World Computer Exchange (WCE) is a volunteer organization, located in Hull, Massachusetts, USA. The primary mission of WCE is to refurbish and reuse computers in developing countries. See for more details.
When a donated computer arrives, the volunteers first physically clean and assess the computer. We call this process triaging. For hardware, volunteers replace or install components as needed based on the triage. In order to streamline and have consistent decisions about the state of computer, we use software to gather information.
Since WCE ships the computers with Ubuntu as OS, it makes sense to run Ubuntu to triage.
This package is designed around running a minimal Ubuntu/Linux, and gather computer states, and displays the triage information. Let's call it Triage App. Triage app also restores disk image to computer disk, and creates disk image from the computer's disk as well.
When the game day comes (normally once or twice a month), volunteers gather up at WCE HQ in Hull. After a huddle (well, briefing), volunteers split up to assigned tasks. The main task is about tiraging the incoming computers, gather the specs of computer, and if needed, repair the computer. Once the computer becomes operational, QA person inspects the computer, and when it's all good, the computer is marked as "Ready to ship", and goes into a warehouse.
The computer needs to meet certain criterias. For example, the size of harddrive, CPU speed, memory size have to meet or exceed the required specs. Some volunteers may or may not be aware of such requirements. By providing a software for this process, the result becomes uniform. WCE Triage's first use is to catalog the specs of given computer and present the information. The triage process also doubles as a brief health check of computer.
Here is an example of Triage info display.
For the operation of WCE, there are 4 categories of computers involved.
- Desktop client - this is the product we produce
- Triaging computer - this is a computer being triaged by the WCE voluteers using Triage app. The computer will be a desktop client when it passes the test, repaired or salvaged.
- Network Server - this is a Ubuntu/Linux server that is capable of running Triage app on PXE booted client over network, and thus allows PXE booted Desktop clients to install the disk image over network. Typically, this is a head-less server that is used during the game day.
- Workstation - this is a Ubuntu/Linux desktop that is used for authoring WCE contents and disk images. The workstation is also a Network Server as well. This allows us to check out the disk image created immediately by connecting a desktop client to the workstation. Typically, this is a Ubuntu desktop computer used for imaging disks and creating contents off-game day.
Kind of redundant title but bare with me. You can boot the triage app from disk, CD/DVD, USB flash drive or over the network using PXE boot. In the end, it runs the wce-triage and wce-kiosk services. wce-triage service is the backend to gather the specs of computer, and wce-kiosk is the web browser to fetch the specs and presents it in a SPA. (Single Page Application)
Triage app's second and could be most important part of functionality is to produce cloned disks. This is also known as Loading image or Restoring image. This is simlar to restroing a backup to a disk. (Essentially restore with some tweaks.)
The disk image is based on partclone package. The triage-app partitions the disk, installs the disk image to a partition, updates /etc/fstab
with parition UUIDs, generates a new hostname, updates /etc/default/grub
and run update-grub
and update-initramfs
Triage app can create the disk image from existing disk as well. This is called Creating disk image or Saving image.
In order to load/save disk image, there are following ways.
- Offline - Have a running Ubuntu, and load disk image to non-system disk.
- Boot from USB stick - Boot minimul Ubuntu from USB, and load the diks image on the USB stick.
- Network boot - PXE boot, NFS mount the root file system, and download the disk image on NFS or HTTP server.
Triage app contains a setup script for Network server and workstation. For example, setup script for Workstation installs all necessary Ubuntu and Python packages, prepares the disk image directories, installs dnsmasq for PXE boot, inetd/tftp server for network boot, kernel NFS server for client's NFS booting, etc. This does not involve the web UI. You can run the command python3 -m wce_triage.setup.setup_workstation
to set up a workstation computer and it installs necessary packages.
python3 -m wce_triage.setup.setup_network_server
sets up the network server. Note that, this changes the network completely, installs dnsmasq for PXE boot. Once this is done, connecting network sever to your local network is a disaster for the network. This is designed for an island network and the server provides PXE/DHCP/TFTP/NFS/HTTP for client computers. The client computers can then run the triage app, or use disk imaging to install the disk image to local harddisk over the network.
Once Triage app runs, go to "Load Disk" tab, select the source disk image, and a disk to load. Click "Load". Operation is the same on both USB based Triage app or network based. When you choose the source, the restore type is automatically chosen, and generally you should not change the restore type. (See Disk Image Directories for the details.)
If USB flash drive has enough storage space, it's possible to restore disk of the desktop client.
