because our first commits never have parents
I bet your parents taught you that you mean something, that you're here for a reason. My parents taught me a different lesson, dying in the gutter for no reason at all... They taught me the world only makes sense if you force it to.
-- batman
English | Français
🌎 i18n ready
🧽 eslint
🦕 Deno Edge Functions with Simple GitHub Secrets
🦀 Tauri for Native Development
Use solid-query
npx degit olgam4/bat my-bat-mobile
cd my-bat-mobile
pnpm i # If you are not already an avid pnpm-er, I really do suggest you give it a try !
Create a repo from this template
- Change the author name in
- Change the favicon in
- Remove the
- Add deno project name and token to Secrets
- Clean up the READMEs and remove routes
Simply run and open localhost:3000
pnpm dev --open
Building uses vite and solid-start
pnpm build
Host a server to ping your build preview (requires build
pnpm start
Try and find new minors, majors and bugfixes with taze
pnpm deps
There is a very stripped-down eslint, which you can use
pnpm lint
First build your app
docker build . -t bat:latest
Then mount it using docker run
docker run -it --init -p 3000:3000 bat:latest
This project uses Tauri 🦀 to build native apps.
pnpm tauri dev
pnpm tauri build
This repo is inspired by 🏕 antfu/vitesse