This is an example of a custom sink module using the Spring Integration Redis outbound channel adapter to save messages to a Redis collection. This is built and packaged for installation in a Spring XD runtime environment using maven. The project includes unit and integration tests and illustrates how to define module options using simple property descriptors.
In order to install the module and run it in your Spring XD installation, you will need to have installed:
- Spring XD version 1.1.x (Instructions)
This implements a Spring XD sink module using an existing Spring Integration outbound channel adapter. A simple integration test sends a message to the module's input
channel and verifies the message payload is saved to the specified Redis collection.
$ mvn clean package
The project's pom declares spring-xd-module-parent
as its parent. This adds the dependencies needed to test the module and also configures the Spring Boot Maven Plugin to package the module as an uber-jar, packaging any dependencies that are not already provided by the Spring XD container. In this case, the uber-jar must export spring-integration-redis
since it is not a native Spring XD dependency. See the Modules section in the Spring XD Reference for a more detailed explanation of module class loading.
$./gradlew clean test bootRepackage
The project's build.gradle applies the spring-xd-module
plugin, providing analagous build and packaging support for gradle. This plugin also applies the Spring Boot Gradle Plugin as well as the propdeps plugin.
The jar will be in [project-build-dir]/redis-store-sink-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar
. To install and register the module to your Spring XD distribution, use the module upload
Spring XD shell command. Start Spring XD and the shell:
_____ __ _______
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| | __/ |
|_| |___/
eXtreme Data
1.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT | Admin Server Target: http://localhost:9393
Welcome to the Spring XD shell. For assistance hit TAB or type "help".
xd:>module upload --file [path-to]/redis-store-sink-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar --name redis-store --type sink
Successfully uploaded module 'sink:redis-store'
You can also get information about the available module options:
xd:>module info sink:redis-store
Information about sink module 'redis-store':
Option Name Description Default Type
----------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------
host the host name for the Redis store localhost String
port the port for the Redis store 6379 Integer
collection the name of the list ${} String
inputType how this module should interpret messages it consumes <none> MimeType
Now create and deploy a stream:
xd:>stream create redisTest --definition "http | redis-store" --deploy
and post some data to the stream:
xd:>http post --target http://localhost:9000 --data hello
You can verify the data is stored using the Redis CLI:
$ redis cli> lrange redisTest 0 -1
1) "hello"