error page and stack traces. content_type "text/plain" error = request.env["sinatra.error"] message = ([error.class, error.message] + error.backtrace).join("\n") puts message message end register Sinatra::Reloader also_reload "lib/*.rb" also_reload "models/*.rb" also_reload "environment.rb" also_reload "resque_jobs/*.rb" end configure :test do set :show_exceptions, false set :dump_errors, false GitDiffUtils.setup(nil) end configure :production do set :logging, Logger::INFO set :session_secret, COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET if defined?(COOKIE_SESSION_SECRET) GitDiffUtils.setup(RedisManager.redis_instance) end # Register the authentication provider specified by AUTHENTICATION_PROTOCOL. AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS = {"openid" => OpenidProvider, "oauth2" => OAuth2Provider } authentication_provider = AUTHENTICATION_PROVIDERS[AUTHENTICATION_PROTOCOL] register authentication_provider helpers do def current_page_if_url(text) request.url.include?(text) ? "currentPage" : "" end def find_commit(repo_name, sha, zero_commits_ok) commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(repo_name, sha) unless commit begin commit = Commit.prefix_match(repo_name, sha, zero_commits_ok) rescue RuntimeError => e halt 404, e.message end end commit end def ensure_required_params(*required_params) required_params.each do |param| unless params[param] && !params[param].strip.empty? message = "Missing required parameter '#{param}'." if content_type == "application/json" halt 400, { :error => message }.to_json else halt 400, message end end end end end before do # When running in read-only demo mode, if the user is not logged in, treat them as a demo user. self.current_user ||= User.find(:email => session[:email]) if current_user.nil? && (defined?(ENABLE_READONLY_DEMO_MODE) && ENABLE_READONLY_DEMO_MODE) self.current_user = User.first(:permission => "demo") current_user.rack_session = session # Setting this to false silences the exception that Sequel generates when we cancel the default save # behavior for demo searches. SavedSearch.raise_on_save_failure = false else SavedSearch.raise_on_save_failure = true end next if UNAUTHENTICATED_ROUTES.any? { |route| request.path =~ /^#{route}/ } if (!defined?(PERMITTED_USERS) || PERMITTED_USERS.empty?) && UNAUTHENTICATED_PREVIEW_ROUTES.any? { |route| request.path =~ /^#{route}/ } next end if current_user halt 401, "This account has been deleted." if current_user.deleted? else # TODO(philc): Revisit this UX. Dumping the user into Google with no explanation is not what we want. # Save url to return to it after login completes. session[:login_started_url] = request.url redirect authentication_provider::signin_url(request, session) end end get("/favicon.ico") { redirect asset_url("favicon.ico") } get("/") { redirect "/commits" } get "/signin" do session.clear session[:login_started_url] = request.referrer redirect authentication_provider::signin_url(request, session) end get "/signout" do session.clear redirect request.referrer end get("/settings") { erb :user_settings } put "/settings/:preference" do preference = params[:preference] if preference == "displayname" = params[:value] elsif ["line_length", "default_to_side_by_side"].include? preference current_user.send :"#{preference}=", params[:value] else halt 400, "Bad preference." end nil end get "/commits" do erb :commit_search, :locals => { :saved_searches => current_user ? current_user.saved_searches : [] } end # get the one commit that the user is looking for. get "/commits/search/by_sha" do ensure_required_params :sha partial_sha = params[:sha] repos = repo_name, sha = repos.each do |repo| commit = find_commit(repo, partial_sha, true) if commit break [repo, commit.sha] end end if sha redirect "/commits/#{repo_name}/#{sha}" else halt 404, "No such sha #{partial_sha}" end end get "/commits/:repo_name/:sha" do MetaRepo.instance.scan_for_new_repos repo_name = params[:repo_name] sha = params[:sha] halt 404, "No such repository: #{repo_name}" unless GitRepo[:name => repo_name] commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(repo_name, sha) unless commit begin commit = Commit.prefix_match(repo_name, sha) rescue RuntimeError => e halt 404, e.message end redirect "/commits/#{repo_name}/#{commit.sha}" end tagged_diff = GitDiffUtils::get_tagged_commit_diffs(repo_name, commit.grit_commit, :use_syntax_highlighting => true) erb :commit, :locals => { :tagged_diff => tagged_diff, :commit => commit } end get "/comment_form" do