- Make first letter in the paragraph larger then the rest?
- Change background colour of every second paragraph to e.g. grey
Build a publishing web page that will have following elements:
- title
- navigation
- sections (as a topics for the blog e.g. technology, food recipes, ...)
- articles
- side bar (with information about you)
- footer
Apply following:
- media queries; For for finding breakpoints you can reference article MEDIA QUERIES FOR COMMON DEVICE BREAKPOINTS. Please make sure that this page is correctly displayed on at least:
- laptops
- iPad
- iPhone
- responsive grid made with float left
- flex box look at css tricks article
You can, but don't have to use below layout:
- Fork this repository. You can follow instructions in the article and let us know on Slack if you have any troubles.
- Write code for the blog. Use index.html, style.css, pictures, or other assets. You can use mockup of the page on the image above. You can extend existing index.html and style.css or use your own.
- When you are finished, submit Pull Request.
What is javascript? Watch video
Complete exercises on sololearn up to module 3.