- integrate registration methods.
- add roi viewing/editing to gui (viewing done)
- add conditions to info server
- fix incremental GLM (DONE)
- look into image saving (DONE)
- allow spec of input data ids in module names
- adapt ace logger framework to allow writing to files and screen simultaneously.
- provide nice interface for logging
- add auto logging code to processing
- work on serial/parallel processing dependencies
- allow easier accessing of data produced earlier in a stream
- consider eliminating distinction between preprocessing, analysis, and postprocessing
- enforce directory structure (make structure as well)
- make standardized interface to serialize data using XML.
- clean up setInfo parts of RtActivation and RtMaskImage (for creation based on geometry of other images)
- add interator type interface for mask image
- convert to nii image representation
- convert all numerics to vxl
- enforce data persistence accounting
- make sure all non-persistent data cleaned up after stream completion
- develop flexible, efficient method for retreiving persistent data (hashing?). make available to gui and info server as well
- also develop either method for unique ids for each data instance or iterator method to choose like data
- think about id stuff (make id strings consistent ‘-‘,’_’, etc.)
- add nifti reading/writing (DONE)
- add (un)mosaic
- fill out functionality in RtDataImage.h and turn it into a .txx
- roi
- RtMaskImage has duplicated functionality to handle RtMRIImage and RtActivation
- cox (1995) accumulative correlation (DONE, but sux)
- indiv voxel least squares solver (DONE, but adapt to voxel unspecific calcs)
- gembris (2000) sliding window correlation
- kalman filter (rouche 2004)
- hinds (2008) single image correlation first implementation done. method needs to be extended to allow arbitrary contrasts
- add baseline scans at beginning to let stabilize (DONE)
- roi activation (DONE)
- roi-based spatial subtraction (DONE)
- completely general ROI sum arithmetic
- hooks for external apps
- motion correction
- intensity normalization
- registration
- brain mask computation (DONE)
- fix Nan problem
- setting up stim schedule
- add conditions to infoserver
- overlay (z-scores on epi) (DONE, but need fixed)