erb :_comment_form, :layout => false, :locals => { :repo_name => params[:repo_name], :sha => params[:sha], :filename => params[:filename], :line_number => params[:line_number] } end # I'm using POST even though this is idempotent to avoid massive urls. post "/comment_preview" do ensure_required_params :text commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(params[:repo_name], params[:sha]) halt 400, "No such commit." unless commit => params[:text], :commit => commit).filter_text end post "/comment" do if params[:comment_id] comment = validate_comment(params[:comment_id]) comment.text = params[:text] next comment.filter_text end begin comment = create_comment(*[:repo_name, :sha, :filename, :line_number, :text].map { |f| params[f] }) rescue RuntimeError => e halt 400, e.message end erb :_comment, :layout => false, :locals => { :comment => comment } end post "/delete_comment" do comment = validate_comment(params[:comment_id]) comment.destroy nil end post "/approve_commit" do commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(params[:repo_name], params[:commit_sha]) halt 400 unless commit commit.approve(current_user) erb :_approved_banner, :layout => false, :locals => { :commit => commit } end post "/disapprove_commit" do commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(params[:repo_name], params[:commit_sha]) halt 400 unless commit commit.disapprove nil end # Saves changes to the user-level search options. post "/user_search_options" do saved_search_time_period = params[:saved_search_time_period].to_i # TODO(philc): We should move this into the model's validations. current_user.saved_search_time_period = saved_search_time_period nil end # POST because this creates a saved search on the server. post "/search" do MetaRepo.instance.scan_for_new_repos options = {} [:repos, :authors, :messages].each do |option| options[option] = params[option].then { strip.empty? ? nil : strip } end # Paths is a list options[:paths] = params[:paths].to_json if params[:paths] && !params[:paths].empty? # Default to only searching master unless branches are explicitly specified. options[:branches] = params[:branches].else { "master" }.then { self == "all" ? nil : self } saved_search = current_user.new_saved_search(options) erb :_saved_search, :layout => false, :locals => { :current_user => current_user, :saved_search => saved_search, :token => nil, :direction => "before", :page_number => 1 } end # Gets a page of a saved search. # - token: a paging token representing the current page. # - direction: the direction of the page to fetch -- either "before" or "after" the given page token. # - current_page_number: the current page number the client is showing. This page number is for display # purposes only, because new commits which have been recently ingested will make the page number # inaccurate. get "/saved_searches/:id" do MetaRepo.instance.scan_for_new_repos saved_search = current_user.find_saved_search(params[:id].to_i) halt 400, "Bad saved search id." unless saved_search token = params[:token] && !params[:token].empty? ? params[:token] : nil direction = params[:direction] || "before" page_number = params[:current_page_number].to_i + (direction == "before" ? 1 : -1) page_number = [page_number, 1].max erb :_saved_search, :layout => false, :locals => { :current_user => current_user, :saved_search => saved_search, :token => token, :direction => direction, :page_number => page_number } end # Change the order of saved searches. # I'm sure there's a more RESTFUl way to do this call. post "/saved_searches/reorder" do searches = JSON.parse( previous_searches = current_user.saved_searches halt 401, "Mismatch in the number of saved searches" unless searches.size == previous_searches.size previous_searches.each do |search| search.user_order = searches.index( end nil end delete "/saved_searches/:id" do id = params[:id].to_i current_user.delete_saved_search(params[:id].to_i) nil end # Toggles the "unapproved_only" checkbox and renders the first page of the saved search. post "/saved_searches/:id/search_options" do saved_search = current_user.find_saved_search(params[:id].to_i) body_params = JSON.parse( [:unapproved_only, :email_commits, :email_comments].each do |setting| saved_search.send("#{setting}=", body_params[setting.to_s]) unless body_params[setting.to_s].nil? end nil end get "/stats" do # TODO(dmac): Allow users to change range of stats page without logging in. stats_time_range = current_user ? current_user.stats_time_range : "month" since = case stats_time_range when "hour" then - 60 * 60 when "day" then - 60 * 60 * 24 when "week" then - 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 when "month" then - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 when "year" then - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 365 when "all" then else end num_commits = Stats.num_commits(since) erb :stats, :locals => { :num_commits => num_commits, :unreviewed_percent => Stats.num_unreviewed_commits(since).to_f / num_commits, :commented_percent => Stats.num_reviewed_without_lgtm_commits(since).to_f / num_commits, :approved_percent => Stats.num_lgtm_commits(since).to_f / num_commits, :chatty_commits => Stats.chatty_commits(since), :top_reviewers => Stats.top_reviewers(since), :top_approvers => Stats.top_approvers(since) } end post "/set_stats_time_range" do halt 400 unless ["hour", "day", "week", "month", "year", "all"].include? params[:since] current_user.stats_time_range = params[:since] redirect "/stats" end get "/profile/:id" do user = User[params[:id]] halt 404 unless user erb :profile, :locals => { :user => user } end get "/inspire/?" do erb :inspire, :locals => { :quote => } end get %r{/statusz$} do statusz_file = File.join(settings.root, "statusz.html") File.file?(statusz_file) ? send_file(statusz_file) : "No deploy data." end post "/request_review" do next nil if current_user.demo? commit = Commit.first(:sha => params[:sha]) halt 404 unless commit emails = params[:emails].split(",").map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?) Resque.enqueue(DeliverReviewRequestEmails,, commit.sha,, emails) nil end # # Routes for autocompletion. # get "/autocomplete/authors" do users = User.filter("`email` LIKE ?", "%#{params[:substring]}%"). or("`name` LIKE ?", "%#{params[:substring]}%").distinct(:email).limit(10) { :values => { |user| "#{} <#{}>" } }.to_json end get "/autocomplete/repos" do repo_names = {|repo|} { :values =>{ |name| name.include?(params[:substring]) } }.to_json end # Branch autocompletion only works if the query is already scoped to a repo via the "repo:" keyword. get "/autocomplete/branches" do branch_names = repo_names = params[:repos].split(",").map(&:strip) repo_names.each do |repo_name| repo = MetaRepo.instance.get_grit_repo(repo_name) next unless repo repo.remotes.each do |remote| branch_name ="origin/", "") branch_names.add(branch_name) unless branch_name == "HEAD" end end { :values => { |name| name.include?(params[:substring]) }}.to_json end # # Routes used for development purposes. # # For testing and styling emails. # - send_email: set to true to actually send the email for this comment. get "/dev/latest_comment_email_preview" do comment = Comment.order(:id.desc).first next "No comments have been created yet." unless comment Emails.send_comment_email(comment.commit, [comment]) if params[:send_email] == "true" Emails.comment_email_body(comment.commit, [comment]) end # For testing and styling emails. # - send_email: set to true to actually send the email for this commit. # - commit: the sha of the commit you want to preview. get "/dev/latest_commit_email_preview" do commit = params[:commit] ? Commit.first(:sha => params[:commit]) : Commit.order(:id.desc).first next "No commits have been created yet." unless commit Emails.send_commit_email(commit) if params[:send_email] == "true" Emails.commit_email_body(commit) end private def logged_in?() current_user && !current_user.demo? end def create_comment(repo_name, sha, filename, line_number_string, text) commit = MetaRepo.instance.db_commit(repo_name, sha) raise "No such commit." unless commit file = nil if filename && !filename.empty? file = commit.commit_files_dataset.filter(:filename => filename).first file ||= => filename, :commit => commit).save end line_number = (line_number_string && !line_number_string.empty?) ? line_number_string.to_i : nil comment = Comment.create( :commit => commit, :commit_file => file, :line_number => line_number, :user => current_user, :text => text, :has_been_emailed => current_user.demo?) # Don't email comments made by demo users. comment end def validate_comment(comment_id) comment = Comment[comment_id] halt 404, "This comment no longer exists." unless comment halt 403, "Comment not originated from this user." unless == comment end end # These are extra routes. Require them after the main routes and before filters have been defined, so # Sinatra's before filters run in the order you would expect. require "lib/api_routes" require "lib/admin_routes"