source "" gem "rack" gem "sinatra", "~> 1.3.2" gem "rake" # For managing our Ruby load path. gem "pathological" gem "resque" # For writing CSS more conveniently. gem "sass", "~> 3.1.16" # For managing compiling and caching assets gem "pinion" # Really nice scss mixin library. gem "bourbon" # For JS minification gem "uglifier" # We're pulling in our own grit fork with bugfixes. gem "grit", :git => "", :ref => "38d0e6660b78bff97499280fae09a78b087c50b4" gem "faraday" gem "json" gem "sequel" gem "mysql2" gem "thin" gem "pygments.rb" gem "redis" gem "ruby-openid" gem "redcarpet", "= 2.0.0b3" gem "coffee-script" gem "methodchain" gem "sinatra-contrib" # For Sinatra::Reloader # Clockwork is a cron implementation in Ruby. We use it for periodically fetching new commits. gem "clockwork" # For running all of our background processes together from a single developer-friendly command. gem "foreman" # For sending emails. gem "pony" # For rendering erb outside of views. gem "tilt" # For generating unified diffs gem "diff-lcs" # For validating repo uris gem "addressable" # For nicely indented heredocs gem "dedent" # For making exception backtraces more friendly during development. gem "backtrace_shortener" # For running our app in production, using multiple workers. gem "unicorn" # for templates that can be rendered client and server side gem "mustache" # For executing javascript inside Ruby (for compiling coffeescript). gem "therubyracer" # For scripting system setup. gem "terraform" gem "nokogiri" gem "fezzik" group :test do # NOTE(caleb): require rr >= 1.0.3 and scope >= 0.2.3 for mutual compatibility gem "rr", ">= 1.0.3" gem "scope", ">= 0.2.3" gem "rack-test" end group :development do gem "awesome_print" gem "statusz" # For the deploy information status page end