Once Triage app runs on Workstation, or Network server, go to "Create Disk Image" tab, chose the source disk, and choose the disk image type. For Ubuntu 18.04LTS based computer, you must choose "WCE Ubuntu 18.04LTS". For older versions of Ubuntu, choose "WCE Ubuntu 16.04LTS".
"Triage USB flash drive" is for the disk image of USB sticks and not for desktop clients.
As the triage app contains the setup script for workstation, it requires to install Python3 pip, and install "wce_triage" Python package on the computer. The setup script is exptected to run on freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04LTS desktop (or WCE's desktop client.)
$ sudo -H apt install -y python3-pip --no-install-recommends $ sudo -H pip3 install --no-cache-dir -i --no-deps wce_triage
From the terminal, once this is done, run following command.
$ python3 -m wce_triage.setup.setup_workstation
Similary for Network server, run python3 -m wce_triage.setup.setup_network_server. Once again, this is expected to run on freshly installed Ubuntu 18.04LTS server with only OpenSSH server isntalled during installation. If you already have installed dnsmasq with your own settings, or lighttpd server, etc., you should avoid running the set up script as it overwrites the config files. There is no config back up or any of precautions included. You are warned.
This is the insturctions of creating USB stick that runs Triage app. This is NOT for setting up a general Ubuntu.
Since the Triage app can load the triage app disk image to USB stick, this is not often practiced. Bootstrapping is hard, and knowledge must be kept somewhere. In the future (very likely year 2020 for Ubuntu 20.04LTS), I have to do this again.
Ubuntu 22.04LTS stopped booting this method, and the server verion with minimal installation became small enough. There is not a lof of reason to use mini.iso.
'Create Installer' utility of Ubuntu does not work for mini.iso. This is likely because mini.iso does not contain full packages that Create Installer cannot detect the mini.iso.
- For Mac:
- Use balenaEtcher. This macOS app works and probably the simplest.
- For Linux:
- Most likely, "dd" works. Find out the USB stick device and dd if=mini.iso of=/dev/<USB_STICK_DEVICE> bs=1M
Disk can be an external disk, USB stick, etc. I recommend using a normal disk (or SSD) to make it faster rather than USB stick. Boot from mini.iso bootable and install minimal. Machine name is "wcetriage". User name/password is "triage/triage".
Once installation is done, boot into the installed system. One way or the other, you need to get network going. mini.iso is bare-bone (on purpose.)
Here is what you can do:
if you have an ethernet, use it. First, find out the ethernet device name.:
$ ip addr
Usually, "lo" is the loopback device and first. 2nd and on is the network device.:
create netplan file:
$ sudo mkdir /run/netplan
Using text editor, create a netplan file as follow. Indentation is critical to netplan so this should look exactly as follow:
#/run/netplan/bootstrap.yaml file example # network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: <YOUR-DEVICE-HERE>: dhcp4: yes optional: yes
start network:
$ sudo netplan generate $ sudo netplan apply
$ sudo -H apt install -y python3-pip --no-install-recommends $ sudo -H pip3 install --no-cache-dir -i --no-deps wce_triage
At this point, if you want to switch over to use WIFI instead of ethernet, you can do so by:
$ sudo -H python3 -m wce_triage.bin.start_network
This module scans the network devices and runs netplan. If you want to use WIFI, set up a guest network as follow:
SSID: wcetriage Wifi password: thepasswordiswcetriage
You can use your existing network.:
$ export TRIAGE_SSID=<YOUR-SSID> $ export TRIAGE_PASSWORD=<YOUR-WIFI-PASSWORD> $ sudo -H python3 -m wce_traige.bin.start_network
"wcetriage" - is used for testing WIFI device during WCE's triage. In other word, if you have a wifi router with wcetriage/thepasswordiswcetriage, running triage software automatically connects to the wifi router thus it tests the WIFI device.
$ python3 -m wce_triage.setup.setup_triage_system
You should run this from terminal. It probably asks you some questions. Answer appropriately. For grub installation, install to the disk device you booted. Once the set up script has done it's job, the disk is bootable and ready for the triage.
Since the setup script is still weak - meaning that, it may fail for many and unknown reasons. Please let me know by filing bug at the project bug report.
Now, how-to part is done. Let's get into the technical part of Triage app.
Triae app is made out of two pieces - the backend "WCE Triage" which is the engine part of operations, and Triage UI which is Web based user interface. This exercises major parts of desktop client. It runs same Xorg X-server, Pulseaudio server, so if any major component is missing such as incompatible video card or missing sound driver on Ubuntu, we will catch it.
It also allows us to run the same Triage app on workstation for disk imaging and loading disk image from the web browser already on the workstation.
The core of WCE triage is written in Python3. The reason is that, the mini.iso/base system of Ubuntu 18.04LTS includes Python3 so to not increase the footprint, Python3 is a natural choice. The source code is available at (This readme is part of it.) The details are in the latter part of this document.
The front-end UI uses React.js, and the source is available at For the details, please refer the project document. it's developed on Mac by me at the moment, and quite crude. The release build does not require anything extra from internet, and HTTP server in wce-triage handles the requests.
The package provides following features:
- Triage information gathering and decision making
- Initialize/partition triage USB stick
- Initialize/partition disk for WCE's computers
- Create disk image from partition (aka image disk)
- Load disk image to partition (aka load/restore disk)
- Wipe disk by zero fill (no other methods provided as of now)
- Make usb stick/disk bootable
- HTTP server for WCE Kiosk web browser
In the source tree, there are following directories, "bin", "components", "http", "lib", "ops", "setup".
Each file here represents the major component of computer. During triage, each component gathers info on the machine. "computer" component works as the clearing house/storage of components.
The files here are the back end of disk operations. The real details of design will have to wait for documenting the source code. For now, each "task" represents each step of disk operation, and "task runner" or "runner" runs these tasks in sequence to do the disk operations. For example, to partition a disk, "partition runner" creates all necessary tasks and runs it. A task in it runs "parted" to partition the disk, "fetch" to read the parition map, "refresh" to get the partition information, and "mkfs" task runs mkfs command for the partitions. Some of more "difficult" operation such as reading compressed disk image and restoring it to disk is written as a standalone command in "bin" directory, and a task runs the "bin" to complete the task.
The design of task and task runner can be discussed and critiqued to no end but braking down small operations into task so far was a real winner as I can assemble the tasks in different ways for different application and yet I don't need to write same operations twice.
There is only one file in this. The server is based on aiohttp package that uses Python's asyncio.
Once the backend's functionalities are implemented and tested, wiring up the functionality such as create disk image is pretty straightforward. However, as aiohttp being coroutine, you need to care what operation is blocking. For example, Python's standard "time.sleep()" halts entire process, or looping on reading file blocks other http request. To make this to work, you need to dive into many different Python libraries. If the code looks simple, I've done a good job.
- It boots a minimalistic Ubuntu Linux.
- When it boots, it starts two services "wce-triage" and "wce-kiosk" as described above.
Information gathering of individual component is in each python module in wce_triage/components, except computer/Computer. Currently, following components are implemented. - - - - - - - - -
The module name says pretty much what it is. Disk and network are somewhat special as the rest of wce-triage uses the instances of disk and network during not just triaging but imaging/restoring partclone image as well as starting network during triage.
Computer module collects the components' information and makes the triage decision. The criteria of triage is decided by WCE.
In order to make things "simple" and consistent, I designed a simple structure for the disk image. The disk images are stored in /usr/local/share/wce/wce-disk-images. Under the directory, there are subdirectories. For now, conventions are "triage", "wce-16" and "wce-18". "triage" is for Triage USB image, "wce-16" for Ubuntu 16.04LTS and older, and "wce-18" for Ubuntu 18.04LTS and newer.
The reason Ubuntu16.04 and 18.04 have to be separted is based on the EXT4 file system is not backward compatible. When you mkfs EXT4 partition for Ubuntu 16.04 on 18.04 machine, you need to pass down an option to not use "metadat_csum". If not, Ubuntu 16.04LTS disk loaded on EXT4+metadata_csum cannot boot.
You can have arbitary subdirectory under "wce-disk-images". So, we start producing Ubuntu 20.04LTS, we'd create "wce-20" (or any other name).
In the subdirectory, each subdirectory must contain a disk image metadata. For this, you need to create a file named ".disk_image_type.json".
Here is the actual example of it in "wce-16".:
{ "id": "wce-16", "filestem": "wce-mate16", "name": "WCE Ubuntu 16.04LTS", "timestamp": true, "ext4_version": "1.42", "partition_map": "gpt"}
The "id" shall match with the subdirectory name. (It probalby works even if it doesn't but that's the convention.) This is a tag that the web browser uses for disk image type ID. "filestem" is used when you create a disk image. So, if you create a disk image in this directory, the file name starts with "wce-mate16". "timestamp" should be always true to ID when the disk image is created. The disk image creation app always adds the file system in its name as well. "ext4_version" is the one mentioned above. By declaring the ext4_version (which is actually the version number of libext4, I think), the partition task adds necessary mkfs option for Ubuntu 16.04 even if it's running on 18.04.
For wce-18, ext4_version is 1.44.
With the locations well known, httpsever easily finds all of disk images with it's metadata, and sends it up to web browser. Also, when you create a disk image, the image name is always consistent, and stored in well known location.
It's not difficult to have different "wce-disk-images" directory, and as a matter of fact, if you mount a different disk and there is a directory right below the mount point, httpserver will find it as well for loading. However, for creating image, it's always stored in "/usr/local/share/wce/wce-disk-images/FOO".
Tag | Type | Value | Example |
id | string | ID of this disk image type. Should be same as the parent directory. | wce-18 |
filestem | string | Leading part of file name for creating image | wce-mate18 |
name | string | Descriptive name for user | WCE Mate 18.04LTS |
timestamp | boolean | timestamp added for the image file | true |
efi_image | string | file name of the EFI parition. | .efi-512M.fat32.partclone.gz |
partition_map | string | "gpt", "msdos" | gpt |
hostname | string | Host name after the installation | wce |
randomize_hostname | bool | Add random suffix to host name | false |
cmdline | json | See cmdline description below | { "splash": "_REMOVE_" } |
cmdline is a json (or python's attrib) that can be augmented with existing cmdline available in /etc/default/grub
file. For example,
{ "id": "wce-18", "filestem": "wce-mate18", "name": "WCE Ubuntu 18.04LTS", "timestamp": true, "efi_image": ".efi-512M.fat32.partclone.gz", "partition_map": "gpt", "hostname": "wce", "randomize_hostname": true, "cmdline": { "acpi_enforce_resources": "lax" , "nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us": "5500" } }
Here "acpi_enforce_resource=lax nvme_core.default_ps_max_latency_us=5500" is added to the _CMDLINE for boot flags. The value "_REMOVE_" is special, and when this is present, the tag/value is removed from the cmdline.
The setup script does the servers set up but there are two important ingredients missing. One is the kernel/initrd for initial boot, and the NFS root directory for the desktop client. For the former, you need "/var/lib/netboot" directory sufficiently stuffed. "setup/" should take care of this part.
2nd ingredients is the root file system. /var/lib/netclient/wcetriage_x32
, /var/lib/netclient/wcetriage_amd64
need to be filled by the "triage disk". With working triage USB stick (or disk) in hand, you need to mount the disk, and rsync everything from the triage disk to the "wcetriage_amd64" directory. NFS server serves this directory as NFS root for client to use.
There is one thing however, needs to pay attention which is that the NFS mount needs to be mentioned in /var/lib/netclient/wcetriage_amd64/etc/fstab
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 # rw and ro # #none /rw tmpfs defaults 0 0 # /ro nfs soft,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,proto=tcp,nolock 0 0 # none /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0 none /var/run tmpfs defaults 0 0 none /var/lock tmpfs defaults 0 0 none /var/tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0 # /usr/local/share/wce/wce-disk-images nfs soft,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,proto=tcp,nolock 0 0
For triage app to run on USB stick or NFS mounted root which is read-only, it needs to run using "unionfs" - aka aufs. What this does is to layer a file system over other file system. The base layer (read-only) is accesed if upper layer (writable and memory based tempfs) doesn't have the file, and if a file is modified or created, it stays on the upper layer.
To this to work, initrd file contains a script to set up the aufs by creating tempfs, moving read-only file system to "/ro", and mount the aufs as root "/" file system. If you do not recreate (aka update) the initrd without this script, this does not work. triage.setup.setup_FOO installs the script and updates initrd file. If you use a stock initrd, this brakes down. If you are curious, you can take a look at the script for initrd. wce-triage-v2/wce_triage/setup/patches/server/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-bottom/__rootaufs is the shell script for this. Same copy is included for triage and workstation, but not in the desktop client for obvious reason.
In order for network server to work properly, you have to manually configure the network interface (for now). This is because the network server (and workstation as well) need to prohibit offering DHCP on the NIC that is connected to your network. For PXE to work, it needs to have it's own subnet/separate network from your LAN, or else your LAN would be totally confused by more than one DHCP server running, and one of them is this destructive Triage app server. In some near future, I am thinking about the network setting to be done on the Triage web as well, but until I get there, you need to manually edit /etc/dnsmasq.conf and /etc/netplan/foo.yaml for your network hardware.
If you'd like to see a template for netplan.yaml file, you can run python3 -m wce_triage.lib.netplan. It should print a few examples of .yaml